The Homicide Boy

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"So how the hell did you manage to break your arm?" Lovett asked in a sort of laugh while the two ate their dinner.
Lovett sat at the end of Todd's bed while he sat at the top of it.
He only picked at his food rather than eating it.
"The doctor said when I collapsed to the floor from the fire, I landed on my arm... so now it's broken," he replied with a laughing smile; not at all angered by it.
The two just laughed together. It was a warm environment; something Todd hadn't felt in a while. He could actually relax; feel calm; collective.
"What's pathetic is that I fell on my goddamn right arm. I can't do anything with my left arm," he complained while flailing his left hand in the air.
"It'll heal in time, love, you know that," she mentioned while finishing her meal.
"Yea... then again I did it to myself," he sighed while setting his tray on the desk beside his bed.
"Mr. T, ya barley ate," she pointed out.
"I wasn't hungry. And it's not like I can die from starvation," he retorted.
Lovett only agreed and sat her tray next to his.
"Didn't the doctor say ya could leave tonight?" She asked while walking around the room and examining all the nooks and crannies.
"If he did, he probably said it when I was out cold," he stated while trying to sit up straight. It was hard to do so since the flames left severe burns on his back and torso. He clenched his teeth in trying to reduce the pain and he kept telling himself he deserved the pain he endured.
"You alright, love?" She asked; quickly noticing him trying to cope with his pain.
"Yea, yea, yea," he muttered and finally sat up. "I just wanna leave now."
When those words hit her, she couldn't help but think of his plotting and planning to leave this world for good. If he started anymore fights, he'd be gone forever.
"Leave?" She choked out.
Todd arched a brow. "Yea," he spoke slowly. "Leave this room, it's cramped and musky in here."
She released a sigh of relief when he meant leaving this room.
"What'd you think I meant?" He asked while attempting to get out of the bed.
"Oh nothing," she lied and tried to make herself look busy.
Todd frowned. He had his suspicions, but how could she possibly know of his intentions to the Lost Souls Room? She wouldn't know, and he didn't want to raise her suspicions about it.
He then looked down to notice he was in a hospital gown and he just rolled his eyes.
Lovett noticed as well and couldn't help but laugh a little.
Todd just growled at her and fell back into the bed in frustration.
"Love, ya want me to stop by your room and grab a change of clothes?" She asked while motioning to the door.
Todd quickly thought of the papers he tacked to the walls and he didn't want her batting an eye at it.
Although she already knew.
"...Uh no... I'm sure the doc will give me my clothes back," he replied; hoping she wouldn't run off to his room.
"Honey, you're clothes are just ashes now. For Christ's sake you doused them in gasoline," she explained.
"Oh yea," he muttered under his breath.
"I'll just run to your room and be back in a tick," she said as she ever so quickly slipped out of the room.
"No! Goddammit!" He screamed. But he was too injured to get up and chase her down. He was capable of standing up, but he didn't get far. "Shit, shit, shit," he whispered to himself and staggered back to his bed. "I'm fucked. She'll know. She'll tell Travis. And I'll never leave this shit hole."
He just sat at the edge of the bed kicking his own feet.
She got in Todd's room again and her eyes immediately were drawn to the papers tacked to the wall.
Her eyes delicately scanned over the words as she began digging through an open drawer.
He didn't have many clothes unlike herself. She quickly fished out a pair of plain black pants, a black shirt and a light brown vest to overlap the shirt.
She then found a white pair of suspenders and couldn't help but fantasize how handsome he'd look in this outfit.
She folded up all the materials and scurried out of the room. It wasn't until she took a last glance at his work of the file when she realized he'll know she knows of it.
"Damn," she whispered to herself and slipped out of the room and headed for the hospital.
The doctor had entered Todd's room and helped him up on his own two feet.
Todd was kept his teeth clenched; in hopes to reduce the unbearable pain.
"You can stay another night, if you'd like, Mr. Todd," the doctor mentioned while signing some papers of sorts.
"I'll be fine," Todd breathed and stretched out his arms from being in the cramped bed.
"Alright. I'm prescribing you pain medication. You'll take em right?" The doctor asked; knowing his last time with pills didn't go too well.
