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Eleanor Lovett had dozed off some time during the night. Her restless body sat in a chair that faced forward at the bed Todd slept in. Her soft pale cheeks were painted in tears as her hands held dearly to the replica brown vest.
Sweeney Todd had a pillow tight in his grip as he twisted all over in the bed. He kicked the sheets off his body and they piled to the floor. And at last, his eyes shot open and scanned his surroundings. A room, not his room. Only one candle was lit so the room was decently dark. He raised his hand and brushed it through his curly black hair. That's when he noticed the bandages wrapped around his hands. He furrowed his brow and began unraveling the cloth. He locked his hand into a fist which was pretty painful.
"Dammit," he whispered to himself and wrapped his hand back up. His head then turned and his vision turned a little fuzzy. "Dammit," he muttered again. "Wait a second..." his head then snapped to the desk, then to the door, but his eyes never caught Lovett sleeping in the corner.
"...Is this... it has to be... it is!" He smiled. "I finally found Lucy's room!" He cheered quite loudly as he sat up in the bed and crossed his legs. A smile formed on his face, a genuine smile.
Lovett could hear the moving around and cheering, but didn't acknowledge the fact that Todd awoke.
Todd, still happy as could be, jumped out of the bed, assuming Lucy was in the restroom. When he turned on his heel to face the restroom door, he saw a witch instead.
"No," he whispered, trying to keep his positive thoughts. "No... no. This... this is Lucy's room it has to be!" He said a bit louder. He was slowly falling into the fact that it wasn't Lucy's room. He began stumbling back into the bed as the realization hit him like a bulldozer.
Lovett slowly woke and when her eyes peeled open she first saw Todd wide awake quietly screaming 'no.' Her first thoughts was what Travis had told her if he woke. Give him a pill. But she thought against that.
"...Mr. T?" Her whispery voice started as she sat up straighter in the chair.
His head moved quick as he glared at the woman. Her messy bun had fallen and her makeup was smiled around her eyes. He didn't say a word, but his eyes said it all.
"Mr. T.... you ok?" She whispered. "You wrecked your room and-"
"Where am I?" He interrupted as his eyes left hers and began scanning his surroundings. "It's not my room... It's not... Lucy's room is it?" He stuttered in his words; trembling in fear.
"I'm afraid not, love," Lovett sighed. Of course he would still be thinking of his angel face Lucy. "It's... the hospital, I suppose that's what it's called," she answered. Her eyes then drifted to the desk with the bottle of pills. Her mind told her to give him one like Travis said, but her actions ignored the thought.
"... The hospital? I guess that explains the bandages," he mumbled; barley understandable. "So why the hell are you 'ere?"
She didn't answer right away. She actually had to think about an answer he'd accept. She couldn't possibly say she was there because she loves him. He'd only laugh. She looked down at the floor, then glanced back up at him. Dark curly hair surrounding the side of his face. His eyes dark and somber with shades of black and purple surrounding them. His skin pale and fair. A bloodied slit painted on his throat. Then the question rang through her. How'd it happen? How'd he die?
"Did you 'ear me?" Todd said a bit louder while waving a face to grab her attention (that's a first.) "Why are you 'ere? I thought you merely hated me... I don't blame you," he sighed and fell back into the bed. "I'm a wreck," he softly muttered as he buried his face in the pillow.
"...No you're not, love-"
"Don't sugarcoat it!" His body then shot back up as his eyes locked onto the baker. "I'm not a stupid little kid. For crying out loud I'm in a hospital! I am a wreck and there's no denying that!" His voice again cracked in frustration and anger.
She was lost for words. How could she ever respond to that? He's finally facing reality and for that he's in the hospital.
"How'd it happen?" She blurted it out. She thought it was only in her mind, but it wasn't.
Todd furrowed his brow and only glared at her. "Excuse me?"
"Nothing, I didn't say anything," she lied tried her best to look innocent.
"No, what'd you ask?" He ordered and sat up straighter to look strict and firm.
She looked down at the floor, away from his somber deceiving eyes. She didn't want to repeat herself. God knows how he'll react.
