Lost Souls Room

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Todd stared blankly at the child, whom apparently wasn't much of a child.
But even when blood still rushed through his veins, he was a child... apparently a murderous one.
"So what? I'm like your number one hero?" Todd mocked with a laugh.
"I suppose so. When I heard your name, the techniques you used, and just how determined you were blew my mind! Then I heard you'd be arriving soon and I had to find a way to meet you," Thomas explained very quick, but Todd caught every word.
"So what? Now that you've met me, I suppose you want my autograph?" He joked. He couldn't help but think this kid was more insane than he was.
"No not really. I want you tell me what was it like? Ya know, when you killed your first person." Thomas smiled as he glanced at the slit in the barber's throat. How curious the boy was. "And when that happened," he pointed as his own bare throat; symboling the slit in Todd's.
"Look, you may technically be older than me, but you still have the mind of a child. A pathetic child, at that." He then stopped in his words and the realization that the boy got a hold of his file hit him. "Wait. How the bloody hell did you get a look at my file?"
"...Uh... Travis let me... he said I could learn a thing or two."
"No," Todd hissed. "Even I was told files are for the Authorities' eyes only. And last I checked, you're not in the Authorities, you're just annoying child working in this shit hole bakery."
Thomas almost sunk in his own seat. "Ok... I was just curious..."
"Well haven't you heard curiosity killed the cat. Why'd you look at my file?" Todd demanded; keeping his voice low and subtle so Lovett wouldn't hear.
"I told you, sir," Thomas sputtered. "I don't believe all the words it described you. Too me, you're like a mastermind! A genius! Your plans were flawless," the boy raved with more excitement. Todd then listened closely. It'd be one of the first time someone to call his plans genius.
"They call you those simpleton names because they don't what it's like being the suspect. They've all been the victim. But not us," Thomas added very seriously. "They don't know what goes through a mind like yours." He spoke while tapping at his own head.
Todd then sat back in the booth and sighed. The lad did seem like he had a point.
Todd then leaned forward to ask the boy a curious question. He opened his mouth, but was quickly cut off by another voice.
"Thomas!" A high pitched voice exclaimed. A body followed the voice and she didn't look happy. Todd only rolled his eyes and rested his head back on the table.
"Mr. Todd what do you think you're doing? Poisoning his youthful mind," she scoffed and snatched Thomas out of his seat.
Todd made a twisted face. "Poisoning?" He questioned.
"You two stay away from each other," she demanded. "Last I need is Thomas becoming deranged and idiotic like you."
Todd only glared at her. The words repeated through his head.
Deranged. Idiotic.
Thomas only winked at the barber before being pulled away from the baker. She shuttled him off back to the counter where he was making cookies. She placed her hands on her hip and frowned.
"What were you doing talking to him?" She asked; looking at the small amount of guilt in his eyes.
"I dunno," he mumbled and looked at his shoes.
"Thomas," she spoke calmer. "Look at me," she lifted his chin and made eye contact with the boy. "What'd he even say to ya?"
"...Nothing... he didn't talk," Thomas answered and turned to continue his work with the cookies.
Lovett only sighed and rolled her eyes. "Just stay away from him, nothing but a negative influence he is," she muttered and paced back to her seat.
Thomas ignored her little comment and took his frustration out on the dough. His eyes often looked up at Todd. The barber was constantly glancing out the window; messing with the short curtains and tapping his boney fingers against the wood of the table.
What went through his mind was a mystery, thought Thomas. Thomas couldn't help but imagine to see that man in action. A razor in his hand and a victim to stand before him. To see Todd knee-deep in blood. He could just imagine being in that glorified barber parlor of his; watching Todd as he slaughtered the innocent with no remorse. What a dream come true that would be.
As the boy continued making the cookies with his demented head in the clouds, Todd kept a sharp eye out the window. He watched all who passed by; the people who walked among this tainted world. He looked at them with disgust and loathe. How they all just roam the land; making up the lives that they had soiled.
Surprisingly there were a few people he recognized. Each one sporting out quite the slash on their bare throat. Todd smirked to himself and continued watch.
That's when she saw her. The slutty witch. Todd nearly jumped out of his seat as he was determined to give her a piece of his mind.
Margery strutted down the walkway; swinging a small purse by her side as she grinned to each passerby. Todd glared at her as he jumped out of the booth and marched straight out the bakery; slamming the door behind him.
The door's loud slam led to everyone jumping in their seats; including Lovett and Thomas.
"What the hell is his problem?" Lovett muttered under her breath; not caring to see where he marched off. Thomas on the other hand was intreated in the barber's whereabouts. He carefully watched Todd slip through the crowds of people and reach the doctor.
Could Thomas actually get to witness the demon barber in action?
Todd didn't hesitate to approach Margery. He easily, with full confidence, snatched the purse she swung and launched it across the level.
