Fate: Alternate Ending

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He sat on the edge of his seat. His hands held tightly together as he anticipated the judge's words. He felt as almost he was about to blackout and collapse to the floor. This anxiety was tortuous.
Lovett didn't feel any different from him. She was also apprehensive and fearing the words that were about to fall from the judge's mouth.
"In the case of Sweeney Todd," he started; his eyes skimming over Todd and viewing everyone. "Since the jury failed to come up with a verdict, I will deliver." He cleared his throat for he knew these were the words everyone was waiting for. "I hereby sentence Mr. Sweeney Todd to service in the Ghost Committee for as long as needed with a visit every other day to the mental facility." He then whacked his mighty gavel on the sound block and declared the case is closed.
It all happened so quick. Todd still sat stationary in his seat; trying to comprehend what occurred.
Vincent then smiled greatly and pulled Todd up on his feet. Lovett quickly shot up from her seat and scurried her way out of the crowded spectator seating and onto the main floor. Without anymore delay, she immediately swung her arms around the man and squeezed him tight. What was once anxiety that consumed her, it was now joy.
Todd was still trying to fathom what had happened; slowing getting the idea that he won't be pried apart from her.
He tried to hug her back, but the handcuffs denied his actions.
This was what happiness looked like.
She then let go and held his hands. This time, she was the one who was about to crush his bones. She looked up at him with grinned with tears streaming down her face.
"Why are you crying?" Todd asked as he looked out of his peripheral vision to see the chaos in the jury and spectators. How they flocked out the doors in a maddened rage.
"I'm happy," she exclaimed as she wiped at the tears. Todd helped her do so and grinned at her. That's when Vincent proudly released Todd from his shackles and he was now able to hug his girl.
Todd did more than hug her. He lifted her off her feet and planted a kiss upon her cheek which then moved to her lips. He couldn't remember the last he did that. And he was proud to say that that kiss from her wouldn't be his last like he once thought.
He then sat her on the defendant table and he sat next to her. Their legs were dangling off the edge and their hands held together. Their gaze was now up where the judge once sat before he left.
The courtroom was now almost empty and loud ruckus was descending.
His gaze then moved to find Turpin leaving his seat... and approaching Todd.
His grip around Lovett's hand tightened and his quit his breathing. His gaze turned into a glare as the godawful stench of Turpin filled his nostrils.
Lovett also found Turpin coming their way and she quit breathing as well.
He was now just mere a few feet away, then he opened his foul mouth.
"Sorry about the false verdict, Mr. Todd," he started. "The jury was all too perplexed."
Todd didn't reply.
"Oh how ironic it was that I was in this case," he chuckled and stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. His eyes then slithered from Todd to Lovett. He gave her an unsettling look. The way his eyes went up and down her body.
Todd, of course, didn't take that kindly.
"Yes, very ironic," Todd forcefully smiled and laughed. "And now that the case is over and I'm a free man with an insanity plea, this wouldn't hurt me at all."
And with those words, Todd jumped down from the table and planted a firm punch across Turpin's face. His head turned powerfully and he nearly lost his balance.
"Make another look at her again and I'll be sure you're the one thrown in the Lost Souls Room," Todd scowled and helped Lovett off the table. They began walking down the isle that led out of the courtroom with Vincent leading the way, when Turpin exclaimed back.
"You can't just punch a man and there being no justice!" He hollered and shook his fist.
Todd turned and smiled genuinely. "Of course I can," he smirked. "I was just having another 'episode'," he laughed while twirling his index finger towards his temples to symbolize he's crazy.
Lovett and even Vincent couldn't help but join in on the laughter. Todd turned around and didn't look back. Turpin kept yelling, but it was all a pointless ramble.
Todd felt completely untouchable. He hasn't felt that way since God knows when. They then exited the courtroom with Edward Travis meeting them in the hall.
"Free man, huh?" Travis smiled and stuck his hand out for a shake.
Todd figured it was time to show some courtesy and shook the man's hand.
"Just some papers to fill out and you'll be on your way."
And with that, they all filed back into that small room with the two way mirror. That room still wasn't any comfortable. There was just some eerie vibe to the room.
Todd sat himself on the edge of the bed with Lovett next him. They watched Vincent and Travis move swiftly about the room with papers flying everywhere.
"Now... the judge said something about daily visits here... the hell does that mean?" He asked slowly.
"Just check ups really," Vincent shortly answered. "A visit would take just mere minutes and then you'd be on your way."
Both Todd and Lovett liked hearing those words. Their rushing anxiety had diminished. Even though he despised this infernal place, it was far better to have short check ups than a permanent stay.
