~ Chapter 6 ~ (EDITED)

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~Toga's POV~

"Hi, Toga." Dabi greeted me as I walked into the room.

"Hi Dabi," I said plainly. "What's wrong? Chipped a nail?" Dabi asked sarcastically.

"Oh haha, very funny," I said and grabbed a piece of pizza from the box on the counter.

"Ok, Dabi's jokes aside, what's wrong?" Shigaraki asked, giving Dabi a look that says 'if she doesn't tell me I am blaming you'

I sighed, getting mentally ready to tell the story that happened only minutes ago.

"Izuku wanted me to help him out with picking his villain outfit, so he and I went to "the villains closet". Everything was going partly fine until something triggered Izu into having a panic attack." I paused, taking a moment to look at their concerned and confused faces. "Don't worry, I called for Annabel and she calmed him down, he's in his room right now resting." I finished saying.

"Do you know how it happened?" Shigaraki asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think something reminded him of his father. He was mumbling stuff about not wanting to get hurt by him, so that's something." I explained sadly. "His father hurt him? How?" Dabi asked.
    "Not sure, but one thing that really pissed me of is that Izuku said 'again' in all his mumbling, so his father has at least hurt him once that's for sure," I explained. Shigaraki got up and left. Dabi and I didn't question it, we've learned to not ask him questions.

"Isn't Izuku's dad like, I don't know, dead?" Dabi questioned.

"Not sure. I thought he was dead, but there's no official gravesite for him." I said.


"Yep," I said. "I'm gonna look into it, we might have a kill mission," Dabi said, and I instantly perked up.
   "You think so!? Oh, I really hope so! I haven't killed anyone in 2 days. Do you think if we find him, and he's alive, that Izuku would join in?" I said, back into my normal high pitched voice.

"Oh look you're back. Just gotta mention killing." He said and walked away. "Hey! You didn't answer my question!" I shouted at him. "Bitch," I said dryly.

I then turned to the portal guy and smiled at him. "Can pretty please have a drink?" I asked.

"No. You're underage."

   "Oh come on! I'm not that young!" I shouted angrily. "Yes, you are!" I heard Dabi shout from the other room. "Shut up Dabi!" I yelled at him.

"Even if you were the right age I still wouldn't give you some. We all agreed that you're too unreasonable and if you were to get drunk we would have a problem. So there, you are never getting alcohol." He explained.

"Grrrr I hate you you all!" I yelled and jumped off the stool I was on. I heard Dabi laughing, and the portal man behind me was chuckling. I stormed out of the room like an angry toddler and went to my room.

~Izuku's POV~

I woke in my room, and not in the villain's closet. "That's.. weird, I thought I was with Toga," I mumbled and checked the time. "4:27 am, that's nice," I mumbled and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep again. "Wait! Not nice! Not nice! I totally forgot about my training with all might!" I shouted and stumbled out of bed. "I can't be late!" I shouted and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Okay that was longer than I expected, it's 4:34. I have less than a half-hour to get to the beach.." I mumbled while changing my clothes. "Ok that's done, now what should I bring. First aid! And I'll put it in my yellow backpack." I said, I then found my first aid, put it in my backpack, and left the house.
As I was walking I was thinking about what happened last night. "Did Toga hear anything I said? I hope not. My father's already gone and he can't hurt me, so it's fine now." I thought. I checked the time again to read 4:56 am. "God I'm gonna be late.." I mumbled and started to run.

Once I was there I checked the time again. "5:01 am, I'm late." I panted. "Yes, you are young one! But that's alright, it's only one minute!" All might said. "Oh, that's good. Um, anyways.. my name is Izuku Midoriya. J-Just in case you didn't know." I said. "Thank you young Midoriya! And no, I did not know." He said.

"Ok, what do I do first?" I asked. "I want you, to clean this whole beach! So the citizens can see the beauty behind it." All might explained. "A'Are you serious? This is gonna take forever. And I don't even have a quirk to help me!" I shouted in disbelief. "I am 100% serious. You better get started if you want to finish this before the entrance exams." All might said. "O'Ok," I mumbled, and slowly started picking up the small things and putting them away.

~Time skip! 8 hours later~

I've gotten most of the smaller stuff away, but this fridge is a lot heavier than I imagined. I've looked inside and out for any extra weight, and couldn't find anything. Until I looked up.
"All might!? What are you doing up there?! I can't move this if you're on it!" I shouted out of frustration. I just tried to move something that's impossible to move, for half an hour.

"Young Midoriya! I assure you that you have indeed moved this fridge with me on it. Look!" All might said and pointed at the ground. I looked and saw that I moved it 3 inches.
"Oh my god! I can't believe it! Yay yay yay!" I shouted, "Oh I can't wait to tell my family!" I said while putting my hands in the air. "I'm sure you're mother will be very proud." All might said.

"Oh right, I should tell her to. When I said family, I meant my new friends. After the whole thing on the roof, I decided that I should find some friends. And I did. I guess I should thank you if you haven't saved me I wouldn't have them. So thank you." I said and bowed.
"I had no part in this, you decided to make a change by yourself and that change bettered your life." All might explained. I smiled up at him and felt a sense of comfort while looking at him.

"Maybe he's not so bad after all." I thought. "Ok break over! You still have a lot of work to do young Midoriya!" All might said. "Oh yeah, right," I said and started working again.

~Time skip! 4 hours later, 5 o'clock~

All might just ended are training for the day, and he's now small might. "Hey, young Midoriya. Would you like to come to dinner with me? It's getting late and I wouldn't want you getting hurt." Small might explained. "Sure!" I said. "Okay, I'll also be having another guest. So don't be startled when you see her." Small might said.
"Her? Do you have a girlfriend?!" I asked as we walked. "Wha?! N-No! Well, maybe.. wait you're a kid! Y-you shouldn't be bothered by my relationships!" Small might said feeling embarrassed. "If you're gonna be training me then I'll just find out eventually. So it doesn't matter if you tell me now or not." I explained.

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