May the Chaos Commence

480 22 14

"Thomas is usually here by now," Lovett spoke to herself as he began the breakfast rush, which wasn't much of a rush.
Thomas usually arrived early; he loved working with Lovett in the bakery. She carried her way around the bakery; still trying to fathom where Thomas was.
Business was a little slow. There was no sign of Todd; she only assumed he actually went to his session. Travis wasn't around either, God knows where he could possibly be.
Todd paced down the hall that led further into the offices of the Authorities. He didn't really know why he was walking in that direction; he was curious. No one that walked by him questioned him, they just carried on their ways. He then passed a few doors with windows. Some windows had closed blinds which he couldn't see through, other windows had open blinds. As he walked on and glanced through he each open set of blinds, he stumbled upon a familiar face.
Todd froze in the hall and just looked at the boy through the window. Thomas had his head down. He sat in some office looking room. His head then shot up and made eye contact with Todd. His mouth curled to a smile as he gestured Todd to come in the room. Todd willingly did so and entered the room.
"What are you doing in here?" Todd started as he looked around the office.
"Still in trouble from last night," he muttered and watched Todd sit next to him in the empty chair. "Why are you wandering so far in this area?"
"Boredom," Todd simply answered. "So are they gonna throw ya in jail?"
"I was in jail all of last night, but it's no biggie, I've been there before."
"Speaking of uh, last night. Why'd you do that? I could've gotten the file on my own," Todd replied with his head hanging down.
"No you couldn't of. There's no way. You needed a distraction and that's the spot I filled."
"You didn't need to though."
"Well... I knew you really wanted that file... figured I maybe help."
"Oh. Well, uh, thanks kid. That was actually a pretty neat thing ya did."
Thomas then smiled. He had pleased the notorious demon barber; boy did that make him proud.
"And because you willingly helped me out, I figure I owe you the story you desire."
"Really?!" Thomas asked excitedly. "I mean... you don't have to, if you don't wanna." Thomas quickly added after realizing the story would pain the barber.
"No, no, you deserve it." Todd then took a deep breath. The boy did ask for the story and later threw jail time on the line for a little file. "I just dunno where to begin."
"What's the biggest thing you remember from... that night?"
"Blackness," he answered without delay. He then shivered. "A lot of it was just one big black blur."
"Oh," Thomas whispered and hung his head.
"After burying myself in grief, Toby came along with one of my razors and... well, did it," Todd shrugged and remembered the sound the razor made as it was scrapped off the ground and into Toby's hand.
"Toby?" Thomas questioned.
"Some kid Mrs. Lovett sort of took in. I didn't like him... he was just a pest who got drunk all the time."
"Oh yea... I remember his name appearing in your file. I never got to say sorry about peeking at it."
"It's the past," Todd sighed, even stunned that he said such a thing.
"...What'd the razor blade feel like?" Thomas then asked hesitantly. His gaze then fell upon the slit in Todd's throat. It wasn't as bloody as it was when he first arrived, but it was still quite the wound.
Todd then raised his hand and brushed it against the slit. It still stung.
"Just a stinging sensation," he answered shortly. Then after a moments silence, Todd himself grew curious. This entire time he's been answering his past and knew nothing of Thomas'. He only knew he was a killer of sorts, but he knew nothing else. Just as he was about to ask, the door to the room swung open and there stood a man. The man's eyes immediately fell on Todd.
"Who are you?"
"A friend," Thomas quickly answered for Todd. "He... wanted to be sure I was alright and so stopped by."
The man only nodded and stepped into the room. "Well Thomas," the man started. "You've paid the time for last night's incident-"
"So I can go?" Thomas asked excitedly.
"Yea, but one more question.
Thomas grew anxious in his seat. And fidgeted around in his chair.
"Why'd you jump the front lady?"
Thomas only shrugged in response.
"Whatever. You can get out now."
Thomas smiled and fled the room; Todd quickly followed, still curious of Thomas' killer past.
Thomas began his way out of the Hall of Discipline with plans to head to Lovett's bakery.
"Please don't tell me you're off to work for that witch," Todd groaned as they walked down the hall to the staircase.
"She's not a witch, she's really nice," Thomas replied calmly.
