What a Single Flame Can Do

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"I still can't believe you got him to open up," Mrs. Lovett mentioned to Thomas as she brewed a cup of coffee.
"I dunno if it was a smart idea though. He was really pissed off when he left," Thomas replied. He was seated at the island on a bar stool and just tapped at the marble.
"I don't think our little plan was right. Can't you just leave him be?" Thomas questioned.
"Not when knowing he intentionally tries to hate my guts even when he doesn't. I'm determined to break him and you're helping me. Besides, you know it'd be good for 'im," she carefully explained.
"Since when do you care what's good for him?"
"I dunno... I guess what Vincent told me yesterday kinda changed my perspective."
"Ah, so you like him back."
Lovett only smiled a gleeful smile and served the coffee to a gentleman. She returned to Thomas and sat across from him as she looked around her bakery.
"Do ya think the place could use some more colors? Maybe some bright pink or something?"
"Pink?" Thomas questioned sicklily. "Gross."
She only laughed at his response. Then her eyes drifted to the glass windowed door and there she found a figure dressed in mostly neutral colors.
Her hands gripped the edge of the counter hard as she watched the man swing open the door.
Something wasn't right. His face was emotionless; blank; unable to express any feeling possible.
"Thomas... what the hell did you talk to 'im about?" She screeched in a whisper while gently hitting the boy on his chest.
"I did all that you told me to," he replied; his eyes watching in horror as the maddened Todd kept advancing.
He then stopped right in front of the two; glaring at both of them.
"You alright, T?" Thomas questioned in a nervous whisper.
He then thought of what the two of them spoke about earlier that day. They mentioned lighting someone up. Thomas only feared the match would be thrown at him or Lovett. He eyes then lowered down to Todd's hand. In one he carried a cardboard box of matches; in the other was a single match.
"Shit," Thomas muttered to himself.
"...Mr. Todd, whatcha ya doing 'ere?" Lovett asked; trying her best to break whatever dark trance he was in.
He didn't speak. He only lifted the match up a little and streaked it against the box. There, a flame grew on top of the stick. The fire swayed a little back and forth.
Lovett watched the fire form as she took a step back in fear. She knew she didn't have the most pleasant memories with fire, but even the knowledge of knowing she can't die frightened her of the fire.
"Mr. T... just put the match down," she soothed; trying to figure out by his expression what he was thinking.
But he had no expression. There was no capable way of comprehending what was going through his mind.
His eyes were glued to Lovett's. Thomas slowly backed up enough to where he hit the wall behind him.
"C'mon, love, quit it," she spoke a tad louder and stood up straighter in confidence. She then frowned at the man and quickly blew out the flame that perched itself upon the match.
Todd only dropped the now useless match, and lit another one.
After a moment's silence, Todd atlas opened it his mouth.
"For the pain that you once bared, I now pay for that sin," he spoke with complete clarity. He didn't stutter or mumble like his usual self.
The second he uttered those words, he flicked the single match at himself and his clothes shot up in flames.
Mrs Lovett jumped in horror and snatched Thomas to her side.
"You threw the match at him?!" Thomas shrieked.
"He threw it at himself!" She answered as she quickly went and grabbed a few rags from the vacant tables to beat away the flames.
Todd was now just a giant glow of orange and yellow... but he wasn't even fighting the pain or screaming his lungs out. He just took the pain and agony.
~ Midnight ~
Both Mrs Eleanor Lovett and Thomas Pierce walked anxiously in the hospital hall. This was Lovett's second time being down here because of Sweeney Todd and she had yet to truly give up on him.
"...On the bright side, he can't die," Thomas started with a forceful smile.
"I suppose so," she whispered back. "But that was just horrible to see. Why the hell would he even doing that?! It's one thing for him to inflict pain on others, but on himself? That's not like him."
She paced up and down the hall; right outside the door Todd was placed in.
When the flames consumed his body he passed out, right before the medical men reached him.
"You must really do care for him to be so anxious about him," Thomas added with another smile.
"... I told you. What Vincent told me just changed things. I know that in his sessions he speaks the truth, but he's too petrified to admit it to me. So I'm determined to make him admit it."
"Tough love," Thomas commented.
They then both sat down; sitting against the wall across from the door. They were waiting for permission to enter, but they had already been waiting for hours.
"At least I know that Margery isn't in there. Travis mentioned she was punished or something," Lovett started as she played with the lace on her dress.