"W-what about these Ghost Committee thing? I heard 'bout it when I first arrived," Todd asked as his eyes continued to survey the room. He tried to recall when Travis mentioned this when he first arrived to this world. But that was so long ago.
"That's where we'll hit a problem," Vincent sighed and took a seat in the chair next to the desk. He removed his glasses, cleansed the lenses upon his shirt, and placed them back on his face.
"What kind of problem?" Lovett asked before Todd could open his mouth.
"The Ghost Committee is where we have a set of people enter the Living World to remind that world that death is real and so are ghosts. Make some sense?" He asked; holding his hands together and resting on his lap. "But don't worry, you won't stay there, you'll come back before your time is up."
That last statement brought Todd to ease, but barely. The idea of returning to that world sounded tortuous. He couldn't imagine what the world looked like now; what his home looked like now. He could only think that small building where hell once resided was now in rubble, not that that would surprise him.
He remained silent at Vincent's answer.
Lovett tugged on his arm and forcefully smiled. "It'll be alright," she soothed.
Todd cleared his voice and spoke. "Yea... sure," he lied.
"That didn't sound assuring," Vincent replied with a following sigh. "But it will indeed be alright. You'll be there for short amounts of time and only being do it like every other day," he added. "They only assigned it to you in order to keep you busy. Now, I do wish they assigned a better job... but it just wasn't my choice."
Todd inhaled and exhaled loudly and continued to look around the room.
"They'll have you start tomorrow, so stop by my office at about the time we have our sessions. I promise, nothing bad'll happen," Vincent assured.
Todd tightened his grip around Lovett's hand; she did the same.
The release papers were then all set and filed. And Sweeney Todd was free at last. No more restraints to keep him isolated.
The two then left the mental facility. He never would of imagined he'd be leaving this funny farm with his hand in hers. And hell it felt great.
"Looks like we both have a job," Todd started as they made their way to their rooms.
"You sure you're gonna be alright?"
"Yea," he smiled genuinely. "If it makes you feel more at ease, I'll tell you if I ever start seeing or hearing shit and going off my nut," he chuckled.
"You've been off your nut for a long time already," she laughed back.
"Says the person who hatched the brilliant cannibalistic plan."
"But you agreed to it," she added.
"But you did the dirty work."
"You killed the bodies," she playfully argued.
"You cut the the bodies up."
"Sweeney, we could bicker over this for years," she cackled.
"Well we have an eternity to do so."
They then came upon their separate doors. His across from hers. The plaque above his door still reading those words that made him sick.
Benjamin Xavier Barker.
Lovett started for her door first, but Todd didn't let go of her hand.
"...I don't w-wanna be alone tonight," he bashfully stated with his head lowered down. "My luck, some jackass from the court case will try and mess with me." He shrugged with a timid smile. He did have thoughts that some idiot would do so, but he mainly just didn't want to be alone with his own head.
She smiled back and opened her door and Todd followed in. This is when they both realized he's never been in her room. It was always her in his room.
Her room was much brighter than his. Several candles and gas lamps. Her candles were purple and vibrant red than the ordinary yellow ones in Todd's room. The covers on her bed were also changed than the usual gray, black, and white covers. Hers were a mix of content colors that sent a cheerful vibe through the room.
Todd stayed standing at the doorway with his hands in his pockets.
"Sweeney, you can have the bed. I can take the chair in the corner," she spoke as she removed her earnings and sat them on the vanity.
Todd violently shook his head. "You slept on chairs last night while I had a bed. You're getting the bed."
"Oh c'mon, you slept in a bed strapped in restraints and forced to face up at the ceiling, you're getting the-"
"If you finish that statement with the word bed so help me or I'll-"
"You'll what?" She laughed whilst placing her hands on his hips.
Then both their eyes flickered over at the chair in the corner of the room. A pink blanket lied over it. Their eyes were glance over at the chair, then back at each other. Then they both suddenly raced like children with Todd beating her by a second. He collapsed in the chair and smirked.
"Now go to the bed," he snickered.
She rolled her eyes and kicked off her shoes. They landed under the bed. She then gracefully danced around the room and blew each candle expect one.
Todd pulled the blanket over himself and looked over the room.
Lovett got herself comfortable under the covers and stared up at the ceiling.
"You want me to come with you tomorrow morning?" She asked; her eyes still facing the ceiling.
"You don't have to."
"Well too bad cause I'm going."
"I can take care of myself."
"Sure you can," she beamed.
There was then a brief pause, then she opened her mouth and a question came out. "Can I ask you something?" She asked; the once playful tone leaving her voice.
"Yea," he replied also serious.
"How scared were you in the court room? I mean, scared to get the wrong verdict."
