~ Chapter 3 ~ (EDITED)

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~Izuku's POV (I'm tired of calling him Midoriya)~

This morning when I woke up I decided that I would take Shigaraki's offer and become a villain. With boundaries of course. I started heading towards the alley that I first saw him in. I walked down the alleyway and when I got near the end I heard people talking.

Person 1- "I told you he wasn't gonna come."
Person 2- "Oh come on! It's only been 20 minutes!"
Shigaraki- "He'll come, trust me. He needs a family and we are going to be that family, now either shut up and wait or go back home.
Person 1-"Fine... I'll stay and wait, I wanna meet this kid."
Shigaraki- "Now that's what I wanted to hear."

I walked closer and saw Shigaraki with 3 other people. "Um, hi.," I said. "See-see! He did come! And he's cute.." Said a girl with blonde hair.
"Oh good you're here, I should start by introducing you to these three. The crazy blonde one is Toga, the burnt one is Dabi, and that little girl there is Annabelle." Shigaraki explains.
"She doesn't talk a lot around strangers, but when she's with us she's like a chatterbox!" Toga explained. "Heh, ok.." I said. "Toga Calm down, you're probably scaring the kid," Dabi said.
"N-No! That's not it at all, it's just that nobody has genuinely been this nice to me in a long time." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "Well get used to it! Because I'm gonna be your new forever best friend! And we are gonna be like siblings!" Toga explained. I smiled and nodded, not sure what I was nodding for but she looked like she was waiting for me to answer.

"Yay! Besties!" Toga said and gave me a quick hug. 'I've only known these people for a few minutes but I already feel loved by them.' I thought and smiled. "Shigaraki can we go home now? I wanna show the noobie how we do things." Dabi asked. "Yes, but don't hurt him. We don't wanna scare him off." Shigaraki explained. "I won't, and thank you. Now let's go!" Dabi said before he grabbed my hand and pulled me through a portal that randomly opened.

After 1 hour of Dabi showing me around, telling me where my room is and that I don't have to use if I don't want to, and after showing me where the training room is, he brought me into a living room type area where everyone seemed to be.

"Oh look you're back!" Toga said she was sitting on a couch watching the muppets. "Yep, what are you watching?" I asked and sat next to her. "The muppets! I love watching them, they're so silly!" Toga explained. "Hm, well I've never watched it," I explained. "What?! How is that even possible?! It's like the best show ever!" Toga asked. "Well I would usually watch the news, and sometimes talk shows," I explained. "Why?" Toga asked. "Because the heroes were there. I would watch the hero's on the news because I thought they were cool and heroic, but they're just people who want to make money and give people false hope, they make you believe in them when they only care about getting rid of the problem." I explained.
"Wow, that was some deep shit. But now that you're a villain you don't have to worry about being given false hope!" Toga explained happily. "Yeah, I guess you're right," I said. She smiled brightly and went back to watching her show, I started watching too and it was actually amusing.


After 10 or 11 hours of doing stuff with Toga and Dabi, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I turned my phone on and saw...

|| 2 miss calls from 'Mommyia Midoriya' ||
|| 3 messages from 'Mommyia Midoriya' ||

'She's probably worried about me..' I thought and started to text her back.


Mommyia Midoriya- Where are you? ~Sent at 8:14~
Mommyia Midoriya- Are you ok? ~Sent at 8:19~
Mommyia Midoriya- Please answer, I need to know if you're ok. ~Sent at 8:27~

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