"Yea, yea, yea," Todd murmured.
The door then swung open and there stood Lovett with the clothes held to her chest.
Todd only arched an eyebrow at her; knowing she saw his work on the wall.
"Mr. T, I brought ya some clothes to change into," she mentioned as she stepped in; noticing his expression.
"Alright, Mr. Todd, you're all signed up to leave. Take your time, though," the doctor noted before exiting the room.
Todd then staggered over to Lovett; limping and leaning himself on any object he could find.
"You sure you wanna leave, love? You can stay another night," she informed him; taking note on his horrid condition.
"I'll be fine," he hissed while slowly taking the clothes with his good hand.
Lovett noticed his boney, almost shattered hands.
"Ya need help?"
"I said I'll be fine!" He barked while glaring at the baker. It wasn't until when he looked down at her big brown eyes when he remembered all that she's done for him.
His expression softened and his tense muscles relaxed.
"...I'm sorry," he whispered. He shook his head and took the clothes and headed for the bathroom. "I'll... probably need help," he admitted in his somber tone.
He then tossed the shirt, vest, and suspenders on the bed and attempted to put on the pants.
After struggling for a moment with his crippled arm, the job was finally accomplished.
He then slipped off the hospital gown over his head to reveal the wounds from igniting himself.
They were both in horror as they looked over the burns.
She couldn't believe he did this to himself. Not even her burns were that bad. Her life left her body before there was crucial damage to it.
Other than the wounds, his complexion was pale yet his body was toned. All the years of hard excruciating work in Botany Bay would do that to a man.
Todd could almost feel her eyes just glued to his torso and so he quickly slipped on the black shirt with Lovett helping him button it up.
They were both silent as they did so. They didn't even make a sound.
She then helped buckle up the suspenders.
"You want the vest, hon?" She asked while picking it up into her arms.
"No," he mumbled. "...But thanks for picking it up." He then scanned over the bed and found the file Vincent handed him tucked into the pillowcase. Todd snatched the file and hid it within the vest.
"What's that?" Lovett questioned while trying to read the label on it, but failed to do so.
"Uh, a file the doctor gave me. Its just over hospital shit, that's all," he lied smoothly.
After straightening up his suspenders, he limped over to the door and stood in front of it.
"I know you saw it," he spoke with his back facing her. His hand brushed over against the door handle.
"Excuse me?" She whispered; although knowing what he said.
"You heard me," he hissed while turning around to face her. She was pale as a ghost.
"Why would you plan it?" She uttered; choosing her words carefully.
"Cause I loathe this place. You can't tell me you don't," he explained while fumbling his fingers along his suspenders.
"So that's why you were constantly in jail?"
He only nodded and leaned back on the door behind him. He then placed his hand on the handle and pulled it open.
"Can I just leave," he whimpered.
"This room," he quickly corrected.
"We can talk this over tea," she sighed and headed for the door. "C'mon, love."
The two sat in the empty bakery at a booth. They sat across one another; a hand firmly grasped around their mug of tea.
Todd just swirled his spoon around in the beverage; spilling the contents around the mug.
Lovett just stayed quiet until an appropriate question popped in her head. She had to tiptoe around her words carefully.
"Why would you want to leave?" She asked cautiously.
At first he only stirred the tea faster before giving her answer.
"I just wanna. There's no reason to be here," he muttered while glancing out the window. He still couldn't understand why all these dead, hurt people could just carry on with no problem.
"How'd you even find out about this room?"
"That little scamp of a kid," he smiled and atlas took a sip of the tea. "He sure as hell knows his ways around the place."
"Thomas wouldn't do that. Not that little angel," she protested.
"Then how do you suppose he's here? Everyone here had to of done something horrid or else all the dead would be here... including Lucy," he preached while whispering that last part.
She didn't have an excuse for that. For the first time, he may of had a valid point.
Todd just sighed, although enjoyed how the topic got switched over about Thomas.
He then pulled out the file from his vest that sat in a wad beside him. He slapped the file on the table, but kept it closed.
Her eyes danced over the bold red letters that stamped across it.
"How the blood hell did you get his file?!" She shrieked; pushing her mug aside.
