☠The Fourth Level☠

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Her hand was tight around the handle of the syringe. Her light green eyes sharpened as she looked down at Sweeney Todd. The poor thing, she had once called him.
The barber then shifted in the bed and Margery jumped back. Todd's once expressionless face was gone and he began mumbling in his sleep.
The words 'Lucy' and 'home' escaped his mouth several times. That's when Margery smiled and hatched a devious plan. His eyes then shot open from the thought of being watched, and sure enough he was right.
He squinted as his vision was blurry and his head was dizzy from the alcohol.
"The hell are you in 'ere?" He mumbled and watched the doctor. His mind wasn't functioning properly for it was still a bit groggy from the gin.
She jumped back a little, but then quickly stepped closer to the side of the bed. She hid the syringe behind her back and smiled. "I heard you weren't feeling great," she replied with a smile. "So I came to cheer you up."
He frowned and glanced out the open door. The main light in the hall was on; it's still daytime.
"...To cheer me up?" He arched his brow and looked back at Margery; his memory unclear of what happened last time he was in her presence.
"What is there something wrong with that?" She asked as she tapped the needle of the syringe lightly on her back repeatedly.
He frowned again and sat up straighter in the bed. He noticed the candles he once had lit were all out except one.
"Why are you really in 'ere?" He spoke a bit louder.
"I told ya, stupid," she laughed lightly and sat herself at the foot of the bed. "To cheer you up." She then secretly slid the syringe into her pocket and smiled.
"How?" He mumbled and leaned away from her; pulling the sheets and blankets away from her and towards him. But she just inched closer.
"You're miserable here, aren't you?"
"You could say that again," he sighed.
"What if I could take the misery away?"
He frowned once more. The hell was she thinking? She saw that disgusted look in his eyes and laughed.
"You fool. I don't mean it by that way. I know where your Lucy is. Your Lucille Lynette Barker."
He grew cold and pale. No. She didn't just say that. No. He looked up into Margery's green cat-like eyes and furrowed his brow. His Lucy. Here.
"...No... They said she's not 'ere. Her file isn't 'ere," he denied. He didn't want to believe, but yet he he did.
"They're fooling you," she replied. "They don't want you near her. But you away from her is making you miserable... I can't see that happening. I did my research and found your precious little Lucy."
Todd was all ear. He listened entirely. Not one word missed his ears. His Lucy. Here.
His once hardened, somber expression then softened up. "You're joking right?"
"Me, joking? Why would I joke with a man like yourself. I've seen what you can do. Hell I lived it. So I wouldn't take my chances," she smiled and stood up. Her movements were silent and steady. Quick and stealthy. "You coming?"
He wasn't sure. The news was so sudden; so unexpected that his mind hadn't fully comprehended the fact.
"...You really know where she is?"
"Yes, stupid, if I didn't why would I be here?" She smiled once more, but not even once did her devious smile catch his attention.
He then stood up and got to his feet. He threw the wadded mess of blankets and sheets in the corner of the bed and slowly followed the doctor out the door.
He buttoned up his vest and fixed his thin scarf; wanting to look best for his reunion with his Lucy.
Margery moved quick down the hall that led to main staircase that opened up to the second level. She placed her right hand in her pocket. Her boney fingers gripping the handle of the syringe as a sinful smile grew across her face.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he passed Lovett's door. His eyes reading the engraved letters. She may have a caring heart for him, but she still is a cause of Lucy's death. Even though it was he who raised the blade to Lucy's pale throat, he would of never given a thought of it being her since Lovett handed him faulty information.
Just thinking of that horrible night made him pause in his steps.
There he stood. In his parlor as he catches a looney beggar spinning around in his shop. Her ratted hair and floppy hat covering her beautiful face. The dark room shedding no light on her angelic face. He looks into her eyes, but not long enough. Then the devil's voice calls. Judge Turpin's. Distracts him from the beauty as the blade of his razor dances across her throat. If only he had taken more time to look her. Just a second the recognize the love of his life. But by the time he does, it's all too late.
"Mr. Barker?" A voice in the present snapped.
