~ Chapter 22 ~

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(A/N I am dumb, so I don't know any other meals that isn't pizza, eggs, and pasta. Sorry)

      Spending time with the family Midoriya had recently moved in with, held its... Problems? Issues? Corrections? It's safe to say it was a hard adjustment.
  Midoriya has a mental schedule, err- had, a mental schedule that he would follow to a T. But with the recent changes, his schedule was a mess. That was one of the reasons his stay there didn't go too well for the first few days, the worst being the 2nd day.

(1st day was his arrival,l and the day he was introduced to the rest of the "Yamazawa" family)

    Midoriya woke up slowly and slightly confused, "Did I wake up before my alarm?" He grumbled quietly. Midoriya yawned and stumbled across the other side of the bed to find his phone.

8:47 was the time on the phone

      Midoriya eyes went wide, "8 o'clock?!" He said panicked. "No no no no no ..." He crawled off his bed and hastily put on some slippers one of Aizawa's kids gave him.
His morning routine was something he never would never want to be interrupted, but it was on this day.

    After he left his room he went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower.

Brushed teeth: ✅
Nice shower: ❌

The water was cold. Extremely. cold.

    Midoriya shivered as he did his shower tasks. 'Why is the water so cold' he thought multiple times. Once he got out of the shower he sat on the floor, in a towel, and sulked. His routine was messed up and he needed some time to collect himself.

Knock knock

"Midoriya?" someone called from the other side of the door

    Midoriya groaned and rolled his eyes. "Go away, I want to get dressed in peace. Talk to me later." He sat up from the floor grabbing his shirt and some bandages he had found under the sink.

"Uh, sorry." Hizashi said, "Just wanted to say that there's breakfast downstairs, so whenever your ready come down and eat."

" 'kay, now go away!"

    He crossed his arms and closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. "This is fine, it's fine. Everything is fine. Don't cry, it's fine, you don't need to cry." Midoriya thought repeatedly while on the verge of tears. As he kept taking deep breaths he heard his guardian, Mic, walk away. Was that seriously all Mic wanted, he disturbed Midoriya's quiet time just to talk about breakfast, couldn't that wait until after he got dressed?
    Midoriya stood up, wrapped his injuries, and started to get dressed, "This has not been a very good day."

     Once he went downstairs and ate breakfast Midoriya felt a little better, not too much but enough for him to not want to stab another person that pisses him off.

"Maybe I should stab kacchan?" He mumbled, putting his finished plate in the sink.

    "Who is kacchan? And why are we stabbing them?"

"Eh?! Wha-" Midoriya turned around, startled, not expecting someone to be behind him.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." One of Aizawa's kids' said.

    Midoriya instantly recognized the woman. A pro hero, named Hellcat, was standing before him. He did not meet this person the day before, he knew who she was but nothing about what she was doing here. But who cares about that when Midoriya is the biggest nerd about heroes?

"You're Hellcat! You're a pro hero! Can I have your autograph? Do you do autographs? If you don't can you tell me about your quirk? How does it feel when you get all big and dragon-like?!" Midoriya bounced from heel to heel with excitement, his hands moving along with it.

    "Uh, hey," Ryuu waved, "Yeah, I'm hellcat. I wouldn't mind giving you an autograph. And, maybe, I could tell you about my quirk another time. Ya'know when it's not, like, 9 o'clock in the morning?"

Midoriya stopped his little movements, "Oh, right, yeah. That's, that makes sense."

    Ryuu smiled and chuckled, "You are one weird kid," she joked, "So, who's this kacchan kid?"

Midoriya's eyebrows raised, he took a deep breath before starting his ramble. "Kacchan? Who's kacchan? I don't know kacchan. And I'm definitely not gonna stab him! Why would I stab him? His not stab worthy- uh.. erm at least I don't think so, I don't know him. He's not anybody- not of - any - sorts of.. importance, to me." He slowed his ramble when he noticed that the hero wasn't even paying attention.

    Ryuu had turned the stove on and was in the process of making something, "oh no, go on." She looked to Midoriya and smiled.

"This is strange." Midoriya thought. Not going back to talking about Bakugou.
    "Welp if you're not gonna talk about this "kacchan" guy, then let's talk about something else. Names Ryuu, I'm Eraserheads daughter. I've been working on a case and he's helping me with the legal stuff so I can finally try and arrest the guy I've been studying." Ryuu explained, looking back to the food she was making.

When Midoriya didn't say anything she started talking again, "You must be Midoriya. Dad said I might see you around. You're staying here till they find someone to foster you, right?"

"Mhm," Midoriya looked around the kitchen for a moment, "I gotta go." He said before running off and going upstairs.
    "Oh, nice to meet you too. I guess." Ryuu shrugged and went back to her food.

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