Hallucination Hell

442 21 16

The session came to an abrupt end with that last note.
Todd recalled not much of a memory of what he said, and he didn't want to know what he said. He rather it be some sort of mystery.
"Before you leave, Mr. Todd," Vincent called before Todd opened the door to leave. "Would you mind if I just talk to Mrs. Lovett? It wouldn't be long."
"I don't mind... It's not like I own her," Todd laughed and opened the door. "I'll... just go get her."
The second he stepped into the hall, he found Eleanor Lovett standing in the hall with folded arms.
"I thought you wanted me to come," she started as she advanced towards him.
"...You were asleep, I didn't wanna wake you," he explained sincerely.
"Well how'd it go?"
"The usual," he answered shortly. "And uh he said he wanted to talk to you. What about? I haven't the slightest idea," he added as he went and opened the door back up for her to enter.
She then placed her arms to her side and hesitantly entered the room.
Todd followed after her, until Vincent spoke up.
"In private, Mr. Todd," Vincent ordered. "It won't take long."
Todd only frowned the closed the door. He retreated to the wall opposite of the door and sat on the floor. He hugged his knees to his chest and waited. He listened carefully in hopes of catching of the secret conversation.
Inside the office, Lovett sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs. She folded her hand together on her lap and listened to Vincent.
As she did so, Vincent went flipping through the notes he just took and Todd's file.
Her eyes watched him open Todd's file. Her eyes glanced over the mugshot looking profile picture that was printed at the top left of a paper.
He wore his usual expression: a furrowed brow and his dark ominous eyes just glaring.
She tried to read the small print of information, but she wasn't able to make out a single word.
"I'm assuming this is about him," she started.
"Like it always is," Vincent replied and began reading a certain paper in Todd's file. "Has he been a bit... jumpy, more than usual that is."
Lovett thought back of the recent times being around him. The only reason she could think of him being on the edge was because of the parole officer.
"Maybe," she admitted. "Perhaps because of this parole officer he has. He's been nervous of screwing something up and going back in jail. Why? Did he say something concerning in the session?" She asked and tried to read what Vincent was reading.
"Have you caught him... talking to himself? Or just talking in general in an empty room?" He then asked. "Has he mentioned ever seeing something or hearing something, that's not really there?"
Her heart then sunk. Her face grew pale upon hearing those words. She remembered when they were about to leave for the dinner, she left Todd in his room while she quickly changed. During the time being, she could hear Todd yelling as if to someone who was in the room with him.
She was too scared to admit it to Vincent. Todd was already in a world of his own and it didn't need to get worse.
"Mrs Lovett?" Vincent interrupted her thought as he closed Todd's file.
"Uh no... I don't recall him doing something like that," she lied for Todd's sake. "And everyone once in a while talks to themselves," she added in hopes to change Vincent's view.
"Agreed," he stated. "I was just evaluating he may be showing early signs of a form of schizophrenia or psychosis. But if you hadn't been seeing any odd signs, he must be fine."
She then let out a sigh of relief, but she knew lying was a mistake.
"But if you happen to see anything strange in him, please notify me," Vincent instructed and stood up and lead Lovett out.
"I will, thank you for informing me," she replied and started for the door.
She opened the door to find Todd sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. His knees were to his chest with his head hanging down.
When he heard the door close, his head snapped up and found Lovett standing in front of him.
He smiled and quickly stood up.
"What'd he talk to you about?" He asked as they began walking down the hall. "Did I say something wrong in the session? I never have a clear memory of what I say in them."
"I know, dear. He was just asking if you alright and staying outta trouble. And I said of course you were," she lied with ease. Todd believed her and continued down the hall.
The words Vincent mentioned to her were still ringing through her head. She couldn't imagine something being that wrong with him.
"I was thinking we can catch breakfast at the bakery and then go shoppin' for the party. Sound good?" She asked; intending the change the topic.
"Wonderful," he replied.
The two then made their way up to the bakery. They kept the shop closed for them to eat breakfast privately and just talk over random things.
"I wonder how much longer I have of those bloody sessions," Todd started as he stabbed his scrambled eggs.
"Who knows," she replied; keeping that topic short on purpose. "When will They take that sling off of ya?"
"Haven't got a clue. We can stop by the hospital and ask the doctor... surely he'll take it off," he answered. "And you know how you keep mentioning we'll have matching colors? What color do you have in mind?"
She smiled at his question. "Haven't really thought about that. What color do you have in mind?"
"You already know my go-to colors are black and red," he replied.