"Yeah cause your a kid. Does she even know you killed people when you were alive?" Todd hoped bringing this topic would shed light of Thomas' past.
"No and she's not going to. I don't want her to know cause then she'll think differently of me. Besides, you don't have to come. Weren't you going to wreck some havoc and start your way to the Lost Souls Room?"
"Don't say it so loud," Todd warned as he looked around to be sure no Authorities heard him. "And yea I was planning to start today. Any ideas on what to start with?"
A devious smile then grew on Thomas' face. He then turned his gaze to Todd and laughed lightly. "I have the perfect idea, but-"
"But you wanna join me," Todd completed Thomas' sentence with a smirk.
Thomas laughed at Todd's answer. It was obviously the truth. "So is that a yes?" He asked excitedly.
"I thought you wanted to work in some girly bakery," Todd mocked with a smirk and picked up his pace jokingly.
Thomas quickly caught up and tugged on Todd's jacket. "Please!" He begged. "I wanna help the great London serial killer!"
Todd smirked when he heard the label Thomas gave him.
The great London serial killer.
Had a ring to it.
"I dunno... if you get caught I don't want to risk you going to the Lost Souls room," Todd explained with complete sympathy. Even though the short time they've know each, Todd kind of had a fondness for the kid.
"Then I'll dart the second the Authorities arrive. Even if I get caught Travis wouldn't throw me in the room. Trust me?"
Todd only nodded.
Thomas grinned happily. "So... what's the plan? Start some fights? Jump the old bat at the front?"
Todd thought and only one idea that sounded flawless came to mind. It was a devious plan; a plan that would for sure lock him up behind bars. But the more time behind bars the closer he gets to his goal.
"I think I have a better idea," Todd replied and immediately dashed down the opposite end of the hall.
Thomas wore a confused expression and quickly followed.
It was now a few hours after the morning rose and Lovett still saw no sign of Thomas. It was unlike the little scamp. She scurried around the emporium with only that thought. The lunch crowd was slowly coming and one person alone wasn't helping.
The door then flew open, she expected another customer but instead it was only Travis making his rounds.
He quickly approached Lovett and noticed she was working harder than usual.
"Lunch rush, eh?" He started as he fixed his blue tie.
"It's usually not this bad, but Thomas isn't here," she quickly responded and served a few drinks. "Have you see the lad?"
"Well someone did inform he was kept in jail last night, but he should of been released this morning."
"Jail?!" She gasped. "What the hell did he do?"
"That's what I don't know, no one informed me on that. I'm sure he's on his way here as we speak," he assured while motioning to the door.
"Well could ya check on him for me, please? Last thing I want is him socializing with Mr. Todd," she added.
"Let me make my rounds first and then I promise to seek him out. He'll show up, its not like he can go far," he again assured before vanishing through the door.
Lovett only sighed; feeling lonely without her little helper.
Todd and Thomas then entered a room. Todd quickly sprung to action and began connecting wires to the the electro shock machine the way he saw Margery use it.
"This is your plan?" Thomas questioned as he sat on the small bed and watched Todd.
"Yes," he quickly answered. "Now we need a victim."
Thomas only smiled and thought. "Didn't you say earlier you wanted to use your past victims? How bout we start there."
"I wouldn't even know where to track them down, I never knew there names so we can't get a file on them," Todd replied as he turned the dial on the machinery to almost maximum.
"Leave that up to me. I got a few tricks up my sleeves."
"What do you mean?"
"I read your file, your file mentioned the names of those you killed. Luckily I remembered the names. I'll trace one of the names to their room and find some way to lure them here," Thomas explained proudly.
Todd only looked at the boy. This kid was a genius, he thought. He then smiled and nodded for Thomas to put his plan into action. Thomas nodded back and quickly acted.
The boy then dashed out of the room; leaving Todd alone in the room with the machine. How much he wanted to use it on Margery, or anyone really, but mostly Margery. The more he thought about her, the more he realized he hadn't seen the witch for awhile.
She must be really gone.
Todd smiled at that idea.
God did he hate what she did to him. The pain; the torture; probably even worse than dying. He shook the cruel thoughts away and made sure the machine was ready for work. Everything was on, the dial was turned, and the headset was ready for prep. He didn't even try to find the rubber mouthpiece Margery surprisingly have him. His victim could bite his own tongue off for all he cared.