"Yea. I barley knew her, but she sounds awful. All that's ever happened since you two's arrival is nothing but chaos... no offense."
"None taken. Its just Mr. T trying to understand what's going on. I'm actually surprised I took the whole news of being dead rather well. I didn't freak out as much as he did. What was going through your mind when you arrived 'ere?"
"I dunno. That was a while ago. I guess I was confused, just like anybody else," he simply answered.
"This place is defiantly beyond confusing. But you seem to be doing fine, as well as everybody else."
"And you're doing mighty great for someone who recently arrived," Thomas replied as his kept starring at the door; just waiting for it to fly open.
The two then just sat silence and waited. They waited long enough to where the little boy found himself sleeping in the hall. Lovett remained awake, but she was tired as hell.
Her eyes didn't once leave the door. She would even imagine the door opening and she would walk towards it, but it was her imagination.
Around four in the morning, the door finally swung open. Lovett was half-asleep and half-awake, but when the door opened her energy kicked in.
She got to her feet and greeted a tall man who wore a doctor's uniform.
She rubbed her eyes and tried to peek inside the room, but the room was dark.
"Have you two been waiting out here this entire time?" The doctor asked surprisingly.
Lovett nodded.
"Oh my. If I knew, I would of came out here and told you he'll be up for visitors in the morning."
"But is he okay now?" She asked sheepishly.
"Well. A few serious burns here and there. His clothes defiantly disintegrated. We found he doused his clothes in gasoline before lighting himself up," the doctor explained really easy.
Lovett listened in complete horror. She listened how Todd even prepared to do this. She was in dread.
"He's still gonna be back up to his usual self right?"
"Well of course. Wounds in the After World eventually heal. But worse the wound, the longer it'll take the heal. You may see him in the morning. Now please, head back to your room and get some rest, you look exhausted."
"Thanks," she mumbled and bent down next to Thomas. She shook his foot which immediately woke him up.
"Hey," she smiled forcefully.
"Can we go inside?" Thomas asked cheerfully; his eyes barley open.
"Not until morning. C'mon, love, let's head off to bed. I'll close the shop tomorrow." She then helped Thomas up on his feet and the two began walking towards their room.
"Did the doctor ever come out and tell you stuff?"
"Well... good news or bad news?"
"I could use some good news."
"He won't die," she slightly chuckled, as well as Thomas. "And his wounds will heal up in time."
"Bad news?" He asked depressingly.
"He's pretty hurt. He even drenched his clothes in gasoline," she answered in a shaky voice.
The two both hung their heads and split ways to their bedrooms. There they slept the hours they had left and waited for morning.
Lovett didn't bother to sleep. She just sat up in her bed trying to think of some valid reason to why Todd would do such a thing.
She couldn't get that awful sight of him shooting up into a fire inferno. Then she remembered what he said just mere seconds before the match took action.
"For the pain that you once bared, I now pay for that sin."
Then it all clicked. A lump formed in her throat and now it was hard to swallow. She couldn't believe she didn't get it earlier.
He did it for her. He did it to understand the horrid pain she discerned.
Perhaps she finally broke his hard exterior.
The second she noticed the hall's light starting to illuminate she jumped outta bed and dressed into a fresh dress.
It was a navy blue that ended just below her knees and she wore long striped leggings. The sleeves went off the shoulders and there was red lace overlapping the navy fabric.
After she felt prepared to greet Todd, she left her room and headed for Thomas's room.
She was anxious; nervous. What would Todd say to her? Would he even say anything? If her heart could beat, it'd be racing now.
She came across Thomas's door and knocked on it anxiously.
"Thomas, love, you in there? I was on my way to see Mr. T," she called.
The door didn't delay to fly open and there stood Thomas.
Dressed in cotton brown vest and a white shirt underneath along with tan pants.
"We can see him now?" He asked excitedly.
"That's what the doctor said," she replied and pulled Thomas out of his room and straight for the hospital.
They both walked at quite a pace; eager yet anxious to see Todd.
"Will he even be awake?" Thomas asked as they entered the long hallway.
"Honestly I doubt it. That fire knocked him out hard," she replied. Her hand was grasped firmly around Thomas's and Thomas did the same to hers.
It didn't take long to reach the door and right outside the door stood Edward Travis; in his usual black suit this time with a dark green tie.
"Ah, Eleanor," Travis greeted. "See you didn't hesitate to see him."
"Why would I?" She smiled. "With what Vincent informed me of. So... he's in here still?"
