~ Chapter 10-11-12 ~

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~ Chapter 10 ~
~Izuku's POV~

    All might, Himiko, and I went to the beach to talk. I thought All might was gonna just gonna talk to me about the entry exams coming up, but nope! Boy was I wrong!

    "Eat this." All might demanded after giving me a speech about my amazing progress. "I was not expecting this.." I mumbled.

    "Pft- ha! That's disgusting. Good luck with that Izu-Kun." Himiko said before breaking out in a fit of laughter.
    I punched Himiko's arm and ate the hair. "That was horrible," I mumbled and Himiko continued laughing.

    Himiko stopped laughing and a smile grew on his face as he looked at the ocean in amazement as the sunsets.
    "Wow. That's beautiful." Himiko said while still smiling. All might and I looked over at the view too, and all might smiled.

    I'm not sure what Himiko and all might saw, but I saw black and different shades of gray. And only that.
    "Yep. Totally beautiful. Cause I can totally see color." I said sarcastically, trying to change my unhappy mood with a joke.

    "I'm very sorry young Midoriya. I forgot you couldn't see color." All might said. "Yeah, I'm sorry too! I should have thought about that before mentioning the sunset." Himiko said.
    "It's alright, I'm used to it. No big deal." I explained.

    "Izuku-" Himiko started. "Ya know what?! Let's go home Himiko! I'm hungry for dinner! I'm sure the boys are done doing their thing with each other. So let's go home! Goodbye, All might, have a good night!" I shouted and grabbed Himiko's hand before dragging him away.
    After we got far away from all might Himiko broke out of the daze he was in.

    "Wha-?!" Himiko tried to talk but I opened a green portal, that led to somewhere at our house, and threw him inside with me following behind.

    "Izuku! What the hell?!" Himiko asked while looking super confused. "What?! I just wanted to go home! And we're here now!" I shouted, not sure why but I did.
    "Izuku I didn't just shout 'What the hell' because of you throwing me into a portal without warning me! No! I said that because you completely avoided the important conversation we were gonna have!" Himiko shouted.

    "I don't need it! Okay!? You were clearly about to talk to me about being color blind! I'm fine with not seeing how you see things! I don't need you to talk about something I don't want to hear!" I shouted.

    "Why?! Why don't you wanna talk about this?! Cause I want to know!" Himiko shouted.

    "It's nothing! I just don't wanna talk about something that's a daily reminder that I will never be normal! Not as a hero! Not as a Villain! And not as a citizen! I just wanna be normal for once! But because; My bully, that told me to kill myself, caused me to become color blind! The annoying killer senses that want me to kill Katsuki every time I see him! And how I get a panic attack every time someone says fuck, because it gives me flashbacks of the idiotic father that would hit, cut, and abuse me until I would pass out! So because of all that! I can't even come close to being normal!" I shouted while tears poured down my face before I covered my mouth.

    A glass cup shattered on to the floor to the left of me, making me jump and look over to where the sound came from.

    My mouth dropped as I saw Dabi, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, twice, and Annabel sitting on the bar stools. All with shocked faces, besides Annabel.
    Even more, tears ran down my face before I booked it for my room.

    "Izuku!!" I heard my friends shout as I ran.

    Once I got to my room I slammed my door shut and locked it, before leaning against the wall and sliding down to the floor.
    "This is all your fault dad. Even though you're dead, you still find a way to torture me." I said while looking at the ceiling as tears fell from my eyes.

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