Todd then motioned to the bed and made sure none of the restraints were snapped or broken. Luckily, they were all ready.
As he waited for Thomas' return, the curiosity got a hold of him. He went and rummaged through the cabinets. All he found were old notes of previous patients who were hooked up to this machine. He scanned some of the scribbled writings. Some said the following:
Patient receiving no improvement.
Patient same as before.
Patient recovering slowly.
All the notes were mixes of positive and negative reviews. It's fair to say this machine had the negative impact on him.
Todd threw the notes back in the cabinets; slowly growing impatient. Time was being wasted and he didn't like that. He then shifted to the door and stuck his head out of the doorway. He looked down both ends of the hall.
Then there, coming down the hall came an old man; rather familiar. Ahead of the old man ran a crying Thomas. Todd furrowed his brow in confusion on why Thomas was bawling.
He swung the door wider to get a better look, but Thomas saw him and motioned him to get back in the room.... with a smile. Todd nodded; comprehending this was apart of his plan. Todd closed the door behind him and prepared the room.
Thomas came down the hall and swung the door open; nearly hitting Todd standing behind it. Todd could hear Thomas softly crying and heard another set of footsteps following after Thomas.
Todd then kicked the door closed when he saw the back of one of his old victims. The door startled the old man and Thomas and Todd quickly acted. Thomas pounced on his back; making him fall back onto the bed. Todd quickly went to the side of the bed and began tying his wrists to the restraints. Thomas quickly tied his ankles down and wiped his salty tears away.
Todd noticed his actions and was a bit confused.
"The hell are you crying for?" He asked while returning to the machine.
"I had to trick him into coming here. Anyone will fall for a crying child," Thomas replied with a smirk.
"Clever," Todd noted and took a cautious hold on the headset. His eyes then flicked over at the man chained to the bed and overwhelmed with conduction.
"Hello," Todd happily cheered. "Remember me?"
The man then thrashed around in the bed; terrified by the man who stood in front of him. "I see you do remember me," Todd smirked.
"What... what are you going to do to me?! Why am I here?!" He blubbered in fear and scoped out the room. "Help! Help!" He suddenly screamed. Both Todd and Thomas jumped from the man's yells.
"Thomas, shut him up!" Todd ordered.
Thomas quickly obeyed and pulled a gag from his pocket and stuffed it into the man's mouth.
"...You keep a gag on you?" Todd queried as he stood behind the head of the bed.
"Of course. Never know when it'll come in handy," Thomas answered and prepared for the fun work.
Todd then moved his attention from Thomas the old man. He could see pain in the man's eye, but Todd could care less.
"I'm surprised you remember my face," Todd started. "Many people forgot."
The man tried replying but it was nothing but a muffled cry.
"Sorry, didn't catch that," Todd mocked and looked over at Thomas. "Ready?"
"Ready!" He exclaimed.
"Now when the Authorities come near, you make a run for the bakery, got it?"
"Go it."
Todd then smiled a devious smile and put no more delay. He then placed the headset and the two ends that were wrapped in cotton and soaked in the clear liquid on the victim's head.
Both Todd and Thomas watched his face light up in agony. He screamed violently through the gag and twitched all over his body. Unlike Margery who had to decency to apply the electrodes for a mere few seconds, Todd applied the electrodes for much longer, enough to kill a man if he were alive.
The joyful breeze of harming a man came back like a rushing wind. The joy of seeing and hearing someone cry out in pain and agony was like a beautiful melody to his ears. Todd laughed almost as loud as the man's screams.
A terrifying sight, in which Thomas saw.
Thomas watched the former killer bathe in the moment. He watched his infernal smile glisten. This wasn't like before where Thomas admired his madness, this was a whole new sight.
A terrifying sight.
Thomas backed up to the wall and continued his gaze on Todd. As horrifying as it was, it was almost... beautiful.
Todd then pulled the electrodes back and watched the man's skin turn from a harsh red back to normal color.
"That didn't hurt, did it?" He questioned with a grin. His eyes then glanced over at Thomas. "Go check if the Authorities arrived, if they haven't we'll make him scream louder."