"Hey!" She screamed before realizing it was the man she had tortured. Her eyes widened; she thought he was still tied up in restraints.
His next move was gripping her throat and pulling her in an empty alley-way. He then dropped her to the hard, solid ground.
"Well?!" Todd yelled and kicked at her limp body as she staggered to get up on her feet. "Get the hell up, woman!" He demanded and kicked her hard as possible. He breathed heavily and pushed his hair out of his face.
"You're seriously going to beat up a woman?" She scoffed and tried dusting herself off.
"Yep," Todd smiled proudly and once again grabbed her by her throat and raised her body up against the solid wall like he had done to Lovett earlier.
"What are... you gonna do... kill me?" She choked out with a smile; trying hard to not show weakness.
"I wish," Todd muttered and tightened his grip. "Surprised to see me not tied up in your chains, huh?"
"Actually yes. I suppose... some goody-too-shoe... found you... untied you? Nice to see no one's tried to find and... punish me." She kept stuttering from the pressure around her neck.
"I found you," Todd smirked. "I wouldn't mind at all to punish you." His words now were a bit calmer, but he was still outraged. He then let loose of her and she once again fell.
"Fine, I can see you want more revenge, you just can't let shit go can you?" She quickly got back up; still speaking in a sassy tone.
"Nope," Todd retorted with a grin.
Margery, without a single thought of hesitation, jumped up to Todd's height and placed her ruby lips upon his for a split second. She smiled when she pulled back and watched the expression form on his face.
He arched his brow and cocked his head.
"C'mon admit it... you wished for that to happen. Ever since your imprisonment in Botany Bay you wished for that," she smile and proudly placed her hands on her hips.
"The hell's wrong with you? I never even thought of such a pathetic wish, you mewling quim!" Todd spat and and slapped her clear across the face.
Margery fell back to the wall and watched a strong, violent storm beginning to brew up inside the man's mind.
That's when she the saw the horror she's been so blind to before. The man really was screwed up in the head and now she finally saw it.
Todd then hatched an idea; a devious idea. He then undid the thin scarf that was tied around his throat. The scarf was thrown in the bag along with the vest Lovett had given him days ago. He rounded up the scarf and glared at Margery while he did so.
Margery looked to her sides; she was surrounded by walls, no escape.
"So... out of all the things you could of done to me, you hook me up to some death machine?" He mumbled as he tightened the scarf with a grin.
"That's about right. I could tell you just loved the pain," she whispered; actually showing some fear.
"Then I'm sure you'll love this," he smirked and then ever so quickly swung the scarf around her throat. Margery turned back to choked out for help.
Todd was strangling the witch with a simple little scarf. He pulled back on the material with a glistening smile. Her eyes widened in fear as small ragged gasps were escaping her throat.
Todd didn't know if somehow this could kill her in some way, but either way the woman was in pain and he liked it.
He pulled harder on his scarf that wrapped around her frail neck. She clawed at the fabric of the scarf, but it was all no use. Even after death with the no use to breathe, the man's strength still pained her. The endless pressure around her throat distressed her horribly, but he didn't care.
"You're goddamn lucky I don't have that machine to tie you up to cause if I did you'd be wishing you were fully dead." He gritted his teeth as he spoke and then finally let lose of the scarf and both the scarf and woman dropped to the floor.
She placed her hands around her throat; trying to soothe the pain.
Todd then laughed as she watched her cough in pain.
There was no remorse; no mercy. Mercy, to him, didn't even exist at the moment. He looked down at her bruised flesh; the small gashes that painted her body.
"...You know," Margery started as she sat up and propped herself up against the corner of the walls. "They'll lock you up for this. They'll... throw you in the jail when they find me."
"Oh no jail," Todd mocked. "It's not like I've been in that situation before. Besides I can easily get Mrs. Lo-" Then he stopped mid sentence. He remembered Lovett wants nothing to do with him. She said her official goodbyes, there's no turning back now. He'll go to jail and the air-headed baker won't be there to bail him out.
"Oh that's no matter!" Todd hissed; shaking the thought of Lovett no longer there to race to his aid. "Besides they'll be locking your ass up too."
"That's where you're wrong," she quickly replied. Her tone no longer violent nor sassy. It was now at ease.
"Well they sure as hell aren't letting you free, I'll be sure of it," Todd argued and crossed his arms.
"No... they're not going to let me free, imbecile. I've been causing too much trouble around here. I know They're tired it."
"I know I'm tired of it," Todd scoffed.
"Shut up. You don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?"
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "When you cause too much shit around here, it's not just a little slap on the hand and time out in the corner... they get rid of you for good. And that's where I'm heading."
"Oh you want me to fall for your false tragic story and show mercy?" Todd laughed and leaned against the wall.
"It's not some false tragic story, it's the truth. They send you off to the lost souls room... it's like where you ultimately cease to exist, both body and soul," she explained quietly. "I've seen the room only once. It's just a dark pit; a cold empty dark pit."