"I'm waiting," Todd hissed while he crossed his arms. Never once did his eyes leave her.
"I asked," she sighed and looked back up to meet his eyes. "How'd it happen?" She then slightly pointed to her throat to symbol the slit in his. That's when the expression on his face went blank. The anger and frustration leaked out of his body. His eyes finally left her and drifted to the floor. "You don't have to answer... I was just wondering, I mean... I wasn't there to... see it happen," she whispered, trying her best not to throw the former barber into a temper tantrum.
He grew quiet as he fell back into the bed and let out a loud grieving sigh.
"...You didn't commit suic-"
"Suicide?!" He interrupted and shot back up with his eyes once again locking on hers. "No!" He quickly sputtered. "I would've," he softly muttered and looked away. "But I didn't."
This was a relief for her to hear. She would of felt horrible if he were to commit suicide. "Then..."
"The boy," he replied. "Tobias," he added. He then took a pause and began breathing hard. "... the last thing... I can remember," he bleated and took another pause.
He was crying, this madman was crying. Crying actual true tears. Her heart just broke even more. All that was left of her heart was nothing more than dust.
"I don't remember much from that night," he whispered and looked back at her. Her eyes were watered up which confused him. Why would she be crying? He dismissed her act of crying and continued his words. "I just know... I was there with... Lucy in my arms. So soft... virtuous, beautiful." Talking about Lucy didn't only pain him, it pained Lovett as well. Lucy still wasn't out of the picture and probably never will be.
"... Tobias came along," he continued. "Grabbed my razor I dropped and... I let him do it," he sighed and fell back into the bed. He then raised his hand and ran along the slit in his throat. The mark only to remind him of pain.
Now what was she suppose to say? The boy she claimed as her own killed the man she loved.
"If he didn't come along," Todd continued but stayed sprawled across the bed. "I don't know what I would've done. Suicide possibly... I would have nothing else more to live for."
Lovett then hung her head. Her dead heart sank. "Mr. T... I'm sorry and-"
"Sorry? Sorry that your little pet ended my good for nothing life. I'm glad he did," he mumbled. He stuttered in his words.
"... No," she replied. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I lied, love." She then rested her head in her hands. A fool she thought she was. A widow with stupid, high hoped dreams.
He didn't reply. He didn't want to reply. He already threw her into a burning furnace because she lied, how he could possibly say water under the bridge?
A sound from outside the room then broke the silence. Both Todd and Lovett's head shot to the door's direction.
"Mr. Todd act like you're sleeping," Lovett quickly whispered and looked back at him.
"What? Why?" Todd sputtered and looked back at her.
"They don't want you awake, they want you asleep," she explained as her eyes darted back at the door.
"Why?" Todd hissed.
"Just do it, please!" She cried and rested her head on the back of the chair and closed her eyes. Todd furrowed his brow in confusion but went along with her little command. He rested his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes except for one. He kept one open to see who the hell wanted him to stay asleep. He's basically been asleep for over a day.
The door opened with a ray of dim light entering the crack of the door. In came a tall, skinny figure. Todd couldn't see details for it was a silhouette of a figure. Nothing but a black mass. It moved to the side of the room and hummed an upbeat tune. With the pitch of the hum being high it had to be a female. Todd arched his brow and continued the watch the woman shift over to the desk and begin flipping through papers.
Lovett could hear movement and the humming and thought nothing good would come out of it.
The figure was now standing near the only lit candle and every detail came to eye. Doctor Margery. Great. Todd of course had no clue who the woman was since he was asleep during her last visit. He continued to keep one eye open.
That's when Margery pulled out a large syringe from her dress's pocket. It looked almost like a maid's attire. Black fabric with white frills and trim. His eye caught the needle of the syringe and he immediately tensed up. The doctor then turned around for her face to be revealed and the former barber tensed up even more. Her face seemed familiar, he just didn't know where in his memory the face belonged.
She began walking up to the bed and that's when Todd shut the one eye he kept opened. He yanked the covers and sheets tight around his body and hoped for the best.
