☠She Didn't Mean to Fall in Love☠

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The 'day' was reaching it's end, and that demonized, homicidal barber was dead asleep. As usual, his head was at the end of his bed and and his feet at the head of the bed on a pillow; still wearing his black no-lace shoes. Another pillow was locked tight in his arms; his torso resting on top of it with fists clenching it tight as possible. He would mumble in his sleep, sometimes yell... even cry. But it was all in a mumble to where it wasn't understandable.

The lights in the hall were growing dim and Lovett had just finished her racing up the large staircase and onto the second level. Majority of the shops were closed; the only businesses staying open were restaurants and bars. She raced through the second level; running in between shops; stopping for nothing.

"He took the damn pill, I know he did, I saw him do it, now give me the damn key!" She muttered to herself as she finally ran straight to her soon-to-be bakery. It was the shape of her old bakery, only expanded a bit. When her eyes came across the building, she saw no sign of Edward Travis. She then picked up her pace and jumped to the door. Locked. But there on the door was a note taped to it with an envelope hanging below it. Her hands snatched at the note and her big brown eyes read through the words.

'Mrs. Eleanor Lovett, trusting that you have done the deed I asked of you, the keys to your bakery are in the envelope along with money to get the supplies you need. I have went and already bought flour and other bakery supplies for you and they are sitting on a counter. I can not wait to see you in business, and now I wish you good luck. Yours truly, Mr. Travis.'

Her heart skipped a beat (though it didn't beat at all) with joy as she snatched the envelope and ripped it open to reveal a set of black keys tied together with blue ribbon and a two handful of pennies and quids. She then immediately drove one of the keys into the lock of the door and flew inside the bakery. There she could tell the whole After-Life wouldn't be so bad.


Eleanor Lovett had spent a good two hours shopping for supplies for her bakery, planning to open the next day. Her body ached and head pounded and so she called it quits. She left all the new supplies in her bakery and slowly staggered down the stairs, her body just wanting to collapse and sleep. By the time she reached the main hall, the light was completely out with the only light of candles of rooms with open doors. She used those lights to guide her way to her room, which wasn't too terribly far.

She had her set of keys locked in a fist along with the leftover money, which wasn't a lot. Her eyelids were drooping; her face holding an exhausted expression. At last, she reached her room and noticed something strange. Something just didn't feel right and it had to do with the door across from hers. Her head cautiously turned to Sweeney Todd's door, or really Benjamin Xavier Barker's door. There was a strange silence. Yes, his room was usually quiet with the only sound of him softly snoring, but there wasn't a sound at all. Was he even in there?

Lovett glided over to his door and gave a gentle two knocks against the wood of the door. "Mr. T?" She called in almost a whisper. "Are you in there?" As she expected, there was no answer, there never was. She then pressed her ear up against the door to try and hear if there was any sign of him in there. It was still dead silent, not even the sound of soft breathing. Her hand then reached for the door handle, although knowing it'd be locked... but it wasn't. The doorknob actually twisted and the door popped open. Something was wrong, never in a billion years would he keep his door unlocked. Even when the man was still living he kept his belongings private and locked.

She was a bit scared to go in, but her legs told her otherwise and she stepped right in. The room had one candle lit and it sat on the vanity surrounded by shards of glass. Her eyes then shot to the mirror that hung above the vanity... it was smashed completely in, broken glass everywhere. She slowly stepped over to the vanity and looked at herself in the pieces of glass still hanging in the frame. The mirror looked as if it was smashed at least a good three times. Enough damage to spread glass everywhere. It was like his mirror back in his parlor, smashed and broken just like his soul.

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