~ Chapter 1 ~ (EDITED)

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~Midoriya's POV~

    I've been color blind ever since I was 11. At first, it started when I was 10 with headaches and sometimes black and white vision for a short amount of time, until became permanent that is.
    When the doctor told my mom that I was going to be color blind for most likely the rest of my life, she told him what she knows of, and all she knows is that I fell down a ditch.
    She didn't and doesn't know who caused me to go down, I do. It was Kacchan's fault, he pushed me down a 13ft ditch and expected no consequences. He was wrong.
    Once I hit the ground I hit my head and blacked out, ever since then my head would ache and It occasionally felt like someone was poking knives out of my eyes.

    However, that's not even the worst part for me. Kacchan doesn't know I'm color blind. When I tried to tell him he ignored me and didn't listen, so I just stopped trying and let him believe I can see color.
    And I can see color, sometimes... I can only see when I hold my breath. I found that out from when Kacchan pushed me in a pool when I was 12, why did he do that you ask? 1. He thought I couldn't swim, 2. He wanted too. Jokes on him I could swim. Now that my backstory is cleared up, let's start the story. Starting from the morning of the last day of school...


    I wake up to my alarm. I turn it off and get out of bed. I headed to the bathroom, took a shower, and changed my clothes. After that, I went to the kitchen table and sat down.
    My mom then put food on my plate and I said, "Thank you, mom," before I started to eat.

    "Y-You're welcome Izuku." She said stuttering. "What's wrong?" I asked, and started to hold my breath so I could see her normally. "Oh, I-It's nothing.." She said stuttering, again. I looked at her, she was sitting across from me, and I noticed something strange... then I started to breathe again.
    "Why do you look formal?" I asked, "You have makeup on, you're wearing your fancy red clothes, and your hair is all styled up."

    At first, she didn't say anything. I assume she's shocked that I can see what color her clothes are. I forgot to/didn't want her to know that I could see colors when holding my breath.
    "H-How can you see w-what color my clothes are?" She asked. "Oh um, I can sorta-um, see colors. When I hold my breath! So it's not permanent.." I explained before she started crying.

    "A-Are you ok? Please don't cry.." I said. She then gave me a hug, given that I'm sitting on a chair it wasn't the most relaxing hug.
    "Oh, my baby! Why didn't you tell me!?" She asked after she pulled away from the hug. "I thought that you wouldn't want me to do it because it only works when I stop breathing," I explained and looked at her. I saw that my mom was sitting next to me in a chair she had brought over.

    "Sweetheart it's fine if you want to do it, just don't hold your breath for too long. Do you happen to know how you can see color?" She asked.
    "No. I've done some research and there's nothing on color blind people being able to temporarily see color, and since I don't have quirk it has nothing to do with that." I explained, mumbling most of it.
    "Okay, how about I call the hospital and set up an appointment? Would you be alright with that?" She asked.
     "Yeah, it's fine." I said, "Anyways I have to go. I don't want to be late for school." I stood up and headed towards the door.
    "Goodbye, sweetheart. Have a good last day of school!" She said as I walked out of the door. "Bye!" I said and started to walk in the direction of the school.

    After 4 or so minutes I bumped into someone, I wasn't really paying attention. I was thinking about the fact that I can see color and don't have a quirk that could explain that.
    "Watch where you're going!" They yelled, 'wait... I know that yell.' I thought.
    I looked at the person I bumped into and my eyes widened, "K-Kacchan! I am so sorry!" I apologized.

    "What are you? Blind?" Kaccha asked rhetorically. "N-No! It's just that I was thinking and I wasn't watching where I was going! And even If I was blind.. you wouldn't even care to notice." I said and started to walk forward.
    Kacchan didn't say anything, but I heard him 'grr-ing' or whatever that noise is that he makes is.
    'I guess he wasn't expecting me to say something like that. It makes sense because even I wasn't expecting me to say that. At least he didn't beat me up, that's good.' I thought before continuing my walk to school.

~At school~

    Once I got to my classroom door I was 4 minutes late, I already got a late slip from the office so I opened the door. "Oh you're here, do you have a slip?" The teacher asked. "Yeah, I do.." I said and walked to where the front of the class was. I gave the teacher my slip, and once I sat in my seat I got out my books and listen to the teacher as they continued teaching.

~End of school~

    I get up and out of my chair before grabbing my stuff. The teacher was already gone and most of the other students are packing up as well.
    I started to put my books away but before I could put them all away, one of my books was snatched out of my hand.

    I heard Kacchan 'tch' and I shouted, "Give it back Kacchan!" I instantly regretted saying that, but before I could apologize he punched my face and I fell to the floor, dropping my bag causing my books to spill out.

    "That's what you get for telling me what to do and for being a quirkless loser!" Kacchan yelled.
    "Why is it so important to you that I don't have quirk?!" I asked before I tried to get up. "It's not!" Kacchan yelled and pushed me down again.

    "Then why are you so mean to me?" I asked nervously, and got up, hoping he wouldn't hurt me again.

    "It's fun to mess with a quirkless idiot like you!" Kacchan yelled. He burned my book and threw it out of the window.
    "Okay, that's it!" I yelled nobody was in the room with us so I could yell all I want.

    "I have always looked up to you and cared for you as my friend! But all you've done is call me names, hit me, and make fun of me for not having a gosh ducking darn quirk!" I yelled.
    "Tch. First of all, we aren't and never will be friends. Secondly, all the names I call you are true, you are a stupid-pathetic-low life-quirkless-loser. And you always will be." Kacchan said and walked to the door, stopping before he exited the room.

    "Maybe there is a way for you to get a quirk," He paused to look back at me with a grin, "Take a swan dive off the roof of a building and hope to a quirk it your next life." He proceeded before walking out of the classroom.

    A few minutes after he left and I got out of my stunned trance, I grabbed my stuff and went to the side of the school hoping to find my Hero analysts notebook there.

~End of chapter 1~

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