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The session had ended and Vincent had to act fast. He couldn't stand to watch the miserable Sweeney Todd sulking around. He dashed from his office and to the only place he'd think he'd find Mrs. Lovett. Her bakery.

She had to know Todd's true deepest feelings; the feelings he'll never in a million years admit.

As the doctor went to inform the baker of the urgent news, Todd went to yet again locate the lost Thomas. He actually felt a little guilty for making the boy run out like he did. He could only assume Thomas found trouble for himself and ended up in jail. Todd again walked the long endless path in the Disciplinary Hall. As he walked down and peeked his head through the windows, he felt the bone chilling feeling that someone was watching him; following him. Todd passed the thought by telling himself it couldn't possibly be Margery and whoever it was couldn't kill him. He carried on his way; ignoring the paranoid feeling. He walked on until passing a room with the blinds open with a small boy with messy brown hair. Todd backed up in his tracks and tapped on the window to grab Thomas' attention.

The boy's head was hanging down; as if he looked depressed. When he heard tapping at the window, his head shot up and his eyes locked on Todd.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asked through the glass. Todd could barley hear him, but he managed.

"I was just about to ask you same question. Where'd you run off to last night?" Todd replied and leaned against the wall.

"...I just... nothing."

The more Todd payed attention he noticed a scar near his right eye. The scar looked fresh.

"Then how'd you manage to get that wicked wound?" Todd asked while pointing to the scar.

Thomas only shrugged and lowered his head back down.

Todd gritted his teeth. He looked for a door to enter the room, but the door was on the opposite side where he couldn't reach.

"Lemme guess. You ran and caused trouble some where."

Thomas remained silence, which only ticked Todd off even more. And with that, Todd fled the scene. He realized he'll have to start some random fight on his own. He went up the second level; picking out the best victim. He needed someone who wouldn't fight back.

As he scoped out a victim, he again felt the strange feeling of someone watching him from a distance. As if every move he made was being watched and noted. He then slipped into an alley between two shops and scoped out a victim from there. The feeling vanished and reassured Todd.

As he looked around the scenery he whistled a cheery tune with a smirk.

'And if you're beautiful what

then with yellow hair, like wheat.

I think we shall not meet again,

my little dove, my sweet, Johanna.'

His eyes narrowed on every soul. Disgusting they all were. Then he spied out a man about his own age. Blonde hair and looked very naïve. Todd smirked to himself and set off. He weaseled his way through the crowd of people and began stalking his prey like a lion in tall grass. Then from his pocket, Todd pulled out the gag Thomas had earlier. He took it from his last victim for future use.

Todd walked cautiously behind the blonde haired man. He left a few people to stand between them, but other than that Todd was close and ready to pounce. That's when he noticed a stray beer bottle on the ground. A devious plan hatched as Todd scraped the glass bottle of the ground. He then went to the edge of a building and broke the end of the bottle, while keeping an eye on his bait. The end of the bottle was sharp and deadly, but it's not like he could kill someone. He then ran his finger down one of the sharp edges and with no delay it trickled blood. He didn't mind the blood and carried on his way.

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