~ Chapter 14 ~

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~Izuku's POV~

    I just got done with writing in my book about Katsuki, when someone knocked on my door.
    "Who would be knocking at this time of night- or day... It's 4 in the morning." I thought and headed to the door.

    "Izzzzuuu!" Himiko whined from the other side of the door. "Izuu, someones knocking on the door and I don't feel like getting killed right now. So go answer it!" He yelled once I opened the door.
    "Ugh, fine, " I mumble, Himiko going back to his room and me walking to the front door.


    I opened the front door and was surprised when I saw a little girl, I was about to ask her where her parents were but a man stepped into my view.
    "Hello?" I said questionably. "Hello, my name is overhaul. And I need you and your little "friends" to do something for me." Overhaul said, but my gaze kept turning to the small child and her bandaged up body.

    "The girl looks scared out of her mind." I thought. "What is it exactly that you need?" I asked.
    "A prison cell, this girl right here keeps on getting out of mine. So here." He said and threw the girl past me and onto the floor.

    "Lock her up, I don't care what you do to her. Just don't let her escape. Oh and, I'm not coming back. But I'll know if she escapes." Overhaul said before leaving.
    "That absolute bitch," I mumbled under my breath before hearing quite sniffles from behind me.

    I turned around and faced the little girl that was now crying on the floor. "Hey hey, shh. It's alright, why-why are you crying?" I asked.
    She looked up at me and her eyes were full of fear. "A-Aren't you g-gonna h-hurt me?" She asked.

    "No-no-no! I would never hurt you. Why would I do that?" I asked, "because I'm a monster and-and I hurt people!" She cried.
    I was frozen, I couldn't think of any words that could even slightly help her feel better, so... I hugged her. I got on the floor and hugged her.

    At first, she was shocked, but she slowly got used to it and cried her heart out.
    "There-There, let it all out," I said and kept saying things along those lines.

    The girl eventually stopped crying and fell asleep in my arms. "Aww. She looks so peaceful." I whispered.
    I got off the floor and picked her up, I took her to my room and tucked her into my bed.

    "6:23, the entrance exams start at 8 so I need to be leaving soon," I mumbled before hearing movement from behind me.
    "Y-You're gonna l-leave me?" The girl asked as tears dwelled in her eyes.

    "Don't worry, I'll have Himiko take care of you," I said with a reassuring smile. "No! I wanna stay wit you!" She cried out.
    "I'm sorry, but you can't come with me," I said. "Why not?" She asked. "Well... Um, well I don't know. I guess it's because you're little and I won't be able to take care of you." I explained.

    "I can take care of myself! I'm strong! So can you pretty please bring me with you?" She begged.
    "Fine," I said, "but you have to tell me your name first. And I have to get you a change of clothes."
    The girl nodded and smiled a small bit. "My name is Eri." She said. "Hello Eri, my name is Izuku Midoriya," I said with a smile.

    After I bathed Eri, got her dressed in some of Annabel's clothes, and got myself ready, we left and headed the school.
    Once I walked through the gates with Eri in hand, some of the others gave me and Eri weird glances, mostly at me for bringing a child.


    Ahead of me, I saw Uraraka "accidentally" trip. I used the quirk I copied called 'time freeze' and froze time.
    Me and Eri were the only ones not frozen so I went to where Uraraka is and put Eri down.

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