"How bout a nice turquoise color?" She suggested as she kept clanking her spoon against the cup; mixing sugar into her coffee.
"Turquoise?" He questioned.
"Yea, just to change it up a bit," she beamed and took a sip of her coffee.
After the brief conversation, they finished their breakfast and seat off for their perfect attire.
It was really Lovett who was doing the picking out. Todd knew all of this was to put a smile on her face. And a smile on her face would put a smile on his.
They started off at a small tailor shop where Lovett searched for Todd's attire.
"Nothing fancy," he ordered as he looked around the store.
As they looked around, they seemed to not be the only people who had the idea. Other people went out searching for nice clothes for the party.
"Mr T," she called and pulled on his arm. She gestured at a nice suit. It was a sharp dark gray suit with a black under shirt. The suit sported peaked lapels and functional cuff buttons.
"Modish," Todd commented and examined the suit. "I suppose I'll try this on... see if you can find your special turquoise bow tie," he snickered as he headed his way to the dressing room.
She smiled at his response and went for the search.
After hunting for the bow tie, Todd had the suit fitted with the help of a worker. The tailor mostly helped when seeing Todd's right arm was incapable of moving.
She returned to the dressing room to find Todd fixing the sleeves in front of a mirror. He looked up from the sleeves to see Lovett standing behind him through the reflection of the mirror.
She was speechless. He looked more stunning than last night.
"Sharp, eh?" He laughed and noticed the bow tie in her hand. "Oh, lemme try it on."
She smiled and went to help tie the bow around his collar.
"Ya know, this'll look lovely with a matching handkerchief," she added while finishing her job.
"You even 'ave the money for this?"
"I told you I've been saving up from the bakery," she laughed. "Don't worry bout it."
He smiled back and finished up his work. He changed back into his usual attire: a black vest and pinstripe pants.
They rented the lovely suit and carried on their way. Todd just knew shopping for Lovett's dress would be harder and slower. Lovett was an indecisive person, so who knows how long this could be.
They walked the walkways of the second level; hands locked.
"Alright, now for a dress," she cheered and swung their arms back and forth.
Todd only sighed; knowing this will be quite the trip.
As a she wore a smile, her eyes scanned over the second level. People were also doing their shopping for the party. The pathways were a little crowded; something Todd greatly didn't enjoy.
All the faces that passed by were unfamiliar. Lovett kept studying the area; keeping her self occupied until they came upon the store they were aiming for.
She suddenly swallowed hard as her eyes locked on the first familiar face she saw within the crowd.
The figure stood tall and mighty. He was walking the towards their direction.
Judge Turpin trudged through the walkway. He dressed in a tacky tan colored vest along with brown pants. A hideous monster he was.
Lovett had to act fast before Todd could catch a glance of that devil. She squeezed his hand and mazed through the crowd of people until they met an almost empty ally.
"What are you doing?" Todd spat and pulled his hand to his side.
"Uh... a shortcut, dear," she answered.
She didn't want to risk Todd seeing the judge. She knew Todd had one last chance. Just one. And seeing Turpin would destroy that chance. She just imagine Todd's fist bludgeoning Turpin's face; leaving a pool of blood.
She shook the thought away and scurried down the ally with Todd by her side.
Todd looked back behind him; only to see a blur of people. He looked forward and walked the ally with Lovett.
She wanted to think she was seeing things. She was just getting paranoid of Todd screwing his last chance up and ending up in the Lost Souls Room.
But then she remembered when she first arrived to this twisted world, Edward Travis informed her Turpin resided here. Todd didn't know that, but she did and she wanted to make sure it stayed that way.
"You okay?" Todd asked; interrupting her thoughts. "You seem like something just scared you."
"Scared me?" She questioned in a fake laugh. "No, love, I'm fine," she assured and picked up her pace.
Todd took notice in her sudden change and frowned.
They soon exited the ally and had to walk a different pathway to the store. Lovett would only hope Turpin couldn't walk that fast.
They soon entered a store with wooden models wearing dresses filling up the windows. The store was filled with a few pops of colors and a cheery vibe.
Women flocked around the store with bags of jewelry and scraps of clothing. They were all caked in makeup and every word that fell off their tongue was about the party.
All the people in a tight area along with a quite too cheerful vibe made Todd sick. He walked very closely to Lovett in fear of a stampede of people causing him to get separated from her.
"C'mon dear," she called."They have the dresses color coded. Blues are over here."