He thought back to those horrid hours of torture. The anxiety that was eating away at him. He would do anything to take those memories away. He would do anything to take any kind of horrid memory of his away.
"Petrified," was all he blurted. His eyes didn't blink, but stared blankly over at the mirror above the vanity. Through the mirror he could see Lovett looking at him, but not through the mirror like he was. She was now looking directly at him. "Maybe even more terrified than facing death every day in Australia. But you weren't scared, were you? I mean, getting rid of a mess like myself would be like a Christmas present."
"Don't say that," she reproved. "I was worried sick." As she spoke those words, her eyes scanned his disturbed look. She often tried real hard to never focus her attention on his distraught appearance, but she couldn't help it this time.
His hair was the usual untamed mane. Curly strains of black hair shot out in all directions, but Todd didn't give a single fuck about it. She then came to notice the few scars that never seemed to heal. Even his bruised temples from the electroshock machine were still visible. She couldn't imagine seeing him go through that excruciating pain.
Her eyes then lowered to his hands which were held together on his lap. They were more of a faint red color than pale white. She could see the marks the handcuffs had left. She could also vaguely see his right arm slightly disfigured than his left arm. Had to be from when he broke it and soon stopped wearing the sling.
This world truly was a hell to him.
"I-I know I don't say this mu-m-much as I should," he started with his usual nervous stutter. "But... Thanks for um... s-staying by my side," he said in a mumble; but Lovett heard it clearly.
"Oh cmon, you don't have to thank me," she replied with a small laugh. "That's foolish to say so-"
"It's not," he interrupted. "I'm such a pain in the ass that I don't see you constantly fighting for the better." His head then hung and his eyes looked down to the floor. He ran a hand through the his hair; brushing a few strains out of his face. He began to curse under his breath, but Lovett couldn't hear him clearly.
"Get some rest," she kindly ordered. "You need it," she added.
He only nodded in return and began to shift around into a more comfortable position in the chair.
She did the same and lied on her side to face the mirror. Her eyes looked at the mirror and looked at Todd whose eyes were staring up the ceiling. He didn't notice her looking him.
The next thing she knew was that the restless hours were catching up to her and her eyelids became heavy.
She fell asleep.
Todd remained awake. His eyes didn't leave the ceiling for quite some time. His mind was still processing the entire day. So much happened.
When every hour passed, he would get up from the chair and pace around the room. Back and forth. Back and forth.
He held his hand behind his back and his eyes would often glance at the sound asleep Lovett.
What'd he give to sleep as peaceful as she did.
He just paced in the almost dark room.
The thought of him finally being a freeman wasn't comprehendible.
His mind would then go from the pleasing thoughts of being atlas free to what tortures are waiting tomorrow.
Returning to the Living World didn't seem right to him. Why was there even such a job? It had to be a job only punished souls got. It'd make some sense.
What year was it in that world? Surely it's gone by faster than the Afterlife. What's become of his home?
The only conclusion Todd could reason with was that his old house was in ash and rubble.
Then more questions brewed in that head of his. What's become of his beloved Johanna? If time went by as fast as he thought, she could be dead. Of course she'd be up in the heavens with her mother.
Then another question: did Lucy even know where her husband was; where was the husband she never waited on. That was still a thought that would throw Todd in a temper.
She never waited for him. She gave up too quick.
Todd didn't want to get himself in a temper with such a ridiculous thought. He suppressed his memories of Lucy, hoping he'd finally rid them.
He brushed his hair out of his face and returned to the chair.
Just like Lovett said, he needed some rest. So he did his best to do so.
They both awoke early and anxiously walked their way Vincent's office. From there he met with Vincent, and the trio began their way to the fourth level.
Walking up the steps only made Todd more anxious. Their footsteps echoed as they began the flight of stairs that led to the fourth level.
Nothing good came from walking up these stairs. The first time he was in a race of almost becoming damned to the earth. The second time he lost the little scamp, Thomas and almost Lovett.
Their hands were locked as they finally entered that strange room. It was dim as usual with mirror walls showing their reflections.
The only thing that was different from the previous visits was that there were other people. All the others dressed in the same getup. They wore a tanish-green cotton jacket with what looked like patches and badges decorating the chest. A cap, the same color, dressed their heads. Their pants were different colors. Some had black, others had a pair as the same color as their jackets. Then they all wore thick black boots.
Todd stayed at the doorway of the room; surveying the room.
Vincent gestured him to come closer, and Todd reluctantly stepped forward.
Lovett stayed by his side; sensing the tension residing in him.
"Alright, slip this jacket on," Vincent spoke while revealing an identical jacket. Todd didn't see him have it earlier. The jacket was the same as the others minus the badges and patches.
