~ Chapter 16 ~

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~ Nobody's POV ~

Aizawa sat there, in the driver's seat, pondering on what to say to the child next to him before deciding that saying quite isn't that way to go. "What's your name?" He asked. Izuku looked at Aizawa and wiped his tears away.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya," Izuku said. "Just call me Izuku." Izuku continued. "Okay, Izuku, we're almost there so if you have anyone else you need to call I suggest you do it soon," Aizawa explained. "Yeah, right," Izuku said before calling another person.
"Hello?" The person on the other line said, "Hi, All might." Izuku mumbled. "What's wrong young Midoriya?" All might asked. Izuku cried silently, unable to find the right words, as he did with Mitsuki.

Aizawa noticed Izuku's situation and took the phone from Izuku. "Something bad happened to Izuku's mother and all family members are being contacted and told to meet Izuku at the police station. So if you could please meet us there that would be great." Aizawa explained, not wasting time dwelling on why All might is considered family.
"Oh, okay. I'll be there soon." All might said before hanging up the phone.

The car ride was almost over, but not yet. As Aizawa sat in the car in silence, and Izuku cried next to him, Aizawa asked, again, if there are more people he needs to call.
"Yeah, my friends. They need to know what happened," Izuku muttered a response. Aizawa nodded and gave the phone back to Izuku.

"Izuku if you don't give me a good reason right now on why you didn't text us when you got to your mother's house than you are grounded!" Shiggy yelled out making Izuku chuckle before he heard Himiko say, "Grounding him won't do anything, it's not like he has friends other than us." Izuku gasped in offense, "I have friends!" Izuku said. "Yeah, you totally do. Name one person you're friends with." Dabi said.
"Ochako! She's my friend!" Izuku said. "You've only known her for barley 4 days," Dabi said. "Just because I haven't known her that long doesn't mean she's not my friend," Izuku said.

"Okay, enough of this. Izuku, why didn't you tell us when you got to your mother's house? You left an hour and a half ago, you should be there by now." Shiggy explained. "Oh, right," Izuku said sadly, remembering why he called in the first place.
"Guys, my mom, she... She's dead. She was killed." Izuku explained. "Oh my god," Himiko said. "I'm so sorry," Dabi mumbled. "What happened?" Shiggy asked.

"All I know is that she was murdered last night. I'm hoping that I'll find out more soon, but until then that's all I know. I'll talk about it more to you guys when I get home." Izuku explained. "Okay, we'll see you later," Himiko said, "Yeah, bye Izuku," Dabi said. "Bye guys," Izuku mumbled before hanging up.

After the awkward car ride ended Aizawa and Izuku arrived at the police station and met up with Mitsuki and the others inside.

"Oh, Izuku sweetie. Come here." Mitsuki said before hugging Izuku who had a tear-stained face. "I am so so sorry," Mitsuki said remorsefully. Masaru hugged Izuku as well after Mitsuki pulled away. Masaru's hug wasn't as long, but that's understandable, Izuku isn't as close to Masaru like he is with Mitsuki.
Mitsuki turned to Eraserhead and introduced herself, "Hello there, my name is Mitsuki Bakugou. Thank you for driving Izuku here."
"You're welcome, Mrs. Bakugou. It's my pleasure." Eraserhead said, a bit confused about what to say in a situation like this one. Mitsuki nodded and that's when Izuku noticed Katsuki just standing behind Mitsuki awkwardly and confused.

"Hello, Kacchan." Izuku greeted. "What do you want Deku?" Katsuki asked harshly before noticing Izuku's puffy eyes and red tear-stained face. "Why the fuck are you crying?" Katsuki asked before muttering, "Tch, cry baby."
Izuku didn't want to cause suspension of being a villain, but today he wasn't gonna just stand there and take his rude behavior. Izuku's mother just died for fucks sake, he didn't deserve this right now.

"Katsuki, could you just please just not be disrespectful to me for one second! My mother was murdered just last night and I don't need your bullshit ruining my already bad day!" Izuku shouted, shocking all of the bakugou family and All might, who is just sitting in a chair in the corner.
"You can tell me to kill myself tomorrow and be a bitch all you want, I can deal with it then. But NOT right now." Izuku went on. "Please, Kacchan."

Before Katsuki could say a thing the detective working on the murder case came into the room and had all of them follow him to his office so they could all talk.

The detective sat at his desk, as Mitsuki and Izuku sat on the two chairs in front of the desk, and everyone else stood around the room. "Erm, firstly I would like to apologize to all of you for my mistake. I should have checked more carefully, I take full responsibility for that." The detective explained.
Izuku and Mitsuki nodded. "I understand," Mitsuki said. "But could we just skip to what happened with Inko." She continued. "Right, yes." I the detective said.

"Last night, around 9:37 p.m. we got a call from the person next door. She had said she heard a lot of movement from the victim's house, and it wasn't until she heard screaming and a gunshot that she phoned 119." The detective explained. "My guess is that this was a break-in gone wrong. The culprit probably thought that they could get away with the breaking in, they had a gun and if caught they would be against an unarmed woman, It seems easy to anyone if you look at it that way.
However, the victim put up a fight, and by looking at the bruising on her knuckles, and some of the culprit's blood at the house, she was winning. It wasn't until the culprit brought out the gun that she was at a disadvantage." The detective farther more explained.
"Damn, my mom sounds like a badass." Izuku thought.

"So did you find her killer?" Small might asked. The detective sighed and shook his head. "No. We ran a DNA test on the blood at the scene and we found their identity." The detective said, "I feel a 'but' coming." Izuku said. The detective looked to Izuku and then back to small might.
"But," The detective paused, "the person's blood we found and the person the test matched with can't be the culprit. She has 4 alibi's, she was nowhere near the crime when it occurred, and she's disabled from the waist down, meaning she would need another person's assistants to go somewhere." The detective explained.

"So, the culprit is still out there?" Katsuki asked, his first words since Izuku yelled at him. The detective nodded a 'yes' and Mitsuki gasped quietly. "Oh, dear," Mitsuki muttered.

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