Todd didn't hesitate to follow her. He just couldn't believe there was this much hype over a pathetic party. He was suffering in this trip, but it was worth it.
As Lovett began her search; overwhelmed by all the choices, Todd leaned against a wall close to her and surveyed the store.
The place was festering with sluts. How they scampered around with their friends who wore clothing that revealed too much skin. The sleeves of their dresses fall down on purpose; in hopes to seduce young men.
Todd remembered seeing several prostitutes on the streets of London. It was never a shocker to here the news of one of them coming up dead. Even when gaining the knowledge that prostitution wasn't a choice rather a way of survival, the women still sickened him to the core. It made him even more sick when seeing the obscene tradition carried on after death.
"Mistah T," a familiar voice hollered in a cockney accent.
Todd lost his train of thought and looked in the direction of the voice. There he saw Lovett with a nice dress held awkwardly in her arms.
"Look at this!" She beamed and waved the dress the around. It was hard for her to move around since the dress was rather bigger than her small comfortable dresses. "And lucky for us I already have a black petticoat and corset. I just need this lovely thing and nice pair of shoes."
Todd couldn't help but smile at how enthused she was.
"I'll go and try it on!" She smiled in her usual jovial tone. She then scurried to the dressing rooms; leaving Todd out in the open with the whores.
He wore a grimace expression as stood against the wall; trying to hide himself from the crowd.
"The hell are you doing here?" A malicious voice snapped.
Todd quickly turned his head to see a solid figure to his right. The man was see clear as day; anyone could of seen him. It was that clone of Sweeney Todd. He dressed opposite of the real Todd. His attire consisted off a black short sleeve shirt and gray high waist pants. A black belt was tied around his waist followed by black suspenders.
"I would ask you the same question," Todd hissed as he turned his head back to the direction Lovett vanished in.
"Don't be a smart ass. You're preparing for the pathetic party. I'm telling you now for your own good not to go!" The other Todd snarled.
"Give me a reason," Todd replied and turned his back to the other Todd. He wanted to believe it was trick of the mind, but he could really see him. He could really hear him.
"Firstly, you're bound to screw up and to be banished without a goodbye. Secondly, you ignored me before you went into your session," he answered while he folding his arms.
"I did not. Why the hell would I mention you?" Todd retaliated; his voice rising for other people around to hear.
"Well you did. Vincent thinks you're a loon," the other sibilated. "He even told your precious little Eleanor. You fear her worrying about you, but guess what, she already is! This all could of been avoided if you kept your distance like you always use to!"
Todd raised his chin and took in the words. He tried to remain silent as the other continued to ramble.
"Now you're standing in a slut house! I'm telling you for your own bloody fucking good: get the hell outta here!"
The words began ringing in his mind; an extreme loud ringing. Out of rage and fury, he shoved a small table that consisted of jewelry and darted out the doors.
Everyone in the room had their eyes locked on the outraged Sweeney Todd. He slammed the doors behind him and paced anxiously down then walkway.
He could of walked for miles, but the voice that kept screaming in his head.
"Get the hell outta my head," Todd hissed. He kept muttering those same words until it came out into a scream.
That's when he realized the other Todd had vanished and he was alone in an ally.
He let out a long sigh and slid his back against the wall until he met the ground.
"I can't go to that party," he told himself as he placed his head on his hand. "Especially for her sake. She's worried about me... I can't constantly worry her."
He then lifted his head and watched the people in the walkway. He watched them all walk with their heads held high. All their conversations were unclear. It was a just a rambling mess of words. As his eyes followed the people of all sizes, his dark eyes soon fell upon a rather tall fellow. Hair with the mixed colors of gray and white topped his head. His nose stuck out pretty far from his face.
Todd then choked on his own saliva. His eyes saw none other than Judge Turpin. He then began to shake uncontrollably as his eyes just wouldn't disconnect from Turpin.
That wicked vulture just strolling through the walkway without a care in the world. Todd quickly noted to several stab wounds he inflicted upon him along with a nice clean slit. The greatest shave he ever gave.
Brutal flashes of the day Turpin ordered his men to snatch him away from his family raced through his mind. All the cruel things he was put through just because of that one man.
Todd remembered sitting helpless in the dock while that devil stated the verdict.
Todd quickly jumped to his feet, only to soon hear his own voice talking right beside him.
"Don't do it," the voice warned. "You'll screw everything up."
"That bastard destroyed my life," Todd replied; his eyes not leaving Turpin.