Todd jumped a bit and looked up to find Margery halfway down the hall with folded arms.
"Mr. Barker, are you coming or not?"
He took a deep breath and tried to push that horrid event out of memory. He began moving along as he tried to remember his Lucy. The perfect family she was. Her softness and innocence, all just to be taken away from the man who said he'd shield her from all the world's evil.
He shook his head and began moving. His mind was now too blind to even think of Margery lying. The thought of his precious Lucy made him foolish and ignorant to see Margery and her deceiving smile. He could imagine her long, soft hair; her pale, fair face; her light, crystal blue eyes.
Todd was in a daze of luscious thoughts. He stumbled in the hall as the thought of Lucy even erased his memory of balance.
Margery could hear his tripping and running into the wall and only laughed. A fool his was. Naïve he was. She then began her way up the stairs with Todd following.
"How come you're the only one he wants to reunite me with Lucy?" He questioned as he walked by Margery's side.
"You're in pain... don't wanna see you in pain," she smiled once more.
Although this time, the smile didn't slip from his sight. He caught it. He recognized it. He arched his brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"...You don't wanna see me in pain, huh?" He whispered.
"Yep," she replied. "Now hurry, I'm sure Lucy wants you back!" Margery exclaimed and pulled his hand out of his pocket and moved quicker.
"...She won't want me back," he muttered and slowed Margery down. "Not after what I've done."
Margery frowned as well as her deceiving plan was faulting. "Yes she will, now let's go!"
"...She won't want me back. Not after the horrible things... she'd want to see me dead."
"Stop thinking negative, a little while ago you were excited! Now be excited again and let's go!" She ordered. People walking up and down the stairs beside them began noticing the scene.
Todd was putting up a struggle and that's why she came prepared. Her hand that wasn't tugging on his reached into her pocket and met the cold metal handle of the syringe, but by then Todd stopped.
He stood quiet and still.
"Take me to her," was all he uttered.
Her hand sprawled out of her pocket and she nodded as she continued her way with Todd following.
He didn't know now what the hell to think. Would Lucy want him back? Even after the disaster he created? Would she even want to see him? Last she saw him he was drenched in blood and a menacing look in his eyes.
While the storm up in his mind was brewing, Margery had led the damned soul all the way up to the fourth floor. Yes. The fourth floor was no rumor, it actually existed, but it was the floor's power that was astonishing.
"Where are we?" Todd asked in the silence. His subtle voice echoed lightly in the room with one large mirror acting as the walls. The large open plain was bitterly cold. His eyes scanned his surroundings, but all he saw was his and Margery's reflection.
"The fourth level, stupid," she scoffed and placed her boney hands upon the glass of the mirror. The glass was freezing cold; turning her palms blue and purple.
"Where's Lucy?" He hissed as he wrapped his arms around himself; trying to keep warmth. He could see his own breath floating in a mist in front of him.
Her eyes glowed as she turned back to face Todd.
"You idiot. I can't believe you fell for such a stupid trick," she laughed and clasped her hands together.
"...What do you mean?" He arched his brow and stuttered in his words from the sharp coldness.
"Your stupid Lucy isn't here," she laughed more and stepped up in front of the demon. "At first I thought you were going to throw another one of your famous temper tantrums, so I brought along this." She then pulled the syringe out of her pocket and tossed to the ground. The syringe skidded across the concrete into a corner. "But it has no use since I already have you here."
He only stood in silence.
"Damn you'll fall for anything with your little Lucy involved," she mocked her name.
"The hell are you doing this for?" Todd groused and took a step closer to the doctor.
"You really are helpless aren't you?" She cackled and began circling him. "You don't remember me, do you?"
Todd shook his head and watched her circle him. Her face wasn't one he's seen; at least a face he remembers.
"Let me see if this rings a bell," she started and cleared her voice. " 'He's escaping! Guards! Barker is-' and you didn't let me finish my sentence."
"Holy shit," he softly whispered.
"That's right, you asshole. I was the doctor in Botany Bay until the night you decided to escape!" She hissed and stopped circling him. "There your hands were... tight around my throat after you jumped the wall." Margery then quickly snatched Todd's pale throat; adding pressure around the tender slit. He immediately felt weak and weighed down to the floor.
