~ Chapter 4 ~ (EDITED)

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~Izuku's POV~

As soon as I got home I went straight to the bar, that's where Dabi, Toga, and Shigaraki usually are. I ran into the room, out of breath, and sat down by the three.

"Guy's! I have a plan!" I said panting.

"Izu-kun calm down! We won't be able to understand you if you don't slow down." Toga said. "Oh, right.," I said and slowed my breath down. "Now you can continue.." Shigaraki said. "Okay, I saw all might today and he told about his powers and how he needs a successor and shit. And he asked me! So I said yes, thinking that I could pretend to be a hero and gain info on the heroes from inside of U.A.! It would take a lot of planning and acting ... but I think It could work!" I explained.

"Damn, that's a good plan," Dabi said shocked. "Yes, indeed it is," Shigaraki said. "Let's do it! It sounds fun!" Toga exclaimed. "Let's do it, how does it start?" Shigaraki asked. "Really?! Yes-! Oh um, it starts tomorrow when all might train me. Then when I get into U.A. I get them all to trust me, while I gather information. And since I'm not a known villain, the hero's won't suspect a thing!" I explained. "This gonna be so so fun!" Toga shouted, "Sounds like a plan." Shigaraki said. "Ok I'm lost, how are you gonna get into U.A. without a quirk?" Dabi asked.

"All for one is planning on giving one tonight, and all might is going to give me his, I'm guessing, a little before the entrance exams," I explained. "Thanks for the clarification," Dabi said. I gave him a small smile and Toga and I started to talk about random things, like buttered bacon, and soy dogs.

Kurogiri (the portal guy) came into the room and opened a portal next to me. "Go through, all for one wants to speak with you," Kurogiri said. "Okay!" I said and walked into the portal.


"Wow, it is really dark in here.." I said, standing in a dark room with nothing visibly in it. "Is this better?" All for one asked while turning on the lights. "Yes! Thank you." I said. "Now, I'm guessing you already know why you're here." He said. "Yeah I'm pretty sure, you're giving me a quirk. Right?" I asked. "Yes and no. You aren't getting one quirk, you're getting a few." He explained. "Cool!" I shouted.
"But that's not the only reason I brought you here." He said. "Huh? What else?" I asked. "I also brought you here because I believe you have a plan, don't you?" He asked. "O-Oh! Right! Yes! I do!" I said. "Then tell me how it goes, and how I can help." He said. "Ok!" I said.

After I explained the plan to all for one, he complimented my planning skills and asked how he could help. "You're already going to give me quirks, so other than that, nothing really. But if something comes up I'll ask!" I explained. "Okay, now come follow me and you'll receive your quirks." He said and gestured to the door. "Yes! I'm finally gonna get a quirk!" I yelled and followed All for one out of the room.

~After All for one gave Izuku quirks because I don't know what all for one dose to give quirks.~

"I have a quirk!" I yelled once I was through the portal that led to where I was half an hour ago. "That's great Izu-kun! What'd you get?!" Toga asked, while Dabi just smiled. "Enhanced copy! I can copy other quirks and can hold however many I want! But they cancel out either after 48 hours, or I cancel it myself." I explained. "Nice," Dabi said. "That is amazing! I am so proud of you Izu-kun!" Toga said, hugging me.
"Thanks, Toga-san! I never thought I'd ever get a quirk, but here I am!" I explained. "Here you are!" Toga repeated in an almost all might voice, and soon started to giggle at herself for saying that, and I joined her.

"You guys are weird. Anyways I'm gonna head up to bed, I'm tired." Dabi said. "Okie Doki! Bye Oniisan!" Toga said. "Call me that one more fucking time and I'm gonna burn your fucking blood supply!" Dabi said while walking out the door and flipping Toga off. And with that, he left. "Hehe, he's silly! But I'm still gonna call him Oniisan!" Toga said turning to me. "Yeah, it's not hurting anyone," I said through a few chuckles.

"Hey, Toga?" I said in a sad questioning tone, "What's wrong Izu-kun? Are you ok? Do I need to kill someone?" Toga asked, clearly worried about me.
"I'm okay, no you don't need to kill anyone, and.." I paused, "I.. need some help with something, and was wondering if you could help me?" I asked nervously.

"Of course Izu! I would and will do anything for you! What do you need?" Toga asked. I took a deep breath in and out and looked her straight in the eyes. "Can you help me pick out my villain outfit and name?" I asked. Her eyes instantly lit up, "Yes! I would love to! I am so glad you asked! Come on I'll take you to 'the villains closet'!" She shouted, she then grabbed my arm and started running.

"Toga slow down! I can't keep following you if-" She stopped and I plummeted to the ground in front of her. "Oops! I'm so sorry Izu-kun! Are you ok?" Toga asked. "Yeah I'm fine, and it's ok it's not your fault. I'm just not as good as you at running." I said, mumbling a part of it. "Ok! well anyways, we're here!" Toga yelled. I turned my head to see a doorless doorway and past that was neatly sorted clothes, fabrics, accessories, buttons, etc.

"Wow.," I said aloud. "I know right! Now get up and let's look around!" Toga said and helped me get off the ground. "Where do we start?" I asked and instantly regretted it. She took my arm and showed everything to me while talking.

"Ok so, first you need to decide the color, then your look, like do wanna look cute, scary, or maybe look like a civilian? Oh! Do you want a hat? Hats are cool, but I don't look good in hats so I don't have one. Do you want your clothes bright and colorful or dark and broody? Or maybe a mix between the two? And look! They have suits! If you don't want a suit that's fine, but you would look so cute in one! And-and look! Cat ears! I don't know why they're here, but they're super cute! Oh, right! Color first! What color would you like?" Toga asked in a rant while dragging me all around.

"Hmm, well being colorful won't be good for sneaking ... so black and white!" I said. "Great choice! Now, what do you want to look like? I suggest a suit, those are suitable." Toga said smiling and giggling at her joke.
"Ok-ok I'll use a suit! But please for the love of God don't ever say that again." I said, giggling a little. "No promises! And suit it is!" She said and we headed back to the suits. "Hm, which one-" I started, then Toga just grabbed all the ones in my size, don't know how she knows that, and dragged me to the changing room.

"Here! Now change." She said and put the suits on the bench, all 12 of them. "Um, ok? ... Are you gonna leave?" I asked, "Why should I? I'm gonna see your clothes either way, and this way is faster! No downfall!" Toga explained. "Uh, because of privacy?" I said in an accidental mean questioning way.

"Oh, sorry! I-I didn't mean to be rude. I don't do well with realizing boundaries. I'm sorry." Toga apologized, losing her sparky flare tone that was in her voice. She then left the changing room and stood outside the changing room. "Arg! Dammit, I didn't mean to say it like that! She probably feels so bad... I'll talk to her later and make this right." I thought and looked throughout some suits from the pile to try on.

"This is gonna take a little while, and Toga doesn't seem as positive as before... I think I have an idea that might cheer her up. I hope it works." I thought.

~1422 words!
I can totally see Toga being the reason villain Deku wears a suit 😁 ~

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