"That fact is irrelevant. I'm just as curious as you. What the hell did this kid do to end up here?"
He was more than eager to unleash the facts hidden in the file before him.
"Wait, wait, wait," Lovett shook her head. "We're talking about you, not him. You're changing the subject," she argued.
"I am not," he lied. "I know you're curious about it just as I am."
"But isn't it wrong to look through the child's file. Edward even said files are confidential," she protested while crossing her arms.
"C'mon, the little rugrat read through mine, it's only polite to return the favor," he smirked while gently opening the file.
Both their eyes then examined the first page. There was printed was like a mugshot of the boy with a straight face.
Thomas Dominick Pierce, the very first line read.
They both read the paragraphs silently and in disbelief.
Born and grew up in France with a family of seven. Pierce was the second youngest of five children.
When Pierce met age fifteen, the youngest in his family, Charles, died of cholera at age 7. Believing that his family deliberately poisoned his younger brother with contaminated water, he set out at get them back.
Night of September 21, 1803, Thomas went and smothered his own brothers and sister with their pillows. Only the second oldest, Gavin, survived.
After murdering his brothers and sister, he wanted his parents to suffer the most.
Waking them in the early morning of September 22, Pierce had them at gunpoint and forced them to chug a quart of contaminated water.
Days passed and the conditions of Pierce's parents grew worse and ended up dead. Dying from what Charles died of.
Within the timespan of Thomas threatening his parents to commit suicide, Gavin was capable of sneaking out of the house and warning enforcement.
After his parents died certainly, Pierce fled the scene in hopes to never be caught.
It didn't take long for enforcement to find Thomas on the outskirts of Belgium and gunned him down; resulting in his death.
Pierce died from two gunshots to his abdomen on September 27, 1803.
The paragraph continued but Todd nor Lovett could read anymore.
Todd knew Thomas mentioned he was homicidal, but not like this.
He cold blooded murdered his own family.
"I'm gonna be sick to my stomach," Lovett whispered under her breath. "This has to be all wrong. He's a sweet little kid."
"I knew he was violent in some aspects... but this?" Todd spoke; his eyes now glancing over the black and white photos of the murderous scene.
One of the facts that amazed Todd was that the boy managed to end four lives and no bloodshed.
Though what sickened him was that it was the boy's own family.
"He even told me how he wanted to travel to all these places and the farthest he got was Belgium. I didn't know this was what he meant," Lovett whispered. "This is wrong... we shouldn't be reading this."
"Well we did," Todd smirked. "But still, a child did that? No wonder he's here in this place."
Todd began flipping through the pages;
small texts that read descriptions of him psychically and mentally.
"You knew he killed someone?" She then uttered.
"Well yea. Why else would he wanna constantly be under my feet" he answered; his eyes still lowered to the file.
"Constantly under your feet huh?" A voice crept into the room. It wasn't Todd nor Lovett's. They both looked up at each other in confusion; then turned their heads to the door.
Thomas came into the bakery. The boy reeked of alcohol. He had been watching them flip through his file from a distance through a window. He never wanted them to know; he knew it'd make them think differently of him.
"Bet you found that more entreating than any book," he commented and walked to the outside of the booth they sat in.
"Thomas." That was all Lovett could choke out. She was afraid this would happen.
"Shut it, I know what you're thinking!" Thomas shouted whilst stomping his foot down.
"Don't raise your voice," Todd complained while getting out of his seat and closing the file. "And you read my file, so no difference."
"There is to!"
"There is not!" Todd shouted back; growing impatient with the boy.
The thought of him murdering his own family crept into Todd's mind.
"And you can't say shit about killing family," Thomas argued. His sunken eyes just glaring up at Todd's.
"I can too."
"Then tell it to Lucille Lynette Barker," Thomas retaliated while quickly snatching the file off the table.
The second her name slipped out of his mouth, Sweeney Todd just lost it all.
He didn't hesitate to snatch Thomas up by his shirt with his one good arm and hoist him as high as he could.
"Don't you fucking ever mention her, you hear that you little shit?!" Todd screamed at the top of his lungs whilst shaking the boy.
"Mr. T, quit it!" Lovett cried while standing up, although knowing once Todd got started, there was no stopping him.