Todd followed commands and slipped it on. It was a size too big. The sleeves went passed his finger tips and the ends reached about the middle length of his pockets.
Lovett couldn't help but laugh as he struggled to throw it over himself.
Vincent then handed Lovett the matching hat in which she slapped down on his head. She had to jump in order to get it on the rather tall man.
Todd then stuffed his hands in the jacket's pockets and continued to look around.
"...do I have to go through those mirrors," Todd shyly spoke.
Vincent nodded apologetically. "It won't be bad. You'll go in, to your old home and-"
"No!" Todd quickly barked. "I'm not going back there," he added.
"It won't be bad," Vincent assured and began to push Todd closer to the mirrors. "You'll be back before you know it. The whole point in this job is to keep you busy and remind the living ghosts exist. You believe in ghosts right?" He laughed a little at that last question.
Todd didn't answer; assuming it was rhetorical. He fixed the hat upon his head and stared at his reflection. Lovett came close to him and gave him a peck on his cold cheek.
"Look," she started. "Don't think of the other times you've been in there. Don't remember those things. Suppress them. When it's time to return, I'll be right here. I'll be exactly here waiting. And when you return, we can try again at baking cookies."
He grinned at her last statement. "Alright," he half smiled. He then looked around the room to find those other men gone. They must've gone through the the mirrors and into that real hell.
Todd then was forced to let go of Lovett's hand and watch her vanish from his sight.
They were all beginning to return to the room. All those men she had seen before came pouring out of the mirrors and then leaving the room. Their work was done, and they carried on their day.
All men returned, but one. One man still resided in the Living World.
Lovett was becoming anxious and kept tugging on Vincent's sleeve.
"Where is he?!" She whimpered as she watched the other souls dismiss. "You said he'd be alright, now where the hell is he?!"
"Give him time, Mrs. Lovett," Vincent replied. "He'll return. As much as he loves you, he'll do anything to return."
That statement actually assuaged her.
"He would, wouldn't he?" She smiled to herself and kept a sharp eye on the mirrors. "Remind me again of all that he would say in those sessions."
Vincent grin and tried to recall those many sessions.
"He said a lot of things," Vincent chuckled. "He'd mostly repeat how grateful he was for you. How he regretted never saying thank you. How thankful he was that you waited unlike his wife."
Lovett's smile didn't vanish from her face as she relished in those sweet words.
"He'd also say how he wouldn't let anything harm you. Sort of explains why he was a raving thing when we had the electroshock machine hooked up to you."
As she cherished in those words, she barely noticed a figure emerge from a mirror behind her. It was when she heard that familiar, low voice that she jumped in the air and turned around.
Her eyes greeted his almost black colored eyes. Both their eyes lit up when seeing each other.
Like last time, Lovett had waited for him.
She didn't hesitate to leap into his arms and he swung her around whilst planting a kiss on her blushed cheek.
"I told ya I'd be right here," she exclaimed with pure joy.
"I didn't doubt it one second," he responded with that same tone as her.
He finally released her back on her feet and their hands locked.
Vincent then began to evade the room with Lovett and Todd slowly following.
"So what's the world like?" She started as they trudged down the stairs.
"Madness... but hell those people scare easily," he cackled. "You won't believe what's become of the house."
"In ashes and rubble?" She guessed.
"Worse. It's a damn museum. House of Horror, those fools call it," he scowled with a scent of humor.
"Yea, but hey, we don't live in that time nor do I want to. So you said something before I left... something about cookies..." He grinned lightly.
She rolled her eyes and the two found their place in her bakery; again attempting to bake a good batch.
She helped him suit up for the day like all the other times. The last thing she did before he placed a kiss upon her fled out the door was placing the hat upon his always chaotic hair.
After the Ghost Committee job, he and Lovett would meet each other in the fourth level and walk their way to Vincent's office for the daily, three minute check out.
No problems, just the way they liked it.
It was a daily routine, a routine neither of them minded.
After the visit, they were off to tend to the bakery and often having cooking competitions on who can cook the better meal. Lovett won majority of the times, which would only piss off the easily angered Todd.
After a few hours in the bakery, the two would go out for a drink and just talk.
But they wouldn't talk about all that insanity that happened before this time. All that madness was in the past.
Forget the past, was their motto and they clung to that motto every second.
After an hour of sitting in the bar, they were off to bed. Kissing each other goodnight and wishing each other sweet dreams.
Then the day would just start over again. Over and over for eternity.
This place, to Todd and Lovett, was no hell like it was before. It wasn't a miserable place the devil himself designed.
It was paradise. An eternity in paradise. Their hearts may technically be dead and little shattered, but to them their hearts were well alive and beating.

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