Todd could then feel the end of the bed weighing down; Margery had sat at the end of the bed and had her eyes on Todd. They then drifted to find Lovett 'sleeping' in the corner in a chair. Margery sighed and got up from the bed and walked over to the side; almost literally on the barber.
"I know you're awake," Margery broke the silence. Her lips were curved as she raised her hand and placed it on Todd's arm.
His eyes immediately shot open as he snatched his arm back and scooted back up in the bed to where his knees met his chest.
"Oh calm down, I'm just your doctor," Margery smiled once more and jumped off the bed. She hid the syringe behind her back.
"Well I don't need a doctor, I'm fine," Todd hissed and only glared at her.
"Are you?" Margery questioned. "Last I checked you weren't feeling too well. So I'm here to make you feel better." Her smile. He knew that smile. It was the exact smile he'd greet his customers with. Todd arched his brow and glanced over to Lovett. Her eyes were opened as well along with the same concerned look Todd had.
Margery then attempted to jump up on top of the demon barber, but Todd managed to use the remaining strength in him to throw her onto the floor.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Todd screamed and nearly jumped up out of the bed. Lovett then sat up straighter and watched it all.
Margery's face turned a bright red from anger as she jumped up off the ground and dusted herself off. Her eyes stayed locked on the barber as she reached for the syringe she dropped.
"Why don't you get the hell outta 'ere!" Todd shouted and pointed at the open door.
"You ended my life!!" Margery screamed back at the top of her lungs. It was a terrifying screech that made both Todd and Lovett jump.
Then without even thinking of how to reply, he blurted out, "I ended a lot of lives!" Then after that one sentence all went silence.
Margery only glared at him and began slowly stepping towards the door.
"You'll pay for what you did," she whispered and finally exited the room.
Todd then let out a loud breath and sunk back in his bed. Lovett was still in shock on what the hell just happened. Todd then moved his eyes to his arm to find the syringe Margery had lodged in it. He didn't even remember when that happened. His eyes widened as he quickly yanked it out and threw it across the room and it skidded across the floor.
"Shit," he muttered; seeming not too concerned.
"The hell was that about?!" Lovett cried and sat up straight in the chair. She watched the syringe fly across the room then looked back at him.
"I dunno," Todd mumbled and lied down like nothing happened.
"Mr. T! I know you're not that oblivious, what did she just do?" She hissed and finally stood up.
"Why the fuck do you even care?" Todd mumbled even more. "And you never answered me, why are you in 'ere?"
She nervously looked around the room; avoiding eye contact.
"Ya know, what forget I asked," Todd mumbled and shut his eyes." Just get out, leave, forget I exist," he whispered. "Everyone else did," he added in a complete mumble, but Lovett could hear him just fine.
His last sentence crushed her heart, but she had no other way to please him than to just leave. So she did. She wanted to say at least one more word, but didn't even want to annoy him anymore. And before she left she quickly picked up the syringe; determined to find out what it's doing to Todd. He may not have one single care to give, but she certainly has many whether he cares or not.
He watched her leave and close the door behind her. He sighed and pulled the pillow over his face; wanting to suffocate himself but knew it was pointless.
The light in the main hall was on, indicating daytime. Eleanor Lovett didn't get far from the hospital room Sweeney Todd resided in. The hours had caught up to her and she crashed in the hall. Edward Travis was on his way to check on Todd when he stumbled upon the baker. The syringe she picked up had fallen out of her hand and rested beside her.
"Nellie?" Travis called as he tapped her shoulder. "Madam, are you alright?" He whispered, using his best of manners.
She softly awoke as she rubbed her eyes and saw a blurry Edward Travis. "Oh," she spoke and tried to stand up. "I'm sorry, Eddie, I suppose the night caught up to me," she added as she tried to regain her eye sight.
"Oh nothing to be sorry about, you had a rough night. Do you perhaps know if Mr. Barker is alright?"
She made a funny face when she heard Travis recall Todd as Mr. Barker, she just wasn't use to the original name.
"My apologies, It's Mr. Todd am I correct?" Travis quickly added.
Lovett nodded.
"I suppose a changed man needs a changed name eh?" Travis tried to crack a joke to lighten up Lovett; it didn't work. "So um... what's that you're holding?" He gestured to the syringe Lovett held firmly in her fist.
