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He sat on the edge of his seat. His hands held tightly together as he anticipated the judge's words. He felt as almost he was about to blackout and collapse to the floor. This anxiety was tortuous.
Lovett didn't feel any different from him. She was also apprehensive and fearing the words that were about to fall from the judge's mouth.
"In the case of Sweeney Todd," he started; his eyes skimming over Todd and viewing everyone. "Since the jury failed to come up with a   verdict, I will deliver." He cleared his throat for he knew these were the words everyone was waiting for. "I hereby sentence the man to The Lost Souls Room for the countless criminal acts and disrupting order in the After World."
Time froze.
Todd froze. Lovett froze. Vincent froze.
A chilling sensation crawled long the spine of each of them. A lump formed in Todd's throat and he was incapable of speaking. He couldn't protest against this verdict. It was a solid verdict.
The gavel, held firm and harsh in the judge's hand, slammed down on the sound block.
None of those three budged.
Everyone else praised the holy verdict. How they hoorayed hushed "yes!" and smiled to one another. How they cheered to one another and batted a smirk look at Todd.
He grew cold and more lifeless than usual.
Vincent was first to move, and Lovett quickly rushed to Todd's side.
Todd remained stationary like a statue until he felt a thick hand being placed upon his shoulder.
He then slowly turned to face the owner of the hand and there he saw who looked of a bailiff. Todd could see behind the bailiff stood two buff guards; steadily walking their way.
The moment the owner of the hand began to tug on Todd to stand up, something clicked in Todd's head.
He quickly threw the hand off his shoulder whilst knocking his chair off its legs.
"I'm not going!" Todd spat as he tried to back away, but the shackles bounding his ankles prevented him from getting far.
Lovett fought through the enthusiastic crowd with sudden tears streaming down her face.
This wasn't the happy ending she had hoped for. This was not a happy ending she would hear in fairy tales as a child.
That's when the buff guards picked up their pace and got a hold of Todd. Though he thrashed and cursed violently, he was no match to three people restraining him.
"This is a fucked up system! You're all fucked up! All of you!" He cursed in that particular tone. That tone that always sent dagger-like shivers down Lovett's spine.
They hoisted him off his feet and began to march out of a side door. Vincent quickly followed as well as Lovett; not risking to lose her last sight of him.
She had to push through more people, including Turpin.
She ran into him on her way out and words couldn't describe her rage.
He looked down at her, he was like a giant compared to her. He wore a smug, grimace look as he looked down upon her.
"Just the verdict we were expecting, wouldn't you say Mrs. Lovett?" He smirked and pocketed his hands in his jacket pockets.
"Eat shit," she cursed and shoved him out of her way. She didn't want that monster in her way of Todd. This should of been the man lifted by the bailiff and soon to be tossed away like a piece of trash.
He shouted something as Lovett weaseled through the crowd, but she didn't bother to catch what he said.
She finally evaded the court room and quickly caught up to Vincent's side as he fast walked behind Todd and the guards.
They all scurried down a narrow, dim hall. All that was heard was that clicking of all their shoes, and Todd cursing at the top of his lungs.
She could only see his head bobbing up and down. The guards and Vincent blocked the rest of her view.
"Where are they taking him?!" She cried as she paced next to Vincent.
He sighed and removed his glasses to wipe away a tear. An actual tear.
"The Lost Souls Room, Eleanor," he breathed and placed his glasses back on his face. His voice was soft.
She could tell Vincent was trying to stay collective. Lovett was struggling to do so. Ever since the words escaped the judge's mouth, she was hysterical.
After hearing what Vincent answered, her heart sunk to its lowest position. She felt as if she was about to throw her heart up and Todd felt the same.
His arms were held firmly as he was hoisted just a few inches off the floor. The men that held him didn't speak a single word except "quit squirming around."
Todd ignored their commands. His eyes scanned his surroundings rapidly. No doors were on their sides except a single door at the end of the hall. The door was painted black with a black doorknob. It then felt as if they were no longer advancing towards the door but the door was advancing towards them.
Todd stopped his thrashing as he watched the door out of curiosity. He cocked his head and watched the door move itself towards them ever so mysteriously.
With those few seconds of Todd in a sudden calm state, the guards had their guard down and Todd took advantage of that.
His eyes slithered down to one of the hands that held him firmly. Then he fixed his eyes on one of the foot of the men. Todd smirked to himself and within half a second, he stomped down on one of the guard's foot and an agony scream evaded the man's mouth. The guard lost his grip of Todd, and Todd simply jumped on the guard's foot and he did the same by letting Todd go.
As the two men shrieked in pain, Todd slithered past them with a bright smile that screamed 'freedom!'
But he didn't get far, Vincent stopped him. Placing his hands on Todd's shoulders; forcing him to a halt.
Todd could see over Vincent's shoulder, Lovett's face. He could see the flood of tears streaming down her face, and now he wanted to do the same.
His body suddenly became numb by this sight of the only person he cares for crying.
Their eyes locked before Vincent turned Todd around and the guards got their hold of him yet again.
When Todd turned around, the black door was just mere inches away.
The hall was again silent.
Todd face to face with his fate.
He squirmed around, but he was aware it was no use.
"No, please," he whimpered instead of a scream. "Please, please," he begged.
It was a shock to hear those words come from him. Words such as 'please' weren't in his vocabulary.
"Last words?" A guard asked as he inched closer to the door.
Those words echoed in his head.
How does someone conclude a life in just a few words? These are the only words in a life that end up mattering. These are the words people remember you by. You always see a person as they truly are in their last moments.
Todd was silent at first. He fathomed what words to say to wrap up the story of this wasted life.
"I want to see Eleanor," he stated in his best calm voice.
Lovett didn't hesitate to shove her way closer. The guards turned Todd around to face her, but still at that tight grip on his arms.
Their eyes locked again, and Todd did his best to wear a smile and refused to allow a tear drop. He wanted to be as strong and collective as possible.
"Famous last words, huh?" He joked with a forced smile.
She also forced a smile through her salty tears.
The smile quickly faded and he spoke in a serious tone. "I want you push me inside the room," he spoke bluntly.
She choked on her own response.
"...N-no I-I couldn't," she stuttered.
"You can," he assured. "I was the one who threw you into that furnace. Now, you have a chance to get even."
"I don't wanna get even. You did that yourself when setting yourself into flames," she replied and wiped away a tear.
"You can and you will," he said a bit more harsh and stern, but had good intent. He didn't dare to show fear of what resided beyond that door.
"Why me?"
"Because I want you to be the one that puts all this way. And by that I mean: put me away. I've been a thorn in everyone's side and you'll be doing everyone a favor."
"They don't deserve a favor," she argued and crossed her arms.
She was going to miss this stubborn Sweeney Todd she's had a fondness of.
"But you deserve one. You're gonna move on from all this. You're gonna put all of this behind you."
"I don't want to. I won't."
Todd then frowned and almost yelled, but he quickly caught himself.
"You're not clinging to the past!" He hissed in a louder tone. "Not after seeing what it did to me, I don't want you going through the same hell. Dwelling in the past is pointless. You're gonna move on from this and meet a greater man than myself."
"There is no greater man," she sniffled.
Todd grinned and looked to the ground, then back up at her.
"As you've said repeatedly there's little point in dwelling on the past," he added; hinting at those last moments in the Living World.
"But if I ignore the past, I'll forget you."
"I want you to forget me. I'm no good. Now, please stop being so stubborn."
"Oh like I'm the stubborn one," she joked and they both laughed a little.
"Come on, Barker, hurry up," a guard growled, but Todd ignored him.
Then suddenly, one of the guards swung the door open and a freezing breeze hit them all.
Their attention then faced the inside of the door. It was pitch black inside with the sound of whistling winds.
"Should've brought a coat," Todd chuckled; relying on comedy to ease the mental pain.
The guards quickly turned Todd's whole body to face the door and kicked at his boots to step up closer. He tripped closer to the door, but still stood his ground.
"Let go," Todd scowled. "I already know there's no escape. Just let her do it."
The guards strangely believed him. They let go and backed up behind Lovett and Vincent.
Todd turned around and he could feel the cool wind hitting his back and pushing his hair out in front of him.
He held his hands out for her to grab.
He still managed to bottle his fears.
Lovett was different. Her makeup was all ruined. Mascara was in a race with the tears steaming down her face.
Todd moved one hand in attempt to remove the running mascara.
His hand was an icy cold like they always were.
"Stop crying," he soothed in a beguiling voice.
"I can't."
His eyes then shifted from her to Vincent.
"Take care of her. Don't let any bastard come and harass her. Especially any from the court," he ordered.
Vincent nodded. "Will do, Mr. Todd. It was pleasure knowing you."
Todd nodded back, then looked back down at Lovett.
"If anyone insults you, do me a favor and punch them hard, got it?"
She again smiled at his humor, but realization of never seeing him again came back.
"Knock the bastard on their ass," he added only to see her smile again.