"Yep. Just talked to him-"
"So he's awake?" She excitedly asked.
"Well he passes out every now and then... so get don't frightened if he does," Travis informed as he went and gently opened the door. "It's a little dark inside, but that's how he said he wanted it."
"Doesn't surprise me," she commented with a light smile. "C'mon, Thomas."
The two then slipped in the door and entered a room lit with three candles.
A bed lied in the middle with a man strapped to it. A thin white sheet covered his body up until his upper torso.
There was a white patch placed on the left side of his forehead and several scars across his pale face.
Both Lovett and Thomas watched in horror as they inspected the injured Sweeney Todd.
His eyes were closed, but he didn't look entirely asleep.
"He doesn't look too hot," Thomas muttered under his breath to Lovett.
"C'mon, is that the first thing ya wanna say to an injured asshole," a voice laughed.
Lovett and Thomas's head shot up with a smile.
"Mr. T!" Lovett cheered as she rushed to the side of the bed.
"Not so loud," he hissed as his eyes fluttered open. "God, everything looks fuzzy."
Thomas walked to the opposite side and examined Todd.
"You feeling alright?" He asked as he noticed Todd's right arm wrapped up in bandages.
"Well I'm not dead," Todd smirked.
"What a relief," Thomas chuckled.
Todd only smiled back. He looked horrible though. Bandages here and there and cuts just painting his face.
Lovett was now speechless. She wanted to bring up why he did this to himself, but didn't want to tick him off in his condition.
She then pulled up a chair and watched him.
"...Thomas... could I just talk to 'im alone," she started with that look in her eye. Thomas caught on then nodded and left.
"Why'd ya make the boy leave?" He asked in a voice that sounded as if he was in the balance of life and death.
"We need to talk about last night. You know we do," she started bluntly.
Todd then lost his smirk and looked away from her. He shifted around in his bed. His good hand clutched his bad one in anxiety.
"You listening, love?"
"...Yea," he mumbled.
"Why'd you pull such a stunt? You scared the hell outta me!"
"...Those weren't my intentions honestly," he replied. The more anxious he got, the harder he pressed down on his already injured arm. The pain he felt helped zone out of the conversation he was too scared to speak in.
"Love, ya know ya can tell me anything. I know you're scared to death to speak the truth. I know you fear betraying your Lucy, but listen. Admitting the truth I'm sure as hell will help you," she explained in a soothing voice.
"...Just cause you know what I say in the bloody sessions doesn't change anything," he sneered and pressed harder on his arm.
"It does so change things! Dearie, just tell me. I'm all ears," she again said in an attempted calm voice.
Todd took a deep breath. He knew what Lovett was onto. He just never wanted to admit it. He knew she was right about almost everything, but he never wanted to admit that.
"Why'd you light yourself up? Why'd you go and intentionally harm yourself?"
"I can't say. It's pathetic really," he muttered; his eyes looking in the opposite direction.
"Mr. T. We both know what's racing through your mind right now."
"Then if you know, why the hell must I admit it?!" He snapped while turning his head to glare at the woman.
"So I can really hear it for myself. Just going by what Dr. Vincent told me isn't enough," she explained and bent down to his level. "You know what, I'll admit something if you admit too."
"You go first."
She then smiled a little and lost herself in his dark brown, almost black, eyes. "Ever since you returned back in London, I felt obligated to help you. You didn't ask me to, I just sort of volunteered to. I could of informed the police you returned. I could of refused to let you rent the parlor. I could of chose to never give you the razors. I could of informed the police when you killed your first man, but I didn't, I went and helped you rid the body."
Todd then sunk in the bed. He remembered he said that once to Dr. Vincent. All those reasons she listed for reasons for Todd to admire her.
"Even as stubborn as you. As ignorant as you are... I still love you." As hard as it was for her to choke out, the words finally spilt.
Todd couldn't help but remember the night he dreads to remember.
Blood stained his body and clothes as he pulled back the strains of hair to reveal his slain wife. He lost his breath as he came to the conclusion that he himself had killed his love with his very own hands.
As he lamented, he could hear a distraught Lovett pouring her soul out on how she loved him. Although he zoned her out, the words that she loved him rang through him.
And now those words rang through him again. He then just wanted to smother himself with the pillow.
Todd then suddenly let go of his broken arm and reached over to take to hold of Lovett's frail hand.
Lovett was astonished with his abrupt action and nearly jumped back, but she stood her ground with poise.
He held her hand quite tight; almost bone-breaking. She squeezed his hand back, but not nearly as hard as he did.
