~ Chapter 9 ~

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~Toga's POV~

    "Um, well you see.." I said. "I sorta maybe..cutmyhairsoIcouldbeaboy.(cut  my hair so I could be a boy)" I mumbled super fast.
    "You cut your hair so you could be a boy? Oh! So you're transgender?" Izuku asked. "How the hell did you hear that?! I just heard 'hair' and a bunch of other mumbling!" Dabi asked.

    "I mumble a lot, so I guess I'm better at translating fast talking." Izuku explained.
    "Wait, so back to you being transgender or whatever." Shiggy said. "What does that mean exactly?" He asked.

    "It means, I'm a boy. But I was born a girl." I awkwardly tried to explain. "Okay." Shiggy said.
    "Just 'Okay'? Why just 'okay'? Don't you have any more to say?" I asked. "I don't really understand the whole transgender thing, and I really don't feel like hurting your feelings because of my lack of knowledge." Shiggy explained.

    "Oh. Well, thank you! I guess?" I said.
    "Sooo~ what's your name now?" Izuku asked. "Um, Well I guess just call me by my first name! Himiko!" I explained.

    "Himiko-kun it is!" Izuku cheered, making me smile.
    "So. Are you straight now?" Dabi asked.

    "What do you mean 'straight now'?!" I asked, chuckling a little. "Hey! It's not just me! We all thought you were lesbian!" Dabi shouted in defense while pointing at Izuku and Shigaraki.

    "You too?" I asked. "I mean.. you're always around boys and never showed any affection to them. Sooo." Izuku explained.
    "I'm pansexual! And honestly just because I don't find any of you guys attractive doesn't mean I don't like boys!" I shouted and started to laugh.

    Dabi laughed with me, Izuku giggled, and Shigaraki just sat there shaking his head in 'disappointment'. Really he was shaking his head to hide that smile that's plastered on his face. That's the smile that Dabi loves to see.

    They think they're sneaky, but I know they like each other. They haven't confessed to each other yet, it's kinda funny that they're so busy trying to keep their love for the other a secret but in doing so blinds them from the others love for them.
    I can't wait until they start dating! I'm gonna make their relationship bloom, even if I have to beat the love into them.

    "What are you thinking about Himiko-kun?" Izuku asked, taking me out of my daze.
   "About how Shiggy and Dabi are totally in love." I whispered to Izuku, as Dabi stared at Shigaraki, and Shigaraki shared quick glances at Dabi and then looks away.

    "Hm? What do you mean?" Izuku whispered to me while looking at the two love sick boys.
    "Hehe, It's obvious. Just look closely and tell me what you see." I whispered.

    "Ok, but if you're wrong you have to apologize. To both of them." Izuku whispered.
    "Yeah yeah, just look!" I whisper/shouted.

    Izuku took a look at the boys and back at me looking clueless. "Ugh. Look at their cheeks." I whispered.
Izuku looked at their cheeks and saw the blush that clearly shows on both of them.

    "Ohh~ I see now. I see." Izuku whispered. "Yep! And they're totally clueless!" I explained, forgetting to whisper.
    "Who's clueless? And clueless about what?" Dabi asked.

    "Oh um! Nothing~!" I said with a smile. "I guessing we're the clueless ones." Shigaraki said to Dabi.
"Wait what? What don't we now?" Dabi asked.

    Izuku and I looked at each other and then back to them. "It's nothing. Just the fact that y'all where staring at each other for almost 7 minutes." Izuku said with a suggestive smile.
Shigaraki and Dabi both blushed deeper than before and looked away.

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