Thomas nodded and motioned to the door. He stuck his head out the door; looked both ways and saw nothing.
"No Authorities," he noted and closed the door behind him. "Another round?"
"I don't see why not." He then looked to his victim. The old man shook his head vigorously; pleading for mercy.
"Mercy!" The man screamed, though it was muffled. "Mercy!" He repeated.
Todd frowned and set the headset on the counter. "Mercy?" His voice rose. "Mercy?! Do you think anyone ever gave me mercy?!" Todd then violently kicked the bed. "Fuck no! Mercy in such a world doesn't exist!"
Then with no hesitation, he grabbed the headset and slammed it on the temples of the old man.
Thomas watched closely. He could see one of Todd's many breaking points; and he had an awful lot.
"Thomas!" Todd then barked; forgetting the kid was on his good side. "Check for Authorities!"
Thomas again nodded and poked his head out the door. There he finally saw Travis pacing down the hall; checking every door that he passed.
"It's Travis!" Thomas uttered and looked back to Todd. His hair was a mess; his outfit was worn out.
Todd then placed the headset down and took a deep breath; trying to gather his mind. "Alright, alright, alight," he whispered to himself. "Thomas, run down the opposite hall. When he comes and gets me, you run to the bakery and don't ever say a word. Got it?" He explained; trying to act calm and collective.
"Got it," Thomas then gently opened the door and waited for Travis to enter a bare room. He then looked back at Todd and forced a smile. "The second they let ya loose... they'll put you on room arrest, I'll come visit ya there and talk about the next attack."
Todd nodded in agreement and watched the boy flees from the room. He then turned on his heel and once again harmed the man with no thought of mercy.
Travis shortly came barging into the room from hearing the bloodcurdling screams. There he found Todd operating the electroshock machine. The color in Travis' face drained as he went to disarm the man.
Todd only laughed to himself and allowed Travis to turn him in. Travis also freed the old man and escorted him to the hospital. Besides the crazed man's laughter, Todd was quiet the whole time. And in that whole time he was taken straight to Travis' office where he also met two men in the Authorities. They were dressed in all black. Police, Todd assumed.
The plan was taking action.
His first strike towards success.
Todd sat before the three men. They frowned upon him with crossed arms.
Todd didn't care, in fact he was excited.
"What was going through your mind?!" One of the Authorities began while the other took notes.
"I dunno," Todd mumbled, though he knew what was going through his mind. He knew this was first step towards the Lost Souls Room.
"Why would you do that?"
"Uh have you read my file? You really expected me to come here after death and be all changed and lesson-learned?" Todd mocked hysterically.
"Sort of," Travis replied.
There was then a moment's silence. The two men glared at Todd while the other did some sort of research, then he spoke.
"Um... according to the file, the man he uh... you know... it's the one of the men he murdered in the living years."
Todd only smiled.
"Mr. Barker," the other man started; making Todd a little tense. "You know we had to punish that doctor for what she did to you. She did the same thing you did to that man. You don't want the same punishment, do you?"
Todd wanted to just blurt out yes! But he instead ignored the question.
"But this misconduct does have consequences."
"Which are?" Todd questioned.
"Few hours in jail... then room arrest," he answered. "I still don't understand why'd you do this? Surely that doctor didn't influence you to do this."
"That's it!" Travis then blurted out. He then pulled the men to the side and discussed in a whisper, but Todd could still clearly hear them. "The man's head is wired up differently. Surely Margery had to of had some negative impact for him to do this. His mind processes differently. Its not necessarily his fault."
"Are you staying no punishment? Nothing to tell him it's wrong?" The man that took notes asked.
"We could keep him on parole, make sure he's not getting in anymore trouble. But yes I'm saying no jail time, no room arrest. Let em off easy."
Todd couldn't believe his ears. This was wrong. Strangely enough, he desired the jail time and closer to his goal, but now he hasn't made a mark on his score board! He was going off clean!
"Fine," one of the men agreed. "But if he acts up again no going easy on him. It's jail time, got it, Mr. Travis?"
The men then pulled away from their huddle of discussion and looked down at Todd who kept kicking the legs of the chair he sat on.