"I know I'm a constant pain in the ass. I know I'm a bastard and I deserve every bad thing that happens to me. I was wrong to ever ignore you. To ever hurt you." His voice was trembling in anxiety and fear.
Flashes of Lucy would race through his mind, but he tried his best to shake away the thought of her.
She's dead. Been dead. You'll never ever see her again.
"I never said to you how thankful I was to return to London and see you there. I treated you lower than dirt and it's a shame I didn't realize how much I needed you until we were both put to the grave. Saying sorry doesn't come close to an apology you deserve."
Both Todd and Lovett couldn't believe what they were hearing. Could their ears be deceiving them?
Todd then forcefully let go of her hand and went back to clutch his injured arm. He couldn't believe what he just said. This time he nearly pulled the pillow from under his head and suffocate himself, but he knew it would have no impact on him.
Mrs Lovett was in disbelief; utter shock. "...You're being serious... right?" She asked to be sure.
Todd only gently nodded his head with a sigh. "But isn't it wrong. I mean, with Lucy and-"
"Dear you know Lucy's gone," she replied; restraining her jealousy of Lucy. "And she'd want ya to be happy, and obviously now you're the complete opposite."
After a moment's silence, Lovett remembered the question she really wanted to ask the man.
"Um... Mr. T..." she softly started.
Todd moved his eyes from the wall to the baker with a depressed expression.
"Yeah?" He mumbled.
"Why'd you do what you did yesterday?" She asked in a steady voice.
Before Todd could answer the question, yet alone open his mouth, he blacked out and his head went back down on his pillow.
At first it frightened her, but she remembered Travis warned her he might do that.
"At least you finally admitted ya loved me," she smiled to herself and went out to door to greet Travis and Thomas.
The two were just talking about Todd; leaning against the wall and waiting for Lovett.
"Eleanor, everything good?" Travis asked as he peeked through the door as she closed it.
"Yea," she happily replied. "It went out cold again before I left," she informed.
"Ah, well he'll be alright. Also the doctor notified me that he can leave about late tonight. And more good news, I didn't hear any yelling in there."
Lovett didn't think about that. Not once did they truly argue at one another in an aggressive tone.
"We didn't, did we?" She happily stated.
"Ah well, work is calling. I'll stop by around noon and see how everything's going, are you two going to stay here?"
Both Thomas and Lovett nodded. Travis then left and the remaining two reentered Todd's room.
Todd was still out like light.
"Did he admit he doesn't hate you?" Thomas asked as he went through some papers on a desk.
"I suppose so. Every time he spoke his voice was trembling, poor thing," she responded and took her seat back by his bed.
Her big brown eyes examined all the cuts that surrounded his face. The several bandages that covered up some. His black mane was partly singed.
"Dearie, what the hell would drive you to do this?" She muttered to herself, but Thomas heard.
"Uh, ya know, Mrs. L. Before he did what he did... we were both talking about lighting someone on fire so he'd get in the trouble and-"
"Why would he wanna get in trouble?"
Thomas's eyes then widened; he said too much. Lovett wasn't suppose to know the whole trick to get banished away from this hell.
"No reason," he quickly replied, although knowing that wouldn't cover his mistake.
"Yes there is. Mr. T hates the Authorities and everything, why would he intentionally wanna get in trouble with em?"
Thomas sighed; he knew there was no way convincing Lovett that it was for no reason.
"Alright. But ya can't tell him that I told you or he'll have me by my throat. He found out there's an exit from this world and the only way to get out is to just start a lot of problems with the Authorities. So the past few weeks he's been starting fights and other junk and he's been in jail a handful of times. Soon enough, the Authorities will just grow tired of him and banish him to the Lost Souls Room. And uh.... I've kinda helped him a few times," Thomas admitted with his head lowered down.
"What?!" She screeched. "You're kidding me right?"
"No," he whispered. "He has a whole plan and the file in his room. He's actually really determined."
She then shot up out of her chair and for the door.
"Where are you going?"
"To his room and look through that file," she simply explained and marched out the door.
Thomas then looked over at the sleeping Todd and sighed. "Shit."
She paced down the hall; her heels clicking against the pavement.
"God he's insane," she murmured to herself. "First intentionally lighting himself on fire, now intentionally erasing himself from this world."
It didn't take long to find his room and it wasn't even locked.
The room was pitch black except for the light that shed through the door from the hall.
