~ Chapter 15 ~

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~ Nobody's POV ~

    After the entrance exams, Izuku searched for proof in his theory and found that he was correct. Hitoshi Shinsou Yamazawa, the boy Izuku met, was officially adopted by the married couple, Shouta Aisawa and Hizashi Yamada, 6 years ago After being fostered for a year.
    Before Hitoshi was adopted he lived in an Adoption Center for 2 years, he was put there by his parents a little after he got his "monstrous" quirk.

    Hitoshi isn't the only child the couple adopted. Aisawa and Yamada also adopted a girl named Mina Ashido, who is now Mina Yamazawa-Ashido.
    Both Hitoshi and Mina are 15 and want to be heroes, like there Dad and Papa. (Dad = Aizawa, Papa = Yamada)

~ Eri's POV ~

    It's been a few days since I was given to Izuku. Since then he has taken great care of me, he gave me clothes, delicious food, and best of all... Freedom. Izuku lets me make friends, he takes me to the park, and he doesn't hurt me.

    Dabi and Himiko have been taking care of me as well when Izuku's busy, which isn't very often, I don't think he has friends out of the league.
    Dabi is great at doing my hair, he once put my hair in a high ponytail and I looked like a princess! Himiko usually takes me to the villain's closet and we play dress-up with Dabi and sometimes even Shiggy!

    I made friends with Annabel, she's 8, 2 years older than me. She's really fun to hang out with. And her quirk is really cool! She can send people to different universes, pause universes, she can teleport threw time in those universes, and she can change people's emotions! I don't know what her quirk is called but it's awesome!
    Annabel isn't the only friend I've made, I also met a boy named Neven. We met at the park, now every time I go there I play with him. Neven and I have a lot in common, we're both 6, we both have parents that have passed away, and we both were accepted into amazing families.

    I'm thankful that Izuku is as nice as he is. He's nothing like the people I used to know. But, I feel spoiled. I don't deserve all this. But at the same time, I do. I've been through some 'tuff stuff', as Dabi says, and deserve to be happy. That's what Izuku tells me, and I'm starting to believe it. I'm finally feeling happy.

~ Izuku's POV ~

    I did it. I did it and I want to feel regret for what've done. But I don't. I feel in control. I shouldn't have wanted to do that and I shouldn't want to do it again, but I do. I want to feel the stinging pain I felt when I first slid the sharp blade against my forearm, I want to do it again and again. I want to feel that sense of control, again.
    I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't be hurting myself. But what can I do? After what happened yesterday, I think this should count as some punishment.

~ Flashback ~
~ Nobody's POV ~

    Izuku walked down the sidewalk to leading to the apartment his mother lived at, and as he walked he was smiling.
    Izuku hasn't visited Inko since her romantic relationship with All Might had been revealed. It was just too embarrassing for him. However, he promised his mom that he would visit her every once in a while. So here he is, walking to the apartment.

    As Izuku got closer he noticed police officers stood around the apartment. "I wonder if there was another break-in." Izuku thought before walking up to two officers.
    "Hello," Izuku said. "What do you want, kid?" One of the officers asked harshly.

    "I just wanna know what happened here. Was it another break-in?" Izuku asked. "Go away kid, mind your own business." The same officer said. "Hey! I just wanna know what happened! My mom lives here and when break-ins happen she gets frightened, so could you please tell me?" Izuku asked.
    Something Izuku said gained the other officer's attention and she started questioning him.

    "Does your mother live alone?" She asked. "Uh, yeah, she does. Why?" Izuku asked. The two officers looked at each other and then back at Izuku.
    "There was a murder, apartment 2-18, a woman in her early thirties was killed. She lived alone." The mean officer explained.

    "But... But, that's where my mom lives," Izuku mumbled. "No no no, you guys are lying. She-she's not dead. She can't be." Izuku said as he started to cry.
    "Sorry kid, she died last night." The mean officer said plainly to Izuku as the other gave him a sympathetic look.

    Izuku got angry, he wasn't gonna believe that his mother had died until he saw it for himself. So he ran past the officers and went into the building.
    "Hey, Kid! Stop! You can't go in there! It's still a crime scene!" The mean officer shouted at Izuku.

    Izuku kept running and didn't stop until he reached apartment 2-18. He stood in front of the open door and saw dry blood leaking from under a black tarp that covered his mother's dead body
    "Oh my God, mom... No." Izuku whispered as more tears flooded from his eyes.

    One of the heroes, that was working on the case, saw Izuku looking at the tarp while crying. "What the hell is a child doing here?" Shouta Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead, thought.
    "Hey, you're not allowed in here," Aizawa said to the boy, making Izuku's attention face towards him and not the tarp.

    "This was my house, I lived here, that body-!" Izuku pointed at the tarp, "Is my mother's body! Her-her dead body!" Izuku cried out, shocking Aizawa.
    "Well, that explains the photos on the walls. But this kid looks too young to be living on his own." Aizawa before approaching Izuku.

    "I," Aizawa started off saying, he wasn't good with children. Yeah, he had 2 of his own, but those were his kids, he knew them and knew how to cheer them up, he didn't know much about other kids.
    "I'm sorry for your loss," Eraserhead said, "We weren't informed that she had any family." He continued.

    "Yeah, she has a family. Not by blood but family isn't always by blood, it's by trust and comfort." Izuku explained.
    Aizawa understood that, after all, he had 2 adopted children that he considered his own. Even if they weren't blood-related they were his family.

    "So nobody contacted anyone? Not auntie Mitsuki? Not uncle Masaru? Not Kacchan? Not even all might?" Izuku asked, stunning Aizawa.
    "This woman had a whole family and not even one person told them?" Aizawa asked himself, skipping over the fact the boy included All might. "No, as I said before we weren't aware of any family members." He repeated to Izuku.

    Finally, the previous officers from earlier caught up to Izuku and we're out of breath.
    "Kid, your not allowed to be here. This is a crime scene!" The rude officer said. "Sir, this child is a relative of the victim. Calm down, this isn't responsible behavior on your behalf." Aizawa said sternly to the cop.

    "Apologies for my misunderstanding, but I was told there were no family members." The officer explained. "I understand, I was told the same thing. However, this kid has no reason to lie, so don't blame your rude behavior on not knowing important information that we all missed." Aizawa said with anger and bitterness laced in his tone. The officer tensed up and apologized before going back outside with the other officer.

    "I'm taking you down to the station, follow me," Eraserhead said to Izuku. "Uh, o-ok," Izuku mumbled before following Aizawa to his car that is parked near the police cars.
    Aizawa and Izuku got into the car and by then Izuku had already stopped crying.

    "Can... Can I call some others to meet us there?" Izuku asked once Aizawa started driving. "Yeah, that's fine," Aizawa said.
    Izuku pulled out his phone and called his aunt first, putting her on speaker.

    "Hey, Izuku! What's up?" Mitsuki asked, "Hey, auntie Mitsuki. Umm, something happened, can you meet me at the police station?" Izuku asked on the verge of tears.
    "What?! Why?! Are you in trouble?! Are you okay?! Who's taking you there?!" Mitsuki asked. "I'm not in trouble, I'm okay, a pro hero is taking me there, and as to why..." Izuku hesitated as tears leaked from his eyes, "Auntie, my mom died. She was murdered last night."

    Mitsuki stayed quiet for a moment to take the information in before talking. "I am so sorry. We'll be at the station in a few minutes. I'm so sorry, Izuku." Mitsuki said before Izuku hung up and started to cry again.

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