Todd was so caught up in the ferocity, he didn't even hear Lovett's soft voice.
"Oh and while you mention it to Lucille, how bout you tell your daughter Johanna, that you killed her mother and almost killed her!" Thomas laughed; becoming cockier by the second.
Flashes of slicing Lucy's throat ran through Todd's mind. He closed his eyes in pain of the memory. The blood that was shed that night was just some godawful nightmare. Then he thought of when he raised his sharp edged razor to his precious baby girl. Just looking in her innocent eyes sent a sharp chill down his spine.
Out of misery of that flashbacks, his arm heaved over Thomas and threw him brutally to the ground.
"Mr T, stop!!" Lovett shrieked and quickly weaseled in front of him and kept his arm tied to his side. It was a risk to jump in front of him like that, but she didn't hesitate to do it.
She managed to push him back a little and give Thomas a chance to stand up.
"Thomas, just get out," she calmly stated while still holding back the barber. "Please. I'd hate to see something both of you would regret," she hissed while glancing back to Todd.
He was just looking down the ground; trying to shake away his throbbing headache.
Thomas slowly stood up and dusted himself off.
"You're an ass, you know that?" Thomas spat while making his way to the door. "Being all hypocritical with me. Just remember this... my family deserved what they got. Lucille didn't."
Then Thomas fled the scene; slamming the door behind him.
Lovett then backed up and gave Todd some room.
What sickened Todd the most was Thomas repeatedly calling his Lucy by her full name.
"The little bastard," Todd grunted.
He then sat down at the booth; lowering his head to the table.
"Why'd you even have his file?" She asked while taking her seat and watching the distressed Todd.
"Curiosity got that best of me. I knew something wasn't right about the kid... and apparently I mentioned it to Vincent in one of my sessions. So today he came by and gave me his file... I didn't know the little son of a gun would be pissed off 'bout it." Todd explained with his head down the entire time.
"Also didn't know he'd use Lucy against me."
"Love, it's alright. Before you know it he'll forget all about this." She assured with a smile. "And you will to. We'll wake up tomorrow with no memory of this night."
Todd then suddenly got up and motioned to the door. "I'm headin' to my room," he mumbled and opened the door.
"Mr T," she called in a melancholy tone. But before he could reply, he was out the door. Just when she thought everything in the world was peaceful, Todd had to rise more hell.
Although, Todd wasn't going to his room. He needed to release anger and frustration, and not on himself.
He swung his vest around in one hand as he skipped his way to the first level.
With every step he took, there was just a painful surge of memories.
All he kept seeing was that gruesome slit in his girl's throat. That single slit that stopped the blood running through her sweet veins.
With these horrid nightmares suddenly taking over his vision, he countlessly ran into the walls and people.
He needed to act to get this thought out of his mind. He looked around the room; his vision randomly fuzzy.
There he caught a simple man waiting in the long line to the corpse's booth.
Todd didn't hesitate to snatch the vest, held tight in his hand, and wrap it around the man's throat.
With no other choice, he broke free from the sling around his arm and pulled back on the vest; choking the man.
There was agonizing pain in his right arm as he pulled hard on the vest; nearly ripping the recently deceases's head off.
The buff guards that stood on the outskirts of the room quickly took notice of Todd's brutal actions. One of them didn't hesitate to tackle Todd to the ground.
Within just an easy three minutes, Todd was locked in handcuffs and on his way to a cell.
The racing flashbacks of his precious yet dead Lucy had vanished. He let out a sigh of relief as they tossed him into a cell and left for morning.
Eleanor Lovett jumped out of bed in plans to find Thomas to make things right. She couldn't believe there was such a pointless fuss last night.
Even the argument between the boy and the man she loved was slowly becoming a blur. All she remembered was Thomas continually mentioning Todd's family and using that against him. She also remembered Thomas being thrown to the ground quite violently.
She shook the memory gone and went searching on the second level. She wasn't sure if Thomas would be around the bakery, but it was her best guess. The child was hardly ever in his room, unlike Todd.
When approaching her vacant bakery, her new guess was maybe he was in the room.
She traveled back down to the first level and went searching for his room. After a good few minutes, she came upon his room and knocked on the door.
