🌸 ~ The Past ~ 🌸

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This may have some triggering things, so beware

    "Dad! Please! Let me out! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please!" Seven-year-old Izuku cried from inside a small locked closet.
    Izuku scratched, clawing, and banging on the door as he fell limp on the floor. His ankles still ached and throbbed, reminding him that he was dragged by his 'father'. From the front door to the closest in the far hallway as soon as he got home.

    "Stop your whining! It's annoying!" Izuku's father growled in anger. Moving away from the closet Izuku was in, he headed to the front door and left the house. Leaving Izuku all alone to sob and cry his heart out.

    Izuku took a break from hitting and scraping at the door, but he kept crying and calling out for his father.

    "Daddy! Come back! Please... Just let me out." Izuku's words got quieter and quieter as he cried. "I'm sorry," Izuku mumbled.
    Izuku leaned his head against the door and covered his mouth with his bloody hand. Wood chips cut into his skin and most of his nails were snapped or bent.

    "Why doesn't daddy treat me how mommy does?" Izuku thought before slowly drifting off into slumber.

    Three or four hours later Inko arrived home and called for Izuku. "Izu! I'm home!" She said.
    After putting down her purse she noticed that Izuku hasn't greeted her yet like he usually does.

    "Izuku?" Inko questioned before going into Izuku's room "Izuku? Where are you?"
    "Izuku!" She called out while looking around the apartment. Finding nothing she felt panic rise inside her.

    It wasn't until she heard a small whimper and tired voice say, "Mommy?" Coming from the closest that she stopped panicking.
    "Izuku?!" Inko rushed to the closest and tried opening it only to find it was locked. She quickly went to her and her husband's room and took the closest key from the bedside drawer.

    Inko unlocked the door and Izuku fell onto the floor. "Izuku! My poor baby." Inko cried as she dropped to the floor and cradled her child in her arms.

    "Mommy... He-he did it again. Daddy locked me up again." Izuku muttered, clinging onto Inko. "Why isn't he nice to me?" Izuku asked. "Is it because I-I don't have a quirk? Is that why he hates me?"
    "No, sweetheart. Daddy does not hate you, he's just not as good at expressing love as others are." Inko lied.

    Izuku sat up and looked into his mother's eyes. "S-so daddy loves me?" Izuku asked.
    "Yes, Izuku. Daddy loves you." Inko said with a fake smile, giving false hope to the little boy who is now certain that what his father does is out of love and not hate.

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