"Alright, Mr. Barker," the Authorities spoke; still pissing off Todd. "You're in luck. No jail time. But we will have an officer checking up on you every now and then."
"Travis already does that," Todd muttered; still pissed off.
"Yes but this will be a Disciplinary officer, got it?"
"Sure whatever."
"Don't get into anymore trouble. Especially with that machine. Travis you might wanna go lock the door to that."
"I'll get on that," Travis relied and with that he rushed out the door.
It was now only the three men. Two Authorities and Todd. Todd was the first to leave. And he left without a word.
He now had to think of something destructive, something that will defiantly get him into trouble. He then marched off to pull Thomas from the bakery and discuss their next plan.
"So where were you this morning?" Mrs Lovett started as she and Thomas both baked pies. The emporium had only a few customers.
"Sleeping in late," Thomas softly answered and kept his head lowered to his work.
"Sleeping huh?" She retorted sarcastically. She just knew he had to be off running around with the man.
"Well um, Travis told me you hit trouble last night. This true?"
"I suppose. But it was nothing. You know how adults treat kids. They always think they're getting into trouble," he explained; his eyes still locked on his work.
"You weren't around Mr. Todd were you?"
"What do you have against him?" Thomas quickly replied; ready for an answer.
Lovett wanted to just blurt out that he's the reason why she's here. He's the most stubborn, arrogant, ruthless man to exist. He owns no remorse does nothing deceive and harm. The list could go for an eternity, but she thought more: what'd she truly have against him? Even after arrival in this world she still loved him. She couldn't stop the feeling. So what was it now that changed things? What made that feeling go away?
"Mrs. L?" Thomas questioned while waving a hand at her blank expression.
She only blinked and exhaled greatly. "I'm sorry, love. What'd you say?"
"I asked, what do you have against him? I thought you liked him."
"I can only put up with him for so long," she sighed. "So... were you with him? ...I won't be mad if you were."
Thomas only sighed. "Yea. I was. I was just curious, that's all."
"What's to be curious about? He's a cold blooded murderer, end of story."
"That's not what you use to think," Thomas muttered under his breath, but Lovett heard him.
"Thomas, look at me," she snapped and put the work aside.
He ignored her and kept working.
"Thomas," she repeated; trying to remain calm.
Thomas then obeyed and looked at the baker.
"Promise me you'll stay away from him."
Thomas shook his head.
"Promise me," she repeated a bit louder.
"Fine. Fine. I promise, Mrs. L, I promise," he then smiled.
The second the two returned to work, the shop's door softly opened and in the stepped a man.
"Mr. Todd!" Thomas cheered; expecting him to be in jail. Lovett only gave Thomas a concerned look.
Todd grinned and pulled up a stool next to the boy.
"What are you doing here?" Thomas questioned as he pounded at a wad of dough.
"Yes, what are you doing here?" Lovett mocked; her eyes lowered to the work; uncomfortable with his presence. But why? She never was before.
Todd only glared at her for a seemingly long time. Thomas had to then grab his attention back.
"Answer my question," Thomas demanded.
"Oh. Yea. Not in front of her," Todd said loudly; purposely wanting her to hear.
"Thomas..." Lovett warned the young boy. "Remember what I told you?"
Thomas sighed. He had promises to her, but also loyalty to Todd.
Todd was already up and out of his seat; motioning to the door. "Thomas? Come on."
"Thomas. Don't," Lovett again warned.
"Thomas. Come on," Todd spoke between his teeth. Rage was brewing inside him.
The child looked at both Mrs. Lovett and Mr. Todd. They must really loathe each other. As he looked at the two, they both hounded him to make up his mind. He grew pale and lump in his throat formed. He couldn't betray the other.
Then out of no where, the boy dashed out the door; speeding down the halls and out of sight.
"Look what you made him do!" Todd hollered and stomped his foot loud.
"What I did?! Look what you did! What do you two even do together? He's a kid," she argued while slamming her work on the counter and crossing her arms.
"Let me guess, when I'm not around you teach him good morals and that killing is wrong," Todd snarled and leaned on the doorframe. Todd knew information and that kid was no perfect angel.
"You probably teach him the opposite," she again argued.
"The thing is, I don't have to," he said calmly and left proudly; leaving Lovett puzzled.