"Thomas, dear? You in there?" She called while carefully listening for a response.
It was as if she was at Todd's door. Whenever she knocked and called, there would almost always be no answer.
She went for the doorknob and twisted it open. To no surprise, it was a vacant room.
A simple little bed with blue covers. A vanity with a smashed in mirror like Todd's. She sighed when coming across the shattered mirror.
With no other ideas on where he boy would be, she went to Todd's room; assuming he was still sleeping from his restless day. Surely he would want to make things right, after all, the two do get along.
She came across his door and didn't bother to knock. She went ahead and opened the door.
Her eyes widened to her surprise he wasn't buried in the covers. The room was empty.
"Damn," she murmured. "Please don't tell me he's in jail," she cried to herself and slammed the door shut.
That was the last thing she wanted. If he was in jail, it'd be another step closer to never existing.
Her steps became more fast every time the thought of never seeing him again snuck into her mind.
While she scurried as fast as her legs could carry her, Todd was sitting at the edge of the bed with a doctor fixing the sling he broke.
As the doctor kept talking nonstop about how Todd should of been careful, Todd was zoning out his voice and thinking of last night.
He couldn't get Thomas's voice out of his head when he kept screaming how he killed Lucy.
Todd's arm was basically taped to his torso, unable at all the move it unlike before.
"Take the pain medication I prescribed to you," the doctor instructed before getting up from the bed. "And don't move your arm around if you want it to heal."
Todd only rolled his eyes and watched the doctor leave his jail cell. He then collapsed on his back and looked up at the blank ceiling.
The whole scene was just replaying in his head countless times.
Just as he was getting lost in his mind, a voice interrupted him and snapped him back to reality.
"You got a visitor, Stabby," a man explained; smirking at the nickname.
Todd immediately say up to find Eleanor Lovett standing on the other side of the bars.
"What the hell are you doing in 'ere again?" She shrieked as she grasped her hands around the bars.
Todd turned his body to face her and sighed.
"You told me you were heading to your room last night," she confronted.
"Well I ended up 'ere instead," he smirked and slowly stood up and walked to the bars.
"Mr T please stop doing this. You know that I know why you're doing this, and I'm telling you it's not worth it," she pleaded. She then reached her hand through the bars in hopes Todd would do the same.
Surprisingly, he did. He went and held her hand and squeezed tight. He then lowered his head; in bitter confusion.
"So why were you looking for me?" He asked; Thomas's words still ringing through him.
"Firstly to make sure you're alright," she smiled. "I see that they really strapped your arm up," she laughed lightly.
He laughed as well.
"Secondly... I can't find Thomas. He's no where," she confessed and squeezed his hand back.
"You check the third level?" He asked; finally looking up at her and into her eyes.
"Why would he be up there?"
"We would often go up there... get away from the crowd... plot stuff to get in trouble," he admitted; his sunken eyes looking back down at the ground.
She exhaled greatly when she heard those words. She knew now that didn't matter and her main concern was Thomas. She wasn't sure why she was extremely worried for the child. It was just with the combination of Todd with possible few days left and Thomas possibly in trouble that overwhelmed her.
"Alright," she breathed; trying to gather her thoughts. "When will they discharge ya?"
"Hell do I know," he scoffed. "You don't think the little rugrat's in trouble, do you?"
"I dunno what to think. I'm just worried, that's all," she sighed.
"Alright, alright, go in the office down the hall and ask em when I can leave. Surely they'll let me go. I've been in 'ere over night and I didn't do anything that bad."
"What the hell did you do?" She exhaled; expecting a typical Sweeney Todd answer.
"...Strangled a man," he smirked.
She rolled her eyes and went to ask the men in charge of the jail system when Todd'll be discharged.
"You want us to let Stabby free?" One of the men in the room laughed
"No, I want you to let Sweeney free," she corrected with crossed her arms; not in the mood for games.
"Same person," the man scoffed. "I'm only discharging the bastard cause after a while his constant whistling and humming gets annoying. You better keep him in check, just a few more incidents like this and They'll ship his ass to oblivion."
She rolled her eyes again and followed the man out who held a chain of a few keys.
