~ Chapter 19 ~

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~ Mina's POV ~

    "Guuurl! No she-No she didn't! She did NOT! No way!" I shouted once my bestie Megan spilled the tea.
    "Dude! She did do it though! I saw it too! Christy Evens totally kissed Alec Randall!" Randa, my other bestie, squealed while shaking my younger sister.

    "Bitch, if you keep shaking me Ima feed you to my turtles! I mean honestly, so what if those fuckers kissed?" Kashia (K-sh-uh) asked.
    "Kashia, sister, when you find the right ship for you, you're gonna understand perfectly what we're feeling right now. Like- God! Our otp ship kissed! After long and hard work, it finally paid off." My older sister explained.

    "Yes! Kashia listen to Maiko!" Megan said, "She knows what it's about." She continued. Randa nodded her head and smirked.
    Kashia rolled her eyes scoffing at the three girls. "Never," Kashia muttered.
    "Just you wait, girl," I said with a grin.

    Kashia, Maiko, Randa, and I are having a sleepover at Megan's house, all of us sitting on the floor in her room. Well, it is a sleepover, but it's more like a goodbye party.
    Randa got accepted to an extraordinary math academy in America. So she's moving away in a few days.
    Megan's dad got a new job offer that pays a lot of money, but it's in France. He, Megan, and Megan's mom are moving there in two weeks.
    I, just this morning, found out that I got approved to U.A high school and that I'll be starting next week. But I'll be leaving my old middle school where Kashia will be starting her last year there.
    Maiko will be starting her final year as a third-year at U.A high.

    My previous smile turned into a frown and my vision started to blur as tears filled my eyes.
    "Hey, Mimi. What's wrong?" Kashia asked turning all the attention to me.
   "I'm gonna miss you guys! So so much!" I sobbed while balling my eyes out. "I'm gonna miss you too!" Randa said. "Same!" Megan agreed sadly. Both in tears.

    "Group hug!" Maiko announced before engulfing me, Randa, and Megan in a bear hug.
    Still hugging us, Maiko said, "I know this may be the last time we see each other. However, that doesn't mean we are ending our friendship, we are best friends for life. And a little distance ain't gonna change anything. We still got our phones, video call, and we can arrange meet-ups. Our parents already agree to purchase plane tickets whenever we wanna visit each other."

~ Kashia's POV ~

   "How the hell did I become friends with these emotional losers again?" I thought before continuing what I was doing before the whole 'My otp kissed' happened.


Did you guys feed my turtles? 9:46

You guys better have fed my turtles!! 9:47

Dad? Papa? 9:52

Are you guys okay? Why aren't you answering? 10:04

~ Brothers 🤮~

Are you guys home? 10:05

Hitoshi~ I'm not. Why? 10:06

Kaavon~ Monco and I are on our way there now 10:06

Monco~ Yep! Ryuu's taking us home early because she got some new info for her "confidential case" that she needs to look at privately 10:07

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