"You destroyed your own life," the voice spoke in a subtle voice. Todd knew the voice was correct, but he didn't want to believe that.
"His punishment's not good enough! He deserves to rot in a hole!" Todd yelled; pounding a fist against a cement wall.
"Listen to me. You confront him then the Authorities will jump your ass and rip away from Eleanor; just like Turpin did with Lucy," the voice explained.
Todd then backed up deeper into the ally; succumbing to what the voice told him.
When he turned back; expecting to see the other Sweeney Todd like usual, his eyes fell upon Judge Turpin.
Without hesitation, the intensity of the moment got the best of him and he swung at the man. Expecting to hit a solid surface, his fist met nothing but air.
Turpin was gone; vanished.
A puzzled expression formed on Todd's face as he stuffed his hand in his pocket.
"You're delirious," Todd stated. He then turned back to retreat to the dress store. He knew now Lovett would be furious with him for leaving.
He picked up his pace and soon entered the store, only to see Lovett at the check out with the dress in a long bag. He backed into the door, making a sound and attraction attention including Lovett's.
"Where the bloody hell did you go?!" She screeched while collecting her change and motioning towards him. She pushed him out the door and continued her question him. "I came outta that dressing room all dressed up and expecting to see you there. But no, you were no where in sight."
In between her speech, Todd was able to slip in a 'sorry.'
"Well I got the dress," she mentioned and began pacing down the walkway.
Todd quickly caught up; feeling the need to just punch himself.
"Eleanor, forgive me," he pleaded. "I just kinda... ran outta there. I dunno why... it's a blur I guess. I didn't mean to, really!"
He didn't know what more to think. His other voice kept telling him to stay away from Lovett for it will hurt both of them if he stayed. But his voice kept saying if he wasn't with Lovett it would hurt both of them.
"What drove you outta the shop?" She questioned a bit calmer; fearing what Vincent notified her of was true.
"I told ya... I don't know. I kinda just remember running outta there," he answered; purposely not mentioning he saw what he thinks was an imaginary Judge Turpin.
"C'mon," she sighed as she pulled Todd a different direction. "We'll talk in the bakery."
Todd slammed the door behind and face palmed himself. He trudged over to a booth in the corner and slammed his head on the table.
Lovett set in her packaged dress in the back storage room along with Todd's rented suit. She returned out of the storage room and saw Todd mumbling to himself.
She sighed and quickly walked over and at across from him.
His head shot up and watched her.
"I apologized," he muttered. "Something just kinda told me to leave."
She sighed again and sat her elbow on the table and her cheek upon her hand.
"It's fine, dear," she replied and glanced out the window. "It's fine."
Todd also glanced out the window where his eyes fell upon that same tall vulture-like creature. He jumped in his seat and moved closer to the window.
"Mr T? You alright?" She quickly asked as she looked out the window to what he was seeing. "Is it your parole officer?"
She looked out the window, but saw nothing but a mess of people.
"I'll kill that bastard," he carped under his breath as he slowly began rising out of the set and away from the booth.
"Where are you going?" She snapped as she shot up from her seat; trying to figure out what Todd was so consumed in.
Todd didn't hear her question and kept advancing to the door. Violent memories of the past came crashing down like lightning. He then dashed out the door and marched through the walkway to the monster his eyes were locked on. He pushed all other people aside for all his attention was on his target.
Lovett watched from the door; feeling completely helpless. She watched Todd's head just go up in the clouds again.
Judge Turpin stood gallantly in an ally. His arms were crossed and his sunken eyes just glaring at Todd approaching him.
"The hell are you doing here?" Todd scorned. The closer he got, he had to look up in order to make direct eye contact. There was a good four inches difference between them.
"Oh just walking the place. Preparing for the party and what not," he spoke in the tone that annoyed Todd.
"And you just happen to stare at me through the window?"
"Is it a sin to look at the reason why I'm dead?" The man hissed.
"No, but this sure fucking is!" Todd argued and planted a nice clean punch against the judge. "This bloody world's too good for the hell you made me live through!"
Turpin took the punch rather firmly and then in return grasped his hands around Todd's vest. With little strength that he had, he managed to hoist Todd up off his feet about two inches high and pin him against the brick wall.
"I've made your life a hell before and I can sure do it again," he spat and threw Todd the ground.
"You son of a bitch!" Todd screamed in return and snatched Turpin's legs; knocking him to the ground. The rage then built up inside him and formed itself into several blows to Turpin's head. It was if the thought of screwing his last chance up has disappeared and that single minded thought of revenge had sneaked it's way back into his mind.
