~ Chapter 2 ~ (EDITED)

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~Midoriya's POV~

    After I found my hero analysts' notebook I picked it up out of the pound and looked through all the pages. "Some pages aren't readable, but I can just rewrite them." I mumbled to myself.
    I sighed and slowly started walking away from the fish pound. "M-Maybe kacchan is right if I jump everyone would be happy... or maybe they wouldn't even notice. Heh, only mom will notice, but she wouldn't care, she didn't even want me to know why she was dressed so formally this morning." I mumbled tears rolling down my face as I walked down an alleyway.

    "I can help with that..." A man said, but I couldn't see who because they were in the shadows. "W-With what?" I asked, "With helping you find people who will care for you, and love you like family." The man said.
    "Wait-Wait-Wait, who are you?" I asked. The man then stepped out of the shadows and introduced himself, "My name is Tomura Shigaraki. But you can call me Shigaraki." Shigaraki said.

    "Wait! Y-You're-You're-" I stuttered, "A villain? Yes, indeed I am." Shigaraki said calmly. "But that doesn't change what I said, I can help you with your problem."
    "You're a villain, I-I shouldn't listen to you," I mumbled, more to convince myself than him.

    "Why shouldn't you?" Shigaraki asked. "B-Because-!" I started to say before he interrupted me. "Because others say not to, right?" He asked, "They say villains are all bad, but we aren't that different from everyone else, we were just born different and have different goals. From my side the 'hero's' are the villains, giving false hope to the innocent." Shigaraki explained.
    "Well, I guess you're right, it's just based on someone's perspective.." I mumbled.

    "Now you get it. So, I have a question for you. Would you like to join the league of villains?" Shigaraki asked.
    "W-What?! I didn't know that was what you were getting a-at!" I babbled.

    "You aren't saying no. So what do you say, yes or no?" Shigaraki asked. "I-um..." I sighed, "No, it's not right. I'm sorry..." I said.
     "Well my offer still stands, so if you ever change your mind you are always welcome." He said before walking away.

    After a few minutes of just standing there, I realized something, "Oh god! I could have turned him in! But, I didn't. Why wasn't I scared of him? Everyone says villains are scary and dangerous, but.. he was nice to me." I said to myself.
    I walked out of the alley and checked the time on my phone, "4:19, I should head home, mom might be worried, ... or maybe not, she probably hasn't even noticed yet." I mumbled.
    I started walking, but I'm not going home I'm going back to school. More specifically, to the roof...

~The Middle school roof, Midoriya is sitting on the ledge~

    "Ok, just jump and I can be done with all this," I mumbled to myself. I stood up and looked down. There was no one around besides the few people walking by the school, "if someone sees me they will make me get down, so I better make this quick." I said, and let my body fall downward while I closed my eyes and waited for my body to hit the ground.

    It never did, because before I could make it a hero saved me and landed on a building with me in hand.

    "There you go young one, you're safe now! Be careful the next time that you're on a ledge." The hero said.
    I opened my eyes when I had my feet on the ground and saw all might in front of me.
    If this was yesterday I would be so happy, but not now. "How could you do that?!" I shouted, he was startled by my sudden outburst but quickly responded. "What do you mean? You fell off the building and I caught you, I saved your life." All might explained.
    "I didn't fall off! I jumped off! And you didn't save my life you ruined it!" I yell and tears started going down my face, "I was finally going to be happy..." I mumbled.

    "Killing your self won't make you happy, and certainly not the people that care about you." All might explained, "'Person', not 'people', only my mom cares for me. And she can get over me." I said and started walking towards the edge of the building.

    "Slow down child." All might said and stood in front of me. "Haven't any of you're friends talked to you yet?" He asked. "Yep! and I'm doing what he told me to do 'take a swan dive off the roof of a building'. So please please please! Let me jump." I begged.

    'Wait, why should I listen to kacchan, he hates my guts and killing myself will only make him happy. And I don't want him to be happy." I thought while tuning out the speech all might was giving me and started to walk towards the door. I stopped and turned around to face All might.

    "Is... Is it still possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?" I asked.
    "I'm sorry, but no. You would only get yourself hurt, or worse, killed. But you can still become a cop, they might not get all the action but they still help people and put away villains." He explained.
    'Even the #1 Hero doesn't believe in me.' I thought. "Thanks for the advice, but being a cop isn't for me," I said. All might then walked up to me and put a metal cuff on my ankle.
    "Um, what's that?" I asked. "You will see very soon young child." He said, and then left. "Might as well go home there's nothing else to do," I muttered to myself.

    Once I exited the building I felt a small weight on my ankle, I looked down at the metal cuff and there was a small blue light. "Wait don't tell me..." I mumbled.
    I lifted my leg into the air about 2 ft above the ground and my foot insistently got pulled back to the ground. "I've heard of these, if you have this on and you get to a certain number of feet above the ground it will pull you down," I mumbled to myself.
    "I should really get home, don't want to stay out too late," I said and walked home.

~At the house~

   I walked through the door and headed to my room. "Hey sweetie, how was your-" My mom said but I closed my door before she finished talking.
    "I shouldn't have done that to her, she's done nothing wrong... I'll apologize later. Right now I have to get rid of all this All might crap. It's useless now." I said and started to rip my posters off the wall, and throwing everything away. All the clothes and merchandise, everything.

    After I was done I sat on my bed and cried. I cried because I will never be a hero, Because I'll never have a quirk, because nobody believes in me not even all might, because I'm a useless color blind freak, and for so many other reasons.
    About an hour later my mom walked in with cookies and saw me crying.

    "What's wrong 'zuku?" She asked and sat on the end of my bed. "I can't... I can't see color, I can't become a hero, I can't live in a world with kacchan!" I yelled out crying.

    My mom rubbed my back and said, "It's ok that you can't see color, and if Katsuki is bothering you I can always talk to his mom. Also, you don't have to have a quirk to be a hero, you can do so many other things, like being a cop is one example." She said smiling.
"That's what he said," I mumbled. "Who?" She asked.
    "All might, I met him today and he said I couldn't become a hero. He said it's too dangerous without a quirk and that I should just be a cop instead." I explained.
    "Is that why you put all your all might stuff away?" She asked sadly. "Yeah, he doesn't believe in me so why should I believe in him?" I asked.

    "Honey you need to face the facts, I know you want to be a hero but you can't! Not like that, you don't have a quirk so please stop wishing for the impossible. You're just gonna get yourself either let down or killed." She paused and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry but that's the truth, and it's time for you to realize that." She said, and then walked away. Again, not saying what I wanted to here. Just like when we found out I was quirkless.

    'Even she doesn't believe I can be a hero. Maybe she's right, maybe I can't become a hero. But, I can become a villain. Maybe the villains will care for me like family like Shigaraki said.' I thought, right before I fell asleep.

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