🌸 ~ Mental Health Therapy Session ~ 🌸

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Izuku is 11 years old and this is his first therapy session since he killed his father.

    Izuku sat on the couch waiting for his therapist to come and see him. Izuku had quirk restraining cuffs on to make sure of the therapist's safety.
    Izuku doesn't need them though, he doesn't have a quirk, but he just guessed they made a mistake and didn't know he was quirkless.

    "Knock knock. Can I come in?" A female voice asked as she knocked on the door.
    "Uh... Yeah. You can come in." Izuku said before the door opened and revealed a woman with long red hair, blue eyes, and a freckled(?) face.

    She stepped inside the room followed by two officers, before sitting down on the chair in front of Izuku.
  The officers moved across the room to stand on either side of the couch Izuku is sitting on.

    "Hello there, My name is Yavana Uchi. You are Izuku, correct? Izuku Midoriya?" Yavana asked Izuku.
    Izuku nodded his head, "Y-Yeah, that's me." He mumbled.

    "Great! That means I have the right room!" Yavana smiled, "Anyway, you can call me Mrs. Yavana. I'm going to be your mental health therapist. It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku."
    Izuku nodded as a response. Not saying a word.

    Worry crossed Yavana's face, so she asked the question she has asked all of her patients. "Why are you here?"
    She knows the answer. She always knows the answer to that question. But she always asks it anyway, so she can view how her patients look at the issue.

    Izuku stayed silent for a moment. Contemplating how to say it, and make it appear that he is the victim, not his father.
    "I stabbed a bad man. I killed him." Izuku said bluntly.

    "Oh." Yavana gasped quietly. Not surprised at the murder, but surprised at how Izuku said it. Yavana, now realizing exactly what Izuku's perspective is, smiled and told him exactly what he wanted to hear, even though that is not what Yavana believes.
    "I understand. You kill your legal male parent in self-defense. You did nothing wrong." Yavana gave Izuku a warm smile.

    Yavana had to refrain from calling Hisashi Midoriya Izuku's father because the last people that said that all got either attacked or yelled at by Izuku.
    Izuku was not happy with people calling that abusive monster his father.

    "Tell me, how did you feel when you stabbed the "bad man" hm? Did you... enjoy it?" Yavana asked.
    "Enjoy it? I didn't enjoy it. No? No. I-I... I just wanted him gone."

    Izuku was confused. How did he feel about killing Hisashi Midoriya?

    "Gone? Do you mean dead?" Yavana asked. Izuku thought for a moment, "Yes."

    "So you wanted him dead. Sorry to say deary, but that's not what someone thinks when they hurt someone in self-defense. No. This was murder." Yavana stated.

    Izuku's eyes widened as his head sprung up. "No!" He shouted.

    "Yes. You murdered your own father and now you're playing the victim."

"He isn't my father! I-I didn't murder him!"

    "You lied about being abused and now you're lying about how you murdered your father in cold blood just because you could."

    "I'm not- I-I didn't!" Izuku started to get frantic, tears welled up in his eyes, and poured down his face.

    "You're a murderer. A nightmare. A raffish monster that deserves nothing more than a life full of pain and misery."

    "Stop it! Stop! No! It's not true! You're lying!" Izuku yelled at Yavana.

    "No. I'm not lying. Just sharing my opinion. You think differently than I do on this predicament and that's not okay to me. So let's get one thing clear," Yavana stood up and walked towards Izuku, sitting down next to him and moving close to his ear.

    "I decide what is good and what is bad. Not you. Not all might. No one. Except for me." She backed away from his ear with a smile. "Understand?"

"..." Izuku paused, thinking, what should he do? He never got a clear answer but he nodded and showed Yavana that he understood.

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