~Night Time~
Todd had searched everywhere for the little rascal, but when he wasn't successful, he retreated to his room. Thomas was no where to be found.
Todd sat alone in his room; flipping through the Lost Souls Room file.
Eleanor Lovett had completed her work and also went to search for Thomas. He was no where to be found. She even searched the secret fourth level that Travis showed her. When she was unsuccessful, she retreated back to her room. As she returned to her room, for the first time for a while, she looked at Todd's door. She wanted to pop her head in and apologize. But why should she? Shouldn't he apologize? She gave up weighing the pros and cons and vanished into her room.
It was like the same morning before. Todd awoke and dressed for another session; which he actually remembered.
Lovett awoke and prepared for another day of work; assuming Thomas won't be there to help.
Todd made his way to the doctor's room. He had plans to wreck havoc later in the day, but not exactly what. The room he used before was locked and the machine was out of his possession. As he plotted and planned, he met his destination.
He entered the room and found the doctor in his usual chair; Todd's file in his hand.
"Good morning, Mr. Todd," Doctor Vincent greeted warmly. Todd was actually astonished he used the name he preferred.
"Morning," Todd mumbled and inched closer into the room. The doctor offered the sofa for Todd. Todd took his seat and looked around the room. "Don't you think you have information already?"
"Not exactly. From what you told me yesterday my job isn't done."
"What'd I tell you yesterday?"
"For me to know," was all Vincent said. "Now, remember the procedures from yesterday? Lie down and relax."
"Does this really help?"
"It does."
And with that Todd lied down and the doctor began waving back and forth his little watch. Todd's somber eyes watched the metal swing side to side; eyelids becoming heavy like last time. He couldn't help but succumb.
And within two minutes, the man was out like a light.
Vincent smiled and withdrawn his watch. He clicked his pen and took out a clean piece of paper. Before questioning, he only looked at the man asleep.
Todd didn't look relaxed. His brow was furrowed and his teeth were clenched.
"Mr. Todd, relax," Vincent instructed. He then noticed Todd's hands were tightened into fists. "Relax," he repeated.
Todd didn't obey at first, but reluctantly did so.
"Good. Now, do you remember what you told me yesterday?"
"Nope," Todd muttered.
Vincent scribbled on his pad of paper. "We left on the subject of your former landlady. Mrs. Eleanor Lovett."
With that said, Todd's chest began to heave in agony. His stomach filled with butterflies. He then grew out of his relaxed state. His teeth clenched again and his hands formed into fists.
"Relax, Mr. Todd," Vincent again ordered. "Just tell me more about her. You seem to act up when she's mentioned. Why do you think so?"
"I dunno..." Todd mumbled; his eyes still locked shut down and mind lost in slumber.
"You do know, now tell me."
"I have to?"
"If you want to stop coming to these sessions and the Authorities constantly worried about you, then yes. If you tell me I can help all feel better."
Todd felt that was a lie.
Make all feel better.
Todd only laughed.
"Lies," was all he uttered.
Vincent sighed and shifted in his seat. "Yes I understand you can have... trust issues. But trust me, will you? Why do you think you act up around your former landlady?"
There was a brief silence. Todd knew the answer. He always knew it, but never admitted it. He didn't want those around him to think of him soft and weak. Especially Eleanor Lovett.
"She's the only person left," he atlas spoke.
Vincent again scribbled on his pad of paper and nodded.
"I never asked her to join my crimes; to keep my identity a secret. I never asked her to play along and get caught up in my sins. She did it willingly. She could of told the Beadle I returned to London. She could of thrown me in jail and lock the cell herself. But she didn't. I never told her thank you. And I don't know how to tell 'thank you' to her."
Vincent's heart sunk in sorrow. He then knew what he had to do. Even as dangerous as it was, with Todd being the man he is, Vincent knew he had to play Cupid between the two lost souls.

sorry for a late update. been a bit busy with school and crap-- I know, lame excuse. but summer break is coming and I'll have plenty of time to continue the story!
Hope you liked this chapter and please leave reviews/comments!! I love hearing my readers' opinions!
And as always thanks for reading and for more Sweeney Todd follow my Instagram- @ demon.of.depp
Thank you.

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