There she spied on the wall several papers pinned to it. There were strings that were connecting papers across the wall. Some papers had pictures, others had endless lines of small print words. There were even some papers of his own handwriting. They were scribbled notes of plans and ideas he had. It was horrifying.
She stepped closer to the wall and scanned over some of the papers.
'...Lost Souls Room: Banished souls where they escape into a realm of nothing...'
'...A soul must break the laws countless times to even be put away. Maximum is fifteen consecutive misconducts...'
'... reached 11, four more to go...'
She staggered back in disbelief. He's so close to goal. She couldn't believe he'd been planning this for weeks.
She read the remaining papers in bitter horror and rushed out of the room. She wasn't sure whether to confront Todd first, or notify Travis. Both of the decisions sounded horrible.
She quickly made it back to the hospital room where she found Todd and Thomas talking to one another.
The two stopped when they watched Lovett enter the room.
"Where'd you run off to?" Todd started as he slowly sat up in the bed. He clenched his teeth in pain while doing so.
"Lock up my shop," she lied and stepped closer in. She didn't want to piss him off and Thomas even warned her to not mention Todd's little scheme. "So how ya feelin', love?"
Todd rolled his eyes as if his condition wasn't obvious.
She then came to the side of the bed and couldn't help but think of all the violent deeds he's been doing. All the law breaking acts he's been enacting.
She just couldn't help but think, why would he set himself on fire when he's so close to his goal. He could of set someone else of fire and reach even closer to his goal.
"You're not staying in here all day, are you?" Todd queried.
"I have nothing else to do. And you could use the company," she answered with a warm smile.
Todd only sighed in response.
Thomas began rifling through the cabinets; pulling out papers and reading over them for enjoyment.
Just as the room got silent, the door came open and in stepped in Dr Vincent.
"Dammit," Todd muttered under his breath.
"Good morning, Mr. Todd, I see you have company," he greeted as he set his briefcase on a table and began pulling out a few papers.
"We're not having a session... are we?" Todd sighed and glanced over at Lovett. They both knew his locked up inner thoughts came out in the sessions.
"Well Mr. Travis came by my office and suggested the idea," he replied and got his supplies prepped.
Lovett watched the doctor do so and was all so interested. She then walked up next to the doctor.
"You want me to leave the room?" She asked as she glanced at Todd who attempted to pull off some of bandages with a flustered expression.
"Actually I have a plan. Just stand outside the door, wait a few minutes then come in. I'll let you hear everything he says, and trust me, he usually says quite a lot," he explained with a smile.
Lovett smiled contently. "Sounds wonderful," she replied.
Luckily, Todd was more focused on removing some of his bandages than listening to her conversation, so he didn't hear one word.
"Mr. T," she started as she motioned to the door.
His head shot up and he stopped fidgeting with the wraps.
"I'm just gonna head to my room for a while, I'll be back," she lied and motioned Thomas to come to her.
Thomas obeyed and they both slipped out the door.
"Well it was nice of them to visit you," Vincent started while sitting in the chair next to Todd's bedside.
"I suppose. It's one thing for the kid to come, but Eleanor? I know she thinks I'm just a burden," he scowled while trying to undo the sling that was strapped around his arm.
"Trust me, she doesn't think that," Vincent assured. "If it makes you feel any better, we don't have to the session. It was just Travis's suggestion."
He shook his head. "You're already here, I might as well do it," he muttered.
"Alright. And before we start, I remembered I made you promise." Vincent then took out a file from his coat with the words 'Pierce, Thomas' stamped across it in red ink.
Todd's dark expression then lightened up. "You remembered? Well shit," Todd slightly laughed and took hold of the file with his good hand. He then slipped the file under the sheets of the bed and listened to Vincent.
"I'm a man of my word. Now shall we begin?" He then took out his pocket watch and gleamed into the glass of it. He began swinging it the left and right; Todd's puppy-dog eyes followed. However, he didn't succumb.
"Just empty your mind," Vincent instructed; aware of Todd not surrendering.
Todd sighed and tried to focus harder. This time, his eyes began to flutter and finally he fell unconscious.
Vincent smirked and pocketed the watch.
It wasn't long until Lovett quietly reentered the room; her eyes looking down upon the asleep Sweeney Todd. She smiled to herself and sat across from Vincent.
"Can he hear me?" She whispered to the doctor.
"When I speak loud and towards him, he'll respond. If he hears your voice, he'll probably freak."
Her face lightened up.
