•°• Chapter 23 •°•

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⚠Trigger warning Suicide⚠

    Being at UA was a lot more than Midoriya was ready for. It has been a few days since he met the pro hero Hellcat, that was existing, but now he has to act like; he loves all might, he doesn't want to punch Kacchan's smug face, and that he actually wants to die as a hero for strangers. {News flash! He doesn't}

    His plan with uraraka also held its difficulties. She was completely useless during (& before) the Usj attack, Midoriya had to do all the inside planning. Seriously, what's the point of having a spy if they don't give you anything useful? And she started to date Toga, Midoriya's not too sure where they met but that doesn't change how disappointed in Uraraka he is.

But the lunch at UA wasn't too bad, so that's something.

    Overall things were horrible, so he decided that, since things weren't getting any better than it was before he became a villain, he'd try killing himself again.

He did. He succeeded.

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