Todd then listened. Could this be some exit from this wretched After-World?
"Wait. So you're telling me when someone acts out too much the Authorities just throw your soul away... you cease to exist?"
"From what I've heard you feel nothing; see nothing; think nothing. Wait, why are you all of a sudden so curious?"
Todd then shoved his hands in his pockets and looked to the ground. "I dunno..."
"You actually want to end your pathetic afterlife, don't you?" She softly laughed to herself.
"Well not if you're gonna be in that room too."
"I told you, moron. Once you're there you see, feel, and think nothing. So it's not like you'd see me, hell you won't even be able to think of me."
"Interesting," Todd commented.
He then walked off; leaving the limp and injured Margery. He wasn't sure if Margery spoke the truth, but this lost souls room sounded like his exit. He could end these worthless, repeating days of pain. He wouldn't have to be forced to think tragic memories or constantly yelled at by everyone around him. He wanted to know more about this room, every single fact there was.
Todd didn't return to bakery; instead he wandered up the third level using the route Margery had used. Up there he knew it was quiet and empty.
He entered a large room with a large chandelier. He looked up at the glass of the chandelier and remembered the few parties he would attend with Lucy. There the parties were sophisticated and had magnificent chandeliers.
He then shook his head vigorously; shaking away the tainted memories. He didn't want to remember the past; he didn't want to remember the life he could never get back.
Todd then kept on moving; entering different large rooms. Some had tables and stacked chairs; other were completely bare. Every room had some sort of stage about two feet off the ground.
Todd then entered the last room on the level and lied down in the center. He lied on his back to where he was facing up at the ceiling.
He thought carefully about this lost souls room. He wasn't sure if Margery spoke the truth, but he still pondered on the idea. He could finally leave this wretched make-up world. Leave the people with their fake lives and fake content smiles. How he wished this lost souls room was true. He could leave Lovett and the Authorities that constantly nagged him.
Thinking about the Authorities he realized he hadn't been to his sessions in awhile; not that he cared. He hated the sessions; constantly asked about his life when all the facts They need to know are simply in his file.
"Mr. Todd?" A voices had echoed.
Todd flinched at first; he had been so use to the silence he forgot sounds and noises exist.
At first he just lied there, motionless; thinking whoever called his name was just a voice in his head.
"Mr. Todd?" The voice repeated with following footsteps. Now Todd knew the voice was real. He quickly sat up and saw a short figure walking towards him.
Todd rolled his eyes and lied back down, not caring to talk to Thomas.
"Mr. Todd, I saw what you you did to that lady," Thomas mentioned and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"You gonna tell the Authorities?" Todd mumbled in response.
"Why would I do that?" Thomas questioned and sat down across from Todd.
Todd then realized the kid wasn't going to leave and so sat up.
"So I suppose you enjoyed the little show," the barber mocked.
"It was interesting I'll say. Who was she?"
"A bitch," Todd quickly replied; not caring to use profanity in front of Thomas.
"Mrs. L watched too," Thomas mentioned.
"Mrs. L?... Oh you mean Lovett," he muttered under his breath. "I suppose she'll rat me out to Travis."
"Probably. You know for some reason she just hates your guts. Funny, the other day she'd been drooling over you," Thomas lightly laughed.
"Disgusting." Todd. "Wait. How'd you know I was up 'ere? You follow me?"
"No... this is just where I come when I wanna get away from the world. I guess we think alike, huh?"
"No. We don't," Todd scoffed. "And wouldn't a child be more likely to be in a better place than this hell?"
"I told you earlier I was a serial killer... and I'm not a child anymore."
"A killer, huh? You don't look like much."
Thomas only rolled his eyes.
"Well if Mrs. Lovett pays Travis a visit I'll just pay her visit as well," Todd stated; disregarding the last topic.
"You might not wanna do."
"And why?"
"Well... you already hurt her once, you hurt that woman you recalled as a bitch. Anymore incidents they'll kick you outta here."
Todd's head then snapped up. His eyes widened. Was there hope for an exit?
"What do you mean they'll kick me out?"
"Cause too much trouble around here and it's off to the lost souls room with you."
The words were like music to his ears. The words were so beautiful; majestic. There was an exit; an escape; an end.
"So it's true," Todd whispered in awe.
"Excuse me?"
"The lost souls room," Todd simply stated.
"Yea, what about it?"
"Tell me everything you know about it."
Thomas cocked his head in confusion. He figured who the hell would want to go there. But Thomas was acute and knew almost every secret the Authorities tried to hide.
"Everything?" Thomas questioned.

Apologies this took awhile to update.
Apologies for such a short chapter.
I'm happy I'm finally picking up some sort of story line.
How are you liking it so far? Please leave reviews in the comments, I love reading all of your opinions!
And as always, thank you for reading and for more Sweeney Todd please follow my Instagram-
@ demon.of.depp
Thank You

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