"I'll start with a plain and simple question." He then turned from Lovett to Todd. "Mr. Todd, when is your birthday?"
The two waited for a response.
"November 9, 1803," he simply answered in a monotone voice.
Lovett jumped in excitement. She could now finally hear his inner thoughts that he kept hidden.
"Good," Vincent noted. "Now remember where we left off?"
"Nope," Todd replied; he never did.
"We ended the session about your former neighbor, Mrs Lovett," he explained and watched for Todd's reaction.
When his ears heard the melody of her name, his whole body just sunk into the bed and grin formed on his face.
Lovett couldn't help but smile herself when she saw his reaction.
"Have you talked to her recently?" Vincent asked he glanced at Lovett and winked.
"Yea... but she still probably hates me," he answered and the smile vanished.
"She hates you? And why would you think that?"
There was yet another pause.
"She still hates what I did to her. I don't blame her. She may of lied... but she had good intentions. It's a misfortune I didn't see that before. But... push comes to shove and now we're both stuck in this hell pit. She may say she forgives me, but she's lying right through her teeth."
Both Vincent and Lovett sat back in disbelief. Lovett then bent over and whispered in Vincent's ear to question Todd on the fire incident.
Vincent was just tickled with the idea and didn't hesitate to ask.
"Mr. Todd, if I may ask, what drove you ignite yourself last night in front of Mrs. Lovett? I want an honest answer."
Both Vincent and Lovett were on the ends of their seat; anticipated the answer.
Lovett had a pretty good idea of why he did such a thing, but she wanted to hear it come out of his mouth.
"For the pain that she once bared, I now pay for that sin," he spoke clearly like he had done right in front of her the night before.
Hearing the words once again sent chills racing down her spine.
"And what do you mean by that?" Vincent replied; determined the get Todd to admit it.
"It was wrong of me to even prompt such an excruciating death to her. Never in a billion years would I imagine I had the capability to cause such a thing. I owed her a favor... but even igniting myself isn't enough. It didn't kill me like it did her."
It was a dark, ominous tone he used.
Yet, for almost the first time, it was a sullen, merciful tone.
"I just need to leave here. I don't wanna exist here. No one wants me around, I don't even want myself around."
His voice cracked. It was heart breaking.
As he spoke, Lovett remembered all the papers that were tacked to the wall. He was fully determined the leave the world. He had a full proof plan and everything.
"End the session," she whispered; becoming nauseous from the thought of Todd leaving for good. She didn't want Todd accidentally mentioning the Lost Souls Room and the Authorities jumping him and wrecking shit.
"I still have a few more questions," Vincent responded as he flipped through a notebook of questions he scribbled down.
"I said, end the session," she commanded in a serious, louder tone.
Vincent sighed and agreed. He slowly began packing up his tools and instructed Todd to wake up. Todd obeyed and suddenly woke up; his eyes falling on Lovett and realizing she heard whatever he said.
Vincent just slipped out the door without a word; leaving the two just staring at one another.
"...How long were you in 'ere?" Todd asked as he grasped his shattered arm.
"The entire session," she answered in an unsure whisper.
"And what'd you hear?"
"Everything you said."
Todd only sighed; he barley recalled what he said in the session. Every time he does it, he remembers it only as a blur.
"Do you remember anything you said, dear?"
"...No," he quickly replied. He actually did remember a thing or two, but he didn't want to have to say it again.
"Well I'll tell you this. I don't hate you. And when I say I forgive you, I'm not lying." She spoke with such a warm smile. An assuring smile. Something Todd desperately needed.
Todd then let out a sigh of relief with a grin. Lovett couldn't help but smile herself when seeing his grin.
"Mr. T..." she hesitantly spoke.
Todd turned his head and lost himself in her puppy dog eyes. The many times he'd look in those very eyes, yet saw nothing. But now he just saw everything he'd been missing out on.
"You know I love you," she expressed in a slow voice.
Todd just blinked.
What do I say? What do I do?
All those years of being utterly alone, he had not one clue how to react to her affection.
"... I... l-love you t-too," he stuttered; unsure if he said it correctly.
And the second he said those words, time just stop.
sweenett. has. arrived. I repeat. sweenett. has. arrived.
This chapter was hella fun to type and I'm excited to start the next one.
I'm hoping to end the story around the 30th chapter so it's not too terribly long.
Please leave reviews because I love reading my reader's opinions and ideas.
And as always thank you so much for reading and for more Sweeney Todd follow @/demon.of.depp on Instagram.

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