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He killed himself, finally, after all of his failed attempts he really did it. Wait, no, that's wrong. Izuku Midoriya is not dead and he didn't kill himself. Are you confused? Yeah, he is to.

When Midoriya woke up he immediately sat up straight and looked around the room he was in, panicking. "What? No, shit, no no no no no." He recognized the room he was in, he's been here before..?

The door opened slightly and Midoriya could hear the person who opened the door talking to someone else down the hall, "I'll come find you when I have a moment, sorry, my patient is insistent on getting as much attention as possible." The woman said, the annoyance clear in her voice. She said goodbye and walked into the room.

"Oh, your awake?" She grabbed the chart from the end of Midoriya's hospital bed, "I  truly sorry, Izuku, my assistant wasn't supposed to take you off the medication until later today."

"Yavana." His body trembled and he flinched when Yavana moved to take out his IV. She pulled her hands back and sighed before sitting on the bed as she folded her hand in her lap.

"We've been over this, Izuku, I am here to help you. I am your therapist not your father."

Midoriya glared at her, "I know your not-"

Yavana cut him off, "No, we decided that this was the cause. Don't be naive." Midoriya hung his head low and apologized. "Good, your learning. Progress is progress, no matter how little." She smiled.

"I thought I was somewhere else, and that something I wanted to happen, happened. Was it another nightmare?" Midoriya asked.

      Yavana shook her head, "I had you sedated. You see, your mother's death made you incredibly violent, you wouldn't listen to reason. You even attacked one of the workers here. Izuku, I don't know what you saw yet, but I can tell you that none of it was really.
           You are fifteen. You live in a psychiatric level of a hospital and have been for the past four years. You were admitted after killing your father and three months after that the state declared you legally insane. Do you understand, Izuku? You are a danger to others. If your dream was real you would have killed the people you were with. You are a psychotic murderer. And I am Yavana Uchi, your therapist."

"I saw my mother's body. I met people who wanted to be my friends. I was happy. I want to go back to that, please, I-I don't want to be alone again! I can't be alone again." Midoriya stuttered, he pulled his knees to his head, putting himself in a ball, and started crying. "It has to be real. It has to be..."

But It wasn't.

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