~ Chapter 7 ~

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~Not sure if this will be posted in between 6 and the 2nd part of 6. Soo! just putting this out there, this is chapter 7 and you need to read part 2 of chapter 6 if you have not already~

~Izuku's POV~

"A week ago was when my mom dressed fancy. Also, I was supposed to go to the doctors last night, and I'm color blind.. oh my god. Is All might dating my mom?!" I thought. "Oh my god, please no.," I mumbled. "No what?" Small might asked.
"Are.. are you dating my mom?" I asked. "No! Maybe? What is your mother's name?" Small might asked. "Inko Midoriya," I said awkwardly. "Oh, well then. I am dating your mother." Small might said.

"Oh my god! This is sooo weird." I groaned. "Yes, very. And I didn't know you were color blind." Small might said. "Yep, I was pushed down a ditch when I was 10ish," I explained. "Who would do that?" Small might asked. "The same guy that told me to jump off the roof," I explained. "That's not very nice." Small might said.
"Yeah, but he was my only friend, so I would do whatever he asked of me. It was like that from the day we met." I explained. "Well, that's not very friendly-like." Small might said.

"Yeah, and he's never considered me as a friend so..." I trailed off, getting uncomfortable. "I see.." small might said.
"Anyhow! How much longer do you think I have to train until I'm ready?" I asked. "Not sure. It all depends on how much your devoted to it. If you're absolutely devoted and put your heart and soul into training, then I'd say 8 or so months." Small might explained.

"Cool!" I said, feeling actually... happy. An emotion I don't feel very often. It's... comforting, knowing I have people that are making me feel this way more often. I like it.
"Is this what it's like to have a big family? I've only had my mom in my life.. but now I have Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki, Kuriguri, Twice, my mom, and now.. all might. I really feel loved." I thought with a smile on my face.

"We're here!" Small might as we walked to the door of his two-story house.
"Wow.," I mumbled when we walked in.

Small might sniff the air and smiled. "Do I smell.. *la gasp* pasta!" Small might shouted as he ran to, presumably, the kitchen.
"Yes, you do. I got here early so I could make us some." I heard my mom say before I walked into the room.

"Hey mom," I said awkwardly, grabbing her attention. She looked at me in shock and then looked at Small might. She looked back at me and smiled.
"So, Izu sweetie, you're the one who Toshi was gonna train?" Mom asked in her fake sweet voice that she only uses rarely.

"Y-Yeah," I mumbled. She turned to small might and did something I would never suspect she'd do.
She kicked his stomach making him double over. "Argh dammit. I should have seen that coming." Small might groaned.

"Next time-" She said in a sweet and kind voice as small might got up. "Tell me when it's my child you're putting through hell!" She continued in a not so sweet and kind voice, before punching his chest.

"Yes, ma'am." Small might said. Mom took a deep breath and sat down at the table.
"Why don't we eat now? Izu sweetie this could be a great time to tell me about your training, that Toshi never told me about." She said through a smile.

When it comes to my safety, Inko Midoriya changes from her kind, caring, sweet self, to either hitting someone or yelling at them. But the scariest part is that she always does it with a smile.
I last time I saw her like this was when I was 13 and Kacc- Katsuki, punched me at the park while I was with my mom. She got mad and went off at him, he didn't hit or call me names for another week.

~690 words. The next one won't be as short. Not really sorry, I just have Writer's block.~

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