As he drove the key into the lock, Todd began to whistle just to piss off the man.
After the door flew open, Todd smirked and ran out with Lovett.
"The guard warned me if you start a few more fights They'll kick ya outta 'ere," she scowled while they marched up the stairs to the second level and then the third.
"Will you drop that already?" He hissed in return. "This isn't about me now."
Lovett didn't reply and soon they reached their destination.
The third level, as usual, was a quiet place. Barley any souls came up here. The only time there would be huge amounts of people would be when their parties of sorts.
Every time Lovett came up here, which wasn't at all often, she thought of how lovely it'd be to share a dance with Todd.
Her in a long, beautiful navy dress. And him dressed in a tux with the cutest little bow tie. Then they would dance the night away in each others' arms.
Her fantasy was disturbed when Todd's booming voice called out to Thomas.
"Thomas?" He called while pacing down the hall and peeking his head into the large rooms. It didn't take long to scan the huge rooms. Most of them were bare with a stage and folded tables and stacked chairs.
"Thomas!" Lovett would repeat after Todd. She was getting more concerned by the minute. Todd was holding up alright. He knew Thomas could keep care of himself and that thought made him not fear. Though in the back of mind, he knew something was up.
Suddenly they came across the last two doors. They stood across from each other. Todd took the door on the right, Lovett took the one on the left.
They were both hesitant to open the door because if Thomas wasn't in either of the rooms, there was one remaining place. And that place was a nightmare.
They opened the doors quickly at the same time, only to reveal disappointment.
"He's not in 'ere," Todd mumbled and closed the door.
"He's not in there either," Lovett sighed.
"You don't think he found the... fourth level, do you?" He skeptically asked; scared himself of the level for the haunted memories that came with it.
Oh how Margery tricked him into believing Lucy was in this world, only to shove him into the real, agonizing world.
"I don't wanna admit it," she choked out and looked at the wall where the secret staircase lied behind. She remembered how Travis got inside and hesitantly got the wall to push aside and reveal the dark stairway.
"I don't wanna go up," Todd quickly added.
"Love, it'll be alright. Nothing will 'appen," she assured and took hold of his good hand and began marching up the dusty stairs.
"No... They'll use that devil machine again," he complained; trying to pull from her tight grip. He reminded himself of the paralyzing pain he endured with the machine. How Margery used it to her best advantage.
"No they won't, dear," she again assured. "I promise, now pick up your feet and let's go. I'd hate to see us... be late," she whispered.
Though as skeptical as he was, he built up the courage to lead the way in the dim room.
It was just like he remembered it. The walls were large mirrors and the air consisted of fog. It was dead silent except for the clicking of their shoes.
"Thomas?" Lovett called; her angelic voice bouncing off the walls.
No response.
"I think he went into the Living World," Todd whispered in disbelief. "And he won't know how to get out."
She then raced to own of the mirrors and pounded on the glass. Todd acted fast and moved her away from it; in fear she'd step inside and become lost like he had.
"What if he's in there?!" She argued trying to push Todd out of her way.
"You're not going in there!" Todd ordered. "He could be anywhere in the world and we'd get lost trying to find him."
Lovett ignored his concern and marched to another mirror, that suddenly opened up.
Todd turned and saw a foggy hall open up to Lovett. His eyes widened in fear and he raced to pull her back. But she was already walking the misty hall and the mirror sealed closed; leaving Todd in the room.
"Dammit Eleanor!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and kicked the mirror; causing a crack in the glass.
He then began pounding on the all the mirrors he could; determined to pull Lovett out of there before any harm was done.
"C'mon," he hissed to himself. "Open up, open up!"
And with luck that came out of no where, a fog-filled hall was revealed and Todd didn't hesitate to sprint through.
At first he was terrified to enter the Living World again and be reminded of it's horrors, but with the only woman who ever gave a care for him out of his reach, he put aside his fears.
It was only a matter of minutes when he arrived in the cloudy city of London.
A sharp chill stabbed his spine as he stepped onto the town's pavement and began walking.
Everything seemed different from his last visit. There were less horse carriages and coaches. There were large looking carriages, but no horses to pull them.
"The hell is this?" Todd muttered under his breath and looked around all his surroundings.
