~ Chapter 20 ~

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Izuku's POV

I feel so... calm. What is this? Why do I feel... Safe? Am I dead? Did I die? Where am I? What happened?

    I stirred as questions filled my head. "Er- ow." I flinched at the pain I felt when shifting.

    "Hey kid, don't move. You don't want to aggravate your cuts." A voice from beside me explain. Surprising me. I opened my eyes, only to be met by bright lights and shutting them tight. I groaned.
  "Who-?" I tried to speak but more pain shot through my body.

    "Aizawa, remember we met yesterday. You're in a hospital now because of what happened last night" He said. I opened my eyes again slowly, saw him sitting on a chair next to me. "You shouldn't be moving so much, it'll only make the pain worse."

"Yeah, whatever." I looked away.

    Last night? What time is it? I was at the lov base, did he see anything? I looked back at Aizawa.
  "What happened?" I asked, trying to get some insight. Aizawa's expression changed into a softer and worried look, "How much do you remember?"

I looked down at my hands, tears filled my eyes as I thought through what happened.
    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I grasp onto the blanket that covers my waist down (he is sitting up btw, I don't think I mentioned that). "The first few hours of you being my guardian and I mess it up by trying to kill myself!"

    "Hey, no. You didn't mess anything up. Don't say that." Aizawa stated. That didn't stop my tears though. I kept crying and said "It was, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

    Aizawa stood up and sat on the side of the bed, facing me. He gently pulled me forward, putting his arms around me and giving me a comforting hug.

I cried in his arms.

    It was a long time until we stopped hugging, I didn't wanna let go but the doctor had come in for a check-up.
    The doctor stood by my bed and gave me a sweet smile. "Hello, I'm dr. Sunshine. So how are we feeling today? Do you need me to get you anything?" She asked.
    "I'm okay, I guess. They- uh... sting a little but it's not too bad. Also, um, n-no. I," I paused to think if I needed anything, "Maybe some water?". Dr. Sunshine smiled brightly and said with passion, "One glass of water coming right up!" And walked away with a pep in her step.

"Hm, the name sunshine really fits her," I mumbled. Aizawa nodded as we watched the woman leave to get me some water.

    I looked over at Aizawa before lowering my head, "I-... I hope I didn't worry you last night." I said my breathing pattern shifting.
    Aizawa seemed confused when I looked back up with tears filling my eyes. "I just.. couldn't deal with all this change. The house that I grew up in is a crime scene. I have to live with someone that doesn't know who I really am. My mom... i-is gone. And my emotions are still all over the place. I need it to stop, all of it! It's going too fast and I can't keep up." Tears were now falling down my cheeks.

    "Kid, hey. Listen to me." Aizawa grabbed my face and made me look at him. "I was worried, but I have a right to be. You are my responsibility and I'm going to protect you with my life." He said dead Sirius (🙃 lol, hp joke).

    "I haven't learned much about you yet, but what I do know is that you are strong. You are sure of yourself. And you care about others." Aizawa wavered and relaxed his face a bit and put his hand down.

     "Your house isn't going anywhere. Indeed, I don't know you now, but I am going too. We only have so much time together before someone adopts you, let's not waste it.

And your mother. Her killer was arrested, and she died knowing her son cares for her dearly. This might take some time to heal, but Mic and I are here for you. Life can go too quickly sometimes. But remember, this is your life, we can walk through this. No need to try and catch up with so much weight on your shoulders."

    I smiled and looked at my bandaged hands. "Thank you, Mr.," I said. "Oh, please. Shouta is fine. No need to be so formal." He said.

"R-right! Sorry. Heh." I let out a slight laugh.

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