~ Chapter 18 ~

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~ Before the incident ~

    Izuku sat on a bench by the beach. Thinking about what the day has brought.
    "I hate that I have to stay with Eraserhead until I'm put into an adoption center. Yeah, he's a cool hero and all, but that's exactly the problem. He's a hero, I'm a villain." Izuku thought while looking out onto the plain colorless sunset.

    Izuku held his breath for the second time that evening and cried. "Dammit!" He yelled. Yet again, he couldn't see the fascinating colors.
    After the day Izuku ate all mights hair, he stopped being able to see colors while holding his breath. That's part of the reason why he had a mental break down and yelled at Himiko.

    "Ugh! This is stupid!" Izuku yelled. "I have to live with a stupid hero! And I can't see fracking color." Izuku ignored addressing his mother's death.
    Izuku stood up grabbing a small rock from beside him. He walked forward towards the water and stopped a few feet away. Izuku angrily threw the stone at the water and watched it bounce away on the water.

    Tears fogged Izuku's eyes and he dropped onto the sand. Remembering what Izuku saw earlier under the tarp he covered his mouth with his hands and sobbed quietly.
    "She's gone. She's really gone." Izuku thought.

    Removing his own hand from his mouth, Izuku hesitantly asked, no one in particular, "Why does every one I-I care about.. leave me?". Sounding completely broken and shattered.
    Izuku kept sobbing and asking questions with no official answers. It wasn't until the sun fully set, that he stood up and collected himself, before heading home with one horrid task in mind.

   "Just end it all."


    During this time, Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada were just getting home after signing a bunch of legal papers to become Izuku's guardians and they were really worn out.
    "Gosh, I need a nap. A really long nap." Shota groaned, falling backward onto the living room couch.

    "Nuh-uh! No you don't! You still got stuff to do." Hizashi said while glaring down at Shota.

    "Why are you looking at me like that? Our kids aren't here so It's not like I'm forgetting something that had to do with them." Shota explained. Slightly referring to the time he lost his daughter, Mina, at target.

    "I don't mean our kids. The girls are still at a sleepover and the boys are studying with Ryuu at her house. I don't get how you forget where they are all time." Hizashi babbled on, still standing next to the couch, and overlooking that he accidentally got off track.
    Shota closed his eyes and groaned. "I'm choosing to no longer understand the language you are speaking. Please, would you kindly shut your mouth? Thank you, and goodnight."

    "No! No! No! I sorta got off track and I'm sorry! Buuuut! We still need to pick up Izuku once he's done packing his stuff! We're his guardians now! We get to take care of him! So get off your ass and let's quickly change out of our hero clothes!" Hizashi fumed.
    Hizashi didn't normally mind Shota's sleeping hobby, but when it comes to important subjects that Shota isn't taking seriously, he gets mad.

    "Shit. Your right." Shota mumbled before getting off the couch, "My bad. Let's get changed."

    Hizashi nodded, and just as Shota was about to walk forward Shota's phone rang in his pocket.
    "Hm. An unknown number." Shota spoke before pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Shota asked.

"You're Aizawa, right? You're an underground pro?" The person on the other end asked, sounding panicked.

"Yes. Who is this?" Shota received a worried glance from Hizashi?

"I'm Izuku's friend! And Izuku- he- he's not okay. He's bleeding out! I don't know what to do!" Both Shota's and Hizashi's eyes widened.

"Where are you?" Shota said, grabbing his scarf and running out the door with Hizashi behind him.

"Uh- I- 348th parkinest Street, downtown. 4th floor. The quickest way to get into the building would be the window -If you're willing to jump threw a window, it's on the side of the building, -erm 4th floor." The person explained as Shota leaped from roof to roof, Hizashi following from on the ground.

    "Dammit. Izuku, you better be okay." Shota thought while running on the rooftops.

~ Sorry this chapter is quick. My mental health is crap rn. I've been trying to write and thought that maybe I could still post chapters and feel like crap at the same time, but I was wrong, and in result, I killed Inko, made it unclear on what Izuku has been feeling, brought Aizawa into the story to early, and I changed the POV to spectators view because I don't know what my characters should be feeling. 😔😕🤕😥
    I don't know when I will post again, it probably won't be for a while. But I NOT canceling this!!! I don't like it when people discontinue their stories, I'm not gonna be doing that! I just won't be posting as often.
    Again, I'm sorry. Lots of love ❤💕💖, Sincerely your author, Justice.

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