The people looked all funny and everything wasn't right.
"C'mon, stay focused, Sweeney. Look for Eleanor," he reminded himself and set off in search.
He couldn't think of anywhere to start his search, but he felt obligated to head to his old home. Besides all the strange new things he saw, the streets seemed the most familiar.
Following the streets he once knew, the world around him became so unfamiliar. He couldn't help but think what Lovett was thinking about the world now. The closer he knew he was towards Fleet Street, the curiosity of what his old home had become overcame him.
He kept reminding himself his mission was to get Lovett and leave, not to wander around and comprehend how the world has changed in his absence.
After nearly getting ran over by countless horseless carriages, he found his old home, but it didn't look like his home.
The exterior looked all power washed and clean. The banner that once read Mrs Lovett's Meat Pies was scraped from the surface. He was incapable to see through the large slanted window that led to his former parlor. There was a large brown curtain over it.
"Oh my god," he whispered to himself and nearly dropped to the ground. His own home turned into some fancy, snobbish, family household. He wanted to vomit all over the pavement in disgust.
He approached the house closer; able to see through the windows and find a distraught Lovett.
He rushed inside to pull her away from the nightmare. But once he ran through the wall, like the ghost he is, he stopped dead in his tracks.
The entire interior had changed. There were no booths or a counter in the middle of the room.
"This is all wrong," her voice scowled in a dreary tone. "All of it."
Todd was just in shock as she was. Here they came on a simple trip to find Thomas, and they are forgetting the mission and distraught before their eyes.
Todd was able to snap out of the moment and began pulling on her elbow.
"Mrs Lovett, we need to go," he instructed; trying to pull her from the horrid scene. "This is exactly why I didn't want to enter this damn place," he hissed under his breath.
She stood solid like a statue; eyes locked on the changed environment.
"Eleanor, lets go," he demanded; surprised her used her first name. Usually he only said it if he was talking about her, not to her.
"This all wrong," she repeated.
"Eleanor, c'mon!" He raised his voice; the fear of not only losing Thomas, but now her was now consuming him. He remembered his fun little trip here and how distraught he was. He was so unattached from reality it's like he left his own body. With the simple fear of losing Lovett in this world, he quickly lifted her off her feet; again breaking free from his cast.
He sort of remembered the way he came and so followed those tracks.
Lovett was still hysterical from seeing the world change before her eyes.
Seeing the look her eyes and her tight grip around him, forced Todd to move faster.
"Shit, shit, shit, where's the exit?" He cried out; looking for familiar sightings.
With a puzzled expression and circling around in confusion, his shattered arm was becoming worse by the second. There he atlas saw a familiar rode that he arrived on. He sprinted down it and unknowingly collapsed into the portal; soon tripping on his own feet and falling to the ground.
Both Todd and Lovett lied on the floor of the foggy hall. He looked back and watched the portal to the Living World seal up. He then looked in the other direction where he saw the portal that led to the mirror room. He then looked down at his arm; now all bruised and red.
"Fuck," he cursed. Then he glanced at Lovett; she looked terrible. She kept mumbling how everything was wrong.
"God, I'm not losing another one," he whispered and quickly pulled Lovett back into his arms.
He couldn't help but notice this was the way he was when he returned from the Living World. He now feared they'd hook her up to the devil machine.
He raced down the stairs; her frail body tight in his arms.
"You're gonna be alright," he assured. He found it ironic how before it was her assuring he'd be alright, but in the end it was her who needed the assuring.
Out the outside he may of looked calm, but on the inside he was just a vessel of panic. He knew in the back of his mind Thomas was gone; his time ran out and he's damned to the world of the living. He knew the Authorities were bound to use the machine Todd feared the most on the beloved Lovett.
But he kept chanting.
"You're gonna be alright."

this chapter was longer than the others. I usually have my minimum words at 5000, but this chapter reached 6000
I also wanna point out I understand the whole traveling to the World of the Living is confusing, but I will explain it in the next chapter.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.
Please leave reviews because I love reading my reader's opinions.
And as always, thank you for reading and for more Sweeney Todd follow
@/demon.of.depp on Instagram and @/sweeney_todd on iFunny

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