~ Chapter 21 ~ (EDITED)

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~Izuku's POV~

After the doctor checked up on Midoriya one last time, he cleared him to leave. His new guardians took him out of the hospital and now they're driving in their car as they explain the rules he has to follow while living with them as well as explaining the news that Midoriya got into UA.

"Wait, I got in.., really?! Me? Are you sure? If it's a misunderstanding or something, I wouldn't mind if-if that was wrong. I mean I wouldn't be surprised cause ya'know I'm not particularly g-" Midoriya mumbled. "Kid-, kid. It wasn't a mistake," Aizawa reassured me, "You're a smart kid. You passed the academic part with an impressive score, and in the physical, you got one of the highest totals. Don't degrade yourself. You did well."

3rd pov now apparently

"..Oh," That was the last word that came out of Midoriya's mouth during that car trip.
Once they arrived at the house Yamada showed Midoriya what room he would be staying in and left him to unpack.

"If you need anything Sho and I will be downstairs, and if you have to go to the restroom it is the yellow-&-black door down the hall." He smiled, "Questions?"
"Hm," Midoriya thought about it for a second, "Do you guys have security cameras?" He asked. Yamada was surprised by that question but answered anyway.

"Um, we have a few cams on the outside of the house, and two on the inside that faces the front and back doors."

"Okay, thank you."

And with that, Yamada left to go downstairs, leaving Midoriya alone in his new momentary room.
Midoriya stood in the doorway for a couple of moments, letting the events of the last few days sink in.

"I made it into UA, I actually did it" Midoriya muttered. He closed the door behind him and started to unpack.

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