He broke out of his sling and used that hand to bludgeon the man's face, while his other hand was used to pin him down.
"You took my life away, bastard!" He screeched as he watched a pool of blood leak from the man's head and into the cemented floor.
"What are you talking about?" The man questioned. The voice had changed. That voice wasn't Turpin's.
Todd then took a sudden double look and the face he once saw had contorted. His grip of the man's torso has loosened and the man was able to push Todd off of him.
Todd rolled over to the floor and hit the wall next to him; staring at whom he thought was Judge Turpin.
"What are you insane?!" The stranger hissed. "I don't even know you!"
Todd arched his brow and slowly sat up; just watching the man. Just a mere few minutes ago he could of sworn the man was Turpin. He looked identical, he sounded identical.
The stranger then dusted himself off and carried on his way.
Todd watched as he just sat there lopsided on the ground.
"Mistah T!" Her voice bellowed as the quick sound of her footsteps followed.
Todd looked in her direction as she raced to his aid.
"What the hell were you doing?!" She said as she helped Todd sit up straight.
"...It was him... it was that bastard..." He rambled; making little sense and talking in incomplete sentences.
"Who? That stranger you just senselessly beat?!"
"Stranger? But it was him... wasn't it?"
"Turpin. That was him. I saw him. I heard his voice," Todd babbled as he looked around his surroundings.
Lovett suddenly felt faint. She didn't want to believe Todd was showing early signs of schizophrenia.
"Mistah T, he's no where around," she replied and sat next to him. She took his hand that was covered in the other man's blood and squeezed it.
"I saw him earlier," he mentioned.
"I have to admit I saw him too earlier when we were shoppin'. I didn't want you seeing him, but I suppose you did," she exhaled. "But that wasn't him the second time you saw him."
"But it was exactly him," he complained; knowing he saw what he saw.
They both knew his last chance was ruined, but neither of them wanted to mention it. She then helped him up and staggered back to the bakehouse where Todd was silent the entire time.
He was beginning to worry her more than usual.
"Sweeney," she started as she helped set him down at a booth. "Just stay 'ere, love. I'm gonna go get somethin from my room. I'll be back quick I promise."
Todd remained silent. He was zoned out just staring at the blank wall and tapping his fingers against the table.
She sighed and quickly rushed out. She wasn't going to run to her room, but wanted to notify Vincent. She could only hope maybe with this incident, they'll pity him and not throw him away.
She was quick on her feet. She raced down the long halls and didn't stop until she reached Vincent's door to his office. She knocked frantically on the door until it finally opened with Vincent inviting her in.
"What's wrong? You seemed worried," he started while gesturing her to sit.
She sat at his command and took a deep breath; trying to think of some explanation that didn't sound crazy.
"I don't know where to begin," she whispered in a shaky voice. "It all happened so quick and-"
"Wait where is he?" He interrupted.
"I locked him my bakery. He was just silent and kept to himself before I left. He's beginning to worry the hell outta me," she confessed. She was looking all over the room; trying to find something to keep her calm.
"Slow down, Mrs Lovett," he spoke as he sat back in his chair and listened carefully. "I'm assuming he had an episode of sorts?"
"...An episode?" She questioned. "I dunno... one second he was sitting down all calm and collective then the next he's beating up some stranger that he's convinced was Turpin."
"Was it?"
"No, it was some stranger!" She cried. "I'm worried. And I didn't mention it to you before 'cause I was scared, but he has been talking to himself an awful lot lately," she admitted; hoping not to regret what she confessed. "I'm just scared. I dunno what to do."
"Calm down," he soothed and listened more intently. "Alright... take me to him."
Todd's mind was now drowning in the idea of the Authorities bursting through the door and dragging him away. He could see those same brawny guards holding him by the arms and allowing his legs to drag after him.
He feared this would happen. He knew this would happen. He knew he would find some way to screw up, and he did.
Though he truly knew that it wasn't Turpin whom he beat, his mind kept convincing him it was.
He was confused; perplexed with his own thoughts. He was beginning to doubt what was real and fake. He drained out the reality around him; hoping he can just keep to himself and not hear and see anything.
That's when the door of the shop came opened and two people fled inside.
Todd kept his eyes shut and his head down; fearing it was the Authorities to come and take him away.
He could hear footsteps approaching him, but he tried to drain out the noise.
"Sweeney..." A voice called. It was Lovett's.
Todd kept his head lowered; telling himself the voice was fake and in his head. 

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