"Your hands tight around my throat. So cold. So big," he eyes sparked with aggression. "And then the life was drained out of me just because I was doing my job."
She then removed her hand and Todd's buckled knees gave out and he fell to the floor. His right hand quickly went and handled his throat at the pain in the slit. He coughed in pain and looked up at Margery.
"... I get it, you want payback," he choked out.
"Hell yea I do."
"Well it's not like you can kill me."
"Let's not get technical, Mr. Barker," she smiled and approached the mirror. The time in her voice was now relaxed and jokingly.
Todd staggered back up on his feet and began moving back; hoping for some exit, but there was none. Before could even ask what she meant, he watched right in front of his eyes the mirror fade away and transform into some misty hallway.
Margery then turned and faced Todd. "True I can't kill you... wish I could," she mumbled. "But everyone knows you want a person to suffer... a slow... painful death, so here's my solution." She then quickly snatched his arm and tried pulling on him, but he didn't give her a chance. When her hand got a hold of his arm, his free hand took hold of her arm and ripped her off of him.
"I don't know what the hell kind of sick trick you're trying 'ere, but it's over!" Todd yelled and shoved her one of the corners.
"It's not over. It'll never be over, not even when I see you suffer will it be over," she replied and bent down to the floor as her hand searched the pavement.
Todd paid no mind to her actions, but only looked into her deceiving eyes. "It's revenge you want, huh?" He muttered and thought back to his shattered vengeful life. "Well let me tell you something. Revenge isn't what it's cracked up to be."
'Because I lived it and it's a hell.'
Margery then crept up back on her feet. "Maybe to you it wasn't a party," she replied and once again circled around him. "But at least I know not to screw up!" Her voice raised in rage and fury. Her hand had picked up the syringe she thought had no use and raised it high, only to drive it down into Todd's left shoulder. The sharp needle broke though the material of clothing and the white skin. He screamed in pain and quickly snatched it out of his body, but it was too late.
Margery took heavy breaths and staggered back as the syringe took it's effect.
"See it's not over, stupid," she laughed once more and picked the syringe up from the floor and hid it away in her pocket.
Todd gasped for breath even if he was dead. He coughed and hacked as his eyes rolled over and glared at the doctor.
"...The hell w- was that s-suppose ta do ta me?!" He choked out and grabbed at the pain in his shoulder.
"Don't worry it's not meant to kill you. Just to knock ya out for a few hours," she explained with wide, bright smile; showing no remorse.
The second she said that, Todd noticed his vision becoming a bit unstable. It blurred and faded to a faint black. He tried his best to stay awake for as long as possible, but it wasn't for long before he dropped to the floor.
The room was now fully silence except for the clicks of Margery's heels against the floor.
"Ah you poor, stupid thing," she mocked and kicked at his motionless body. She then bent down and took hold of his upper body and began dragging it into the foggy hall that was once the mirror.
She used all her strength and tugged on his body to get it across to the 'other' side.
The other side wasn't just some mist-full room with nothing inside. The fog was only the hall; the pathway that divided up the land of the living and the land of the dead. A cold breezy wind then picked up; pushing back her red silky hair.
There was a dim light on the other side of the pathway. She dragged him by the arm and finally reached the destination.
The living world. A world that's been carrying on without so many people. The pathway opened up directly to London; convenient. Margery dropped his arm and kicked him over the pavement.
"There. And let the revenge take it's place," she laughed and looked down the streets of London. The world she hadn't seen in months was now a disgusting place in her eyes. She then lowered her eyes down at Todd; still unconscious. He'll wake soon, and when he does he'll have no clue how to escape.
Margery then turned and faced the pathway that was getting narrow by the second. She quickly darted into the misty path and scurried away back into the place she now called home.
"See ya later, alligator," she grinned and vanished into the dead world; the pathway transforming back into the solid mirror.
Being lost in the Living World wasn't the worst of the man's problems. There was much worst.
~Five Hours Later~
"Thomas!" The baker called from the other side of the room. "Ready to close up?"
