~ Chapter 5 ~ (EDITED)

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❗️There will be a little bit of angst! You've been warned❗️
~Izuku's POV~

    "Oh, shit.." I mumbled, but loud enough to be heard by a certain sad blondie

"What's wrong Izuku?" Toga asked from outside the door.

    "This is... embarrassing. Um, can you please help me? I don't know where to start looking." I said, "I hope this makes her feel better." I thought.
   Toga opened the door and closed it behind her, all with her hand covering her eyes. "Toga it's fine, you can look. I still have clothes on." I said. She removed her hand and smiled at me, giving a knowing look, probably on why I asked for help. She's one smart mini-sized cookie, and I'm glad I met her.

    "Ok, you should start with the ones with long sleeves and then work our way down to the ones with vests. Sound good?" She asked. "Yeah, thanks." I said, she then turned around to leave, "-but, what's in between those two?" I asked, genuinely confused. Who knew there were more than 2 types of suits that existed.
    Toga sighed and turned around to face me. "You're such a doofus. Here let me help, try on.. these 3 first and then show me. Then after that, you can try those three on, the suits with more buttons than the one you're trying." Toga explained and smiled. "Thanks, Toga," I said.

~Toga's POV~

I left the room, leaned against the wall by the door, and waited. I started getting bored, so I started humming a song, then started to sing.

~Turn the song above to 0:40~

"Does it get your blood boiling? Does it make you see red? Do you wanna destroy it? Does it get in your head? Cause it gets my blood boiling! And I'm comin' unglued! It will eat you like poison! If you knew what I knew, you would be angry too.

I'm seeing through crimson sunglasses. I'm breathing and counting to ten. I guess I'm fresh out of free passes. They'll pay if it happens again. I don't wanna drink the venom they made me! I don't wanna be controlled by the past! Boi if you were me, could you really blame me! It would make you crazy!
Cause another and another comin' up out of the gutter, 'till I'm drowning in an ocean of entitled motherfuckers-"

"What did you just say?!" Izu-kun shouted from inside the room. "Um, gutter?" I asked.

"No! The bad word you just said!"

    "What? You mean when I said, motherfuckers?" I asked.

"Yes! Don't-don't be saying that shit!" Izu-kun shouted. "Why not? You say shit, you've said it twice today!" I questioned. "Shit is not the same as... the 'f' word," Izu-kun explained. "Ok true, but-"

"No! No, but's! Villain or not, it will always be a no-no word!"

"Oh, my- ' a no-no word' what?! So cute! What in the fucking hell!? Why was I blessed with such an innocent bunny being!?" I thought. "Deep breaths... deep breaths Toga. You can handle this." I took deep breaths and calmed down. "Fine, I won't say fuck anymore," I said. "Thank you," Izu-kun said. "But first! Fuckity fuck fuck fucker!" I shouted and threw my hands in the air, holding them in a fist, and started laughing. "Toga-san no!" Izu shouted, letting some giggles of his own slip through.

"You're so innocent Izuku, you're like a baby bunny! But why don't you want me to say the "f" word?" I asked. Silence. "Izu? Did you hear my question?" I asked.


"If you didn't hear me then I'll just repeat it, why don't you want me to say the "f" word?" I asked again but with louder voice.

More silence.

"Izuku are you ok?" I asked.


"Izuku are you still in there?" I asked knocking on the door.

More silence.

"Izuku say something, so I at least know you're ok," I said.


I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Dammit, Izuku please open the door!" I pleaded.




Scattered breathing


for help?

"Izuku it's ok! I'm right here! I can help you, but you need to open the door." I explained.



"Ok good, I'm going to come into the room now, is that ok?" I asked, and heard a small and trembling "mhm.." coming from inside. I opened the door slowly and saw crying Izuku in the corner huddled in a ball, holding his knees to his chest, and mumbling words that I couldn't make out.


Except one. One sentence I heard clear as day that will haunt my soul forever.

His exact words were...


"Father please don't hurt me again."



What the hell happened to this child that made him so scared of his father that it gives him anxiety and panic attacks?!

But now is not the time to be mad.

I need to comfort Izuku.

I sat down on the floor next to him and thought of ways I could calm him. "Oh! Annabel, come here!" I called out, and seconds later a small girl came into the room and sat in front of Izu and I. "Hello zero seven, what do you need?" Annabel asked. "Can you calm Izu?" I asked. "Ok zero seven," Annabel said, she then moved closer to Izuku and put her hand on his ... what does she call it? Emotional aura? I think that's it, and only she can touch it and see it, to me she's just putting her hand in the air.

Izuku relaxed his body and stopped mumbling. "There, it is done. Would you like me to do anything else?" Annabel asked. "Call Izuku's mother and tell her that Izuku won't be able to make it to the doctor's appointment and that there's been a delay and she needs to reschedule," I explained. "Of course zero seven. Would you like me to tell you when that is done?" Annabel asked. "No thanks Annabel, you can go now," I said, and she left the changing room. Leaving only me and a calm Izuku, that's now sleeping soundly.

"Don't worry Izuku you're safe now. And if your father ever crosses paths with me, he will regret everything he did to you to make you so scared." I vowed while looking at the sleeping Deku.

"Deku? Isn't that what that mean dude he told me about called him?
That actually sounds like a good name. Maybe I'll suggest it as a villain name to him once he's awake.


What is he wearing?

Oh my gosh, he's wearing a suit! And it's my favorite one!

One of the vests!

Oh, he must have done the order backward, because the vests were supposed to be last.

Oh well.

10 out of 10!

I should really take him to his room, sleeping sat up probably isn't comfortable.

I got up from the floor and picked him up. Holding him in a bridal position. Is that it's called? I held him in my arms side to side, that's the only way I can describe it.
I took him to his room, changed him, and placed him in his bed. Also putting his new villain outfit in his closet. I then started to head to the bar to see if there's food, I', hungry.

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