-Hanging by a Thread-

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Hours have past. Endless hours. The light in the hall slowly began to dim, but wasn't completely pitch black.

Eleanor Lovett stayed in her room for the hours; not knowing what else to do. She had no bakery to run, no money to spend, and the medicine for the deranged barber hasn't arrived. She mostly paced back and forth in her small apartment; thinking on how she'll plan to forced Todd to take the pills. She thought of somehow tricking the man, but he's too keen to be tricked. After all, the man does have trust issues with basically everyone.

She then came to halt and stared at herself in the mirror. The burnt skin, black ash staining her cheeks. This would be her permanent look, and as for Todd, a slit in his throat. How'd it even happen? The idea of his last moments raced through her little mind. Perhaps he raised his silver little friend to his throat to end his pain, to end seeing the fact that he killed his wife. Perhaps the police came by and found out of the murders and so killed him right on the spot. The possibilities were endless.

Why should she even being caring about his decease. He surly got what he deserved so why not leave it at that?

The burnt baker just figured if he was on her mind, she might as well try and get a word with him. Hopefully he'd be awake this time and not in a grumpy, bloody mood. She stepped to her door and pulled it open. Her eyes drifted down both ends of the hall, both ends continually running. Her head then twisted forward; her eyes catching Sweeney Todd's door.

There's his door. The devil's door. Inside must be a burning pit of hell. Before she took a step forward, her eyes caught some box object sticking out of the wall. She then focused on the box and realized there was something contained inside. Her hand reached for the lid and pulled it open to reveal a brown bottle filled to the top with white pills.

His medicine.

Lovett snatched the bottle and examined it closely. There was white label taped on the outside with a whole bunch of letters and numbers. Her eyes scanned the words only able to read the words that stuck out in bolder letters.

Benjamin Barker, Antidepressants, Take in morning and before night.

Side effects Include drowsiness, possible pain in muscles

She sighed at the stupid side effects. He'll complain about the possibility of pain, at least he can't complain when he's asleep. She smirked at the idea of him being in pain and asleep. Her eyes then looked back to the door and she sighed again. There was just one problem in the way, how on earth could she convince him to take just one pill?

She hesitated at his door. The name plaque stared back at her.

"Just go in and tell him take just one pill, just one," she said to herself. "It's not like the fool can kill ya." She looked back down at the bottle in her right hand. "No, don't do it. Just lie to Edward that ya gave him the pill. No, he'd find out that I lied." She had ideas, several ideas, but they all seemed like failures. "Shove the bloody pill down his damn throat, he can't kill you." With a mind full of certainty, her hand clutched the door handle.

The door flew open with force, but it wasn't her who opened it. Sweeney Todd stood at the doorway with his eyes lowered and glare locked on the baker.

"Mr. T!" She gasped; not at all expecting him to stand there. "I was just-"

"You're a loud talker you know that, Mrs. Lovett?" He softly smirked. "Now, what was it about that pill?" His eyes shifted down to the bottle in her hand.

"...I just.. Mr. Travis said-"

"No," he darkly interrupted as he began to close the door. Lovett acted fast and stuck her foot out to where the door couldn't conceal.

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