Thomas nodded his tired little head with a smile; relieved to take a load off. Lovett smiled as well and began cleaning up by taking hold of a broom and sweeping at the floor. Flour and crumbs flooded the floors.
Thomas flipped over the sign to closed and returned over to the main island to clean up the supplies.
"Busy day, huh?" Thomas started and placed a battered-cover whisk in the sink along with the other dirty supplies.
"Ya could say that again, love," she replied with a sigh. "I remember days like these back in the old times," she added.
"Old times huh? What were they like for you?" He asked as he continued cleaning.
Lovett looked over at the boy. Messy blonde hair; big brown eyes. "They were just times, ya know? Ran a business that's all," she quickly replied and helped the lad clean the dishes.
"C'mon, ya did more than just a business," Thomas smiled and brushed the flour off his chest.
"Well true, but it's nothing really, Thomas," she replied. "Why you wanna know?"
"I don't know, making conversation I suppose," he answered and looked to the floor. "...So where'd that man run off to... Mr. T I think you call him."
She gave him a confused look.
"Like I said, I read his file. You nicknamed him. Mr. T."
"...Oh well I suppose he's still in his room sleeping. You saw him drunk, didn't you?"
"Well. In appreciation to your hard work, 'ere." She took hold of his hand and opened it up. She then handed him some money for his work.
"... No, no... I- I couldn't."
"Thomas we've been over this," she laughed and closed his hand tight with the money. "You deserve it."
"...Thank you."
She nodded in return.
"So, see ya tomorrow? I gotta go to another one of his sessions in the morning though."
"I'll handle the breakfast rush, no trouble."
"Aw Thomas, such a dear."
She was so tempted to call him Toby and squeeze him to death. So tempted to hand him a penny and tell him to run and get toffees. She felt at just any moment Thomas would jump into song and sing how nothing in the world would ever harm her.
The past just didn't seem to fade away.
It never will.
She forced a smile and shook the thoughts away. She patted Thomas's back and started for the door.
"It's gettin' late, lad, wanna head to your room?" She asked as she opened the door. The bell at the top rang sending a shiver down her spine. The little cheery ring. Just like the one above Todd's parlor door. Her mind raced back in time to the many moments when she'd enter his dark little shop. The large window letting in the only light London had to offer. The odor of blood and decay drenched the room with him bathed in it. Blood didn't bother him. Death didn't either. There he would sit in his demonized barber chair; cleansing the blade of his razor with the rag attached to his belt. Whenever she stepped into the room, he payed no mind. Didn't even twitch to the sound of the bell and creaky door.
"Mrs. L?" A voice called.
She jumped until her eyes met Thomas's.
"You alright? You was staring off into blank space." He waved a hand in front of her face.
"Oh... yea I'm fine. Just thought-"
"Thought about the past? I do that too." Thomas walked out of the shop and helped Lovett out as well. He took the keys she held in her hand and locked the door for her. He handed the keys back and nodded.
"I best be going, Travis hates when I'm not in my room by night fall. I'll see ya in the morning!" He called as he began running down the second level; waving bye to the baker.
Lovett waved back and smiled.
Another day in the After-Life has been conquered. Another day passed.
She let out a sigh and began her way to the stairs. The day was strange. She only saw that stubborn man in the morning. She was surprised Todd didn't wake from his drunken slumber and come back up to her shop. Or unless he did wake and ran off into a bar.
No, he wouldn't do that. Not with a dreadful hangover that she could only imagine.
The baker found her way back to her room. Before she entered her little room, she glanced over at Todd's room. There the door stood with the plaque above reading his true name. The flimsy little sign he had made before that read the name he lived on had fallen off days ago. She couldn't decide whether to check on him or to just trust that he's in there asleep. She had to put some trust in him, and so left his room alone and entered her own.
"He's asleep, Nell, ya gotta believe that," she told herself as she closed the door behind her. "Then in the morning he'll attend another session with Dr. Vincent and everything will be fine."
She walked around her room and lit a few candles. She pulled the pins out of hair and let it fall to her shoulders.
"Then he'll probably wanna stay up on the second level, but remember, no gin. No beer. No alcohol of any kind."
