Vegas - I

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An ocean of lights stretched out beneath them, as far as their eyes could see. Flashing billboards and large screens brightened up the night sky in a multitude of colors, pulling them in like moths to a flame.

Laurent was practically glued to the window of the airplane, the sparkling glow of the city reflected in his pupils as he fogged up the glass with his breath. He blindly reached for his brother's leg, tugging on his jeans. "Larry, look."

Laurent sent a glance over his shoulder only to find his twin engulfed in his phone, just like he'd been for the past three hours or so. "Larry!" he snapped.

Larry barely even looked up long enough to frown at him. "What?"

"We're almost there. You should take a look."

"I'll see it in a few minutes when we get off the plane."

Laurent rolled his eyes. Ever since they had left Paris, Larry had acted as though this trip to the US wasn't important to him. And it was really starting to piss Laurent off. "You still mad at me?"

"You still a secretive asshole who makes plans without telling me?" Larry muttered. He had been texting with his girlfriend non-stop ever since they left home.

Laurent sighed. "We used to dream about this, remember? Going to America, making a name for ourselves. And now that we finally have the chance, you suddenly don't want to?"

"You said we would go on a vacation."

"We are!" Laurent protested. "We're still gonna do things that are fun, nothing's changed."

"Except that we'll try out for a casting show that's being shot here in the states!"

"And?" Laurent asked, his voice rising with frustration. He just couldn't understand why Larry was so upset about this. If everything went well, this was their chance to make their final breakthrough. If they played their cards right, they could become internationally known and that was something both oft hem have always wanted.

"And that means this trip isn't a vacation but it's work, Laurent. I mean, what else did you schedule into our trip, huh? A visit at the French embassy to get our papers fixed? A viewing of apartments? When were you going to tell me about this?"

"It's just a goddamn casting!" Laurent snapped. "Stop getting all worked up about it."

Larry shook his head and finally put his phone away, seemingly done with the conversation.

The plane was crowded, everyone having gotten up to get their luggage from the overhead compartments and Laurent waited fort he crowd to start shifting toward the exit before he followed his brother into the now emptying isles.

They didn't talk much on their way out oft he airport.

Or in the cab to their hotel.

That night they went out to one of Vegas' most well-known dance clubs and left a part of their souls on the dance floor. Laurent would never forget the atmosphere at that club, the way the crowd had cheered for them, the way the air had vibrated and pulsed with everyone's energy. For a couple of hours they were back to themselves, to being happy, to just trying to kill each other on the dance floor. They had finally made it to the land of opportunity and they could both feel it deep in their bones, the way people looked at them here, the way they got talked to and approached by everyone. It was eery. It was like they suddenly had the potential to be more than just two boys from the streets with a passion for dancing. Like their dancing wasn't weird and different, but special. Like they could do anything and go anywhere and live up to their greatest potential. Even within the first couple of hours in the club, they got approached by one photographer and a couple of fashion gurus who just so happened to have watched them from their VIP areas. Business cards got traded, numbers exchanged, names got dropped in conversation. They'd only been here for a day and people were already more welcoming to them than their own hood had ever been. This was what Laurent had meant when he'd said they'd go big or go home. This was their jump-start into fame. If they wanted to become internationally known, this was the way to go.

You And Me - A Collection of Les Twins One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now