"Alright," he stated quieter. "On count of three, okay?"

"I can't, Sweeney. I can't," she cried out and squeezed his hands. "It's not fair."

"I know it's not fair," he agreed. "But you have to." He spoke as if he had conquered the fear swallowing him, but he hadn't. He was just as petrified as Lovett.
"One..." He started as a lump formed in his throat. Tears were building up and ready to flood, but Todd kept a firm face.
"One..." She softly repeated.
"Two..." He said as he gripped her hands tighter. He didn't want to let go, but what other choice did the man have?
"...Two," she hesitated to repeat and tightened her grip on his hands as well.
This was going to be the last of everything they were building together.
Everything they built, was now falling apart and burning to ashes.
Todd let out a sigh and a tear finally trickled down his cheek.
A single, cold tear.
"Three," he stated and moved his head down to place his very last kiss upon her.
The kiss caught her off guard, but when their lips crashed, she leaned forward and treasured the moment.
This was the last of everything. It was now him going into the furnace and her allowing it to happen.
As the two demolition lovers kissed, Lovett could feel them soon separate. The kiss was undone and their hands untangled.
She watched as Sweeney Todd leaned back far enough the fall in the realm beyond the door.
His face still bared the single tear and the look of desolate.
The last thing he saw was the only light in his surrounding area: the doorframe. In the only light, he saw the distraught Eleanor Lovett...and the other Sweeney Todd... glaring at him. But the light soon diminished and so did the sight of the two figures.
There, the blackness of the room devoured him and he became lost and nonexistent.
The door slammed shut on its on and descended down the hall and away from the remaining four. The guards were already leaving, but Vincent stayed with her.
She stood there frozen; eyes staring at the door. Sweeney Todd was officially absent from the After World.
And her heart was dead and shattered.

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