She then stepped into the bathroom and prepared for a nice warm shower.
Another day done and over.
She sighed and stepped into the shower; the shower head shooting out strings of water onto her soft, gentle body. Her pale completion caressed by the warmth of the water. She placed her hands over her face and wiped it dry as possible. Even as normal as the Authorities try to make this after world, there always felt like something missing.
The need to breathe? To live?
No, it was the same missing feeling she even felt when she breathed. Even when she lived.
She then faced forward at the shower head, letting the water fly like a jet against her face.
"I have to get through to him now or never."
Mrs. Lovett woke early: early enough to not be late like last time. She quickly dressed from her nightgown to a simple, plain, nothing fancy, gray dress. It had white trimming but it wasn't her usual crazy looking dresses. She pinned her hair up into a messy bun stacked on top of her head and headed out the door.
The second she stepped out, she saw his door. Surely he'd be up and moving. She smiled to herself and knocked on the door.
"Mr. T, you awake?" She asked. She waited patiently before knocking again. "Ya know you have another session today. It starts in a few minutes."
She then pressed her ear up to the door and try and hear clearer since he had a tendency to mumble. But she didn't hear any mumbling.
She then went for the doorknob and pulled the door open. Empty, not a surprise.
"...Oh, well I'm sure he already headed down to Dr. Vincent," she explained to herself. She noticed how all the blankets, covers, and pillow were thrown in one corner of the bed. Probably he was frustrated with having to go to the session.
She shrugged her shoulders and left the room. She then made her way to the psychiatrist room; a little excited to see Todd.
She thought back to what she told herself last night.
'It's Now or Never.'
She's spent so much time just standing by watching him. Even when she did act in the past, he ignored her. But he can't ignore her now.
She then came upon the door and opened it with joy.
"I'm not too late now am I?" She questioned as she entered the room... to only find the doctor. "...Where's Mr. Todd?" She asked the doctor and pointed at the empty couch.
"I was hoping you knew that answer."
"You mean... he hasn't been 'ere at all?" She replied back; her once cheery mind had be drained.
"No, I assume he's still in his room," the doctor replied while removing his glasses.
"No I just checked his room. It was all empty." Her eyes widened in fear. She tried to relax herself with the thought of that foolish man running up the bar upstairs. "...I- I probably know where he ran off to. I'll go get him." She then quickly fled the scene and to the stairs.
"That stupid man!" She scoffed. "God I should of checked on him last night. Should of reminded him of the session. Dammit all."
She cursed to him and herself all the way up the stairs. The second level was almost empty. The day was so young hardly anyone was up and moving. Surely not even a bar would be open at this hour. She then began scanning everywhere possible. No Todd. No drunken fool. No crazed man wandering around. That's when she caught the bar out of the corner of her eye. She quickly rushed to the establishment in hopes of finding Todd.
"Mr. T?!" She called as she ran to the doors and pulled tight on the handles. Locked. "Dammit!" She hissed. "There's no other place where he could possibly be." She kicked the doors and crossed her arms. "Where the hell is he?!" She sighed to herself.
She looked over her shoulder and found her shop, waiting for opening. She exhaled greatly and made her way to her shop. That's when she spotted Thomas walking around the corner of the shop. She wanted to smile at the boy, but with Todd missing it was too hard to even grin.
Lovett began walking towards the front of the shop and pulled the keys out of her pocket.
"Thomas?" She called as she watched the back of his head.
"Mrs. L!" Thomas exclaimed and quickly turned around. "I thought your friend had some appointment to attend and you had to be there to."
"Yea, but something kinda came up."
Thomas frowned in confusion. "What happened?"
"I can't find Mr. Todd," she quickly stated before moving her eyes rapidly; hoping to spot that mess of a man.
"I'm sure he's here somewhere. I'll help ya look," Thomas replied. "And just outta curiosity, what are his appointment things about?"
She didn't answer at first. Her mind was so bubbled up with Todd being in some kind of danger. Then again, this was the demon barber, he couldn't possibly be in danger... could he?
"Mrs. L?"
"Sorry, Thomas, I'm just really flustered with all this. What'd ya ask me?"
"...What's the purpose of his appointments?"
She thought back to yesterday's session. All the words Todd confessed. "I don't even think he knows the purpose. But Travis had told me, not that I think it will all work. He calls it therapy, thought knowing how Mr. T functions, these therapy sessions aren't going help him. I'd like to believe they will... but they won't," she softly explained. "Though I shouldn't bore you with these silly little stories."
"Ya know, Travis had me in therapy when I first arrived," Thomas whispered.
Lovett then turned around and faced the young lad. Thomas in therapy? For what? He's just your average everyday little kid.
"Nothing," Thomas quickly added. "It's not my favorite topic to talk about."
Lovett then just ignored the little comment as if it never happened and carried on her way. Speaking of Travis, perhaps he knows where Todd is. Maybe even has him with him.
"Thomas, any chance you saw Mr. Travis today?" She asked.
"...Uh yea when I was on my way up here. I left my room and he was heading to his office I suppose. Dealing with recently deceases I think," he explained.
"Quick, let's go!" Lovett commanded and began racing across the second level then the down the stairs; nearly tripping on her long dress. Thomas quickly followed right behind her.
"God I really hope he's alright," she whimpered and dashed down the long hall. "I guess I shouldn't worry too much... it's not he can die, though he can still get in trouble. Oh god what if he's in jail?! What if they finally got tired of his acting up and threw him in the jail! Or what if he had another nervous breakdown and is in the hospital! Or-"
"Mrs. L," Thomas quickly cut her off. "Stop worrying so much, I'm sure he's fine."
Lovett could only hope Thomas was right and continued her way to Travis's office. She passed other people. People who have apparently died with their loved ones. They were all there just to rub it in her face. Just to brag how they can continue their life with the one they care for. She rolled her eyes and picked up her pace. But then she came upon his office and took no delay into opening the door with great force.
"Eleanor, you startled me for a moment," Travis quickly started. "But I'm sorry, I'm in a meeting," he added before eyeing a few people seated in front of his desk. Lovett didn't care about them. She didn't care if they were recently deceases needing guidance, the true problem needing help was Todd.
"Well excuse the meeting, Mr. Todd's missing!" She hissed and stomped her foot down.
Travis looked over at the people in front of him, then back to Lovett. He took the news lightly and stood up.
"Excuse me just for a minute," Travis told the people and stepped into the hallway with Lovett. "I am in a meeting, woman! I'm sure the man is at his therapy session and if not, asleep in his room."
"You act like I didn't search," she scoffed. "I looked everywhere. Not in his room, not with Dr. Vincent, no where on the second level."
He glanced back into the room. "I'm gonna be more than a minute, please excuse and just wait a moment." He then closed the door gently and looked down at Thomas, then back up at the baker.
"...Well, I would of been informed if he was taken to jail or the hospital and I haven't been informed. Are you sure he's not on the second level?"
"Positive, we searched everywhere."
"I've had only a few cases like this. A soul goes missing and they're never found," he softly mentioned.
"Well he's not gonna be one of those cases. We will find him," she clarified. "At least he can't die..."
"But he could be in pain, which is worst. Slow suffering is always worst than death," Travis softly explained while looking down the hall. "I'll tell the Authorities to send for a search party. Hopefully with many people searching he'll turn up."
"Hopefully," she mumbled. "C'mon Thomas, let's look around the second level again. Maybe we overlooked."
Thomas nodded and quickly followed her.
The words Travis spoke rang through her.
'He could be in pain. Slow suffering is always worst.'
Her eyes teared up, but she tried to stay strong. But how could she stay strong? He could be suffering. Even the little positive thoughts weren't helping.
"We'll find him," she assured herself. "He's fine," she added.
But up on that fourth level, the level Lovett didn't know of, inside that mirror and past the foggy hall and into the world of the living, Sweeney Todd's time was running out.
well that was a long chapter!
sorry it took so long to update
next chapter will be up in maybe two weeks or so
and as always, thank you for reading and please vote and leave comments.
my Instagram is @demon.of.depp if you'd like to follow it.
and again, thank you

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