"Oh," she jumped a bit and glanced at the syringe. "Guess who took a visit last night," she muttered.
"Oh no, not Marg," Travis sighed.
"I thought you were going to have a talk with her, if you won't I will."
"That won't be necessary," Travis quickly responded and snatched the syringe. "So Margery came last night.... I suppose injected Mr. Ba- er I mean Mr. Todd with this?"
"Yes!" Lovett cried. "For crying out loud what does it do to him? And what more about Margery... you were gonna say more about her and then you stopped."
"That's because there's nothing much about her," Travis took no delay to reply. He responded with ease.
Lovett grunted with frustration and began marching back to Todd's hospital room with Travis slowly following behind; leaving distance between her and him.
Lovett came across his door and entered without knocking. Inside Todd sat up in bed; wide awake and hacking up a storm. Her eyes widened and rushed to his aid.
"Mr T.-"
"I'm fine," Todd quickly responded in a raspy voice. "Just a long night, that's all," he softly added. "So... can I leave?" He asked as he saw Travis walk in the room.
"Ah, Mr. Barker you're awake," Travis smiled after realizing he used the wrong name.
Todd only glared at him when he heard Barker. He slowly began pulling the covers off his body and running a hand through his mess of hair. He yawned a bit and tried to jump out of the bed.
"Where do you think you're going?" Travis questioned as he set down his briefcase.
"Back to my room, ok? I feel fine, ok? So I'm leaving, ok?" Todd hissed as he accomplished jumping out of the bed and staggering onto his feet. He felt dizzy for a second and stumbled into a wall, but quickly regained his balance.
Travis was about to object, but Lovett signaled him to stay quiet. She quietly approached Todd; sort of blocking the door.
"You sure to feel alright?" She whispered as she looked deep into his eyes.
"Yes, why do you even care?" Todd growled and pushed her out of his way. "Why do both of you care? I can handle myself, alright?" He added as he stood still at the doorway. "Mrs. Lovett, I killed you, don't know why you still run after me. Mr. Travis, you've known me for like three days, stop acting like you know how to take care of me. Got it?" He hissed as his eyes shifted from Lovett to Travis.
Lovett and Travis had nothing to say. Todd was just a madman off in his own world, there was no true way in helping that. Todd them forced a smile; showing them he's fine and then walks out into the hall to head to his room.
She wants to stop him; she wants to just sit him down and talk to him, but she knew that would never happen.
"There he goes again," she sighed and took a seat on the foot of the bed. "You didn't even try and stop him," she softly added.
"...There's no point. Matter of fact, I have another idea. Medicine obviously is no help and only adding more onto the trouble, what about a psychologist? Psychiatrist? You know him best... would he cooperate if we assigned him to that instead of medicine?" Travis offered the idea as he pulled Sweeney Todd's file out of his briefcase and reviewed over his mental conditions
"A psychiatrist?" Lovett repeated in a whisper. "As in to get him to talk about what's on his mind and stuff?"
"Yes," Travis replied. "It's worked in the past and I'm hoping it'll work for him. Ya know, he's very different from the other troubled souls we've had."
"Ya don't have to tell me twice," Lovett muttered and shifted to the door.
Travis then sat the file back in his briefcase then locked it shut. "Now if you don't mind, could you talk to him about the idea of having a psychiatrist. You know, see how he thinks about it."
"...Uh yea, sure, of course," she replied a bit unsteady; slowly making her way to the door.
"And one more thing, madam," Travis quickly added. "It's really none of my business but... you still like Mr. Barker, don't you? I see the look in your eyes when you see him. The way the words come out of your mouth when you speak to him. Yet I can tell you don't want to like him... but you do... don't you?" Travis whispered a bit; not sure how she would react. It was an uneasy topic.
She stood at the doorframe for a moment. She shifted her weight on her other foot and glanced up at Edward Travis.
"I guess I still do," she admitted and finally left to tend to her pie shop.
holy that's a long chapter. I'm gonna make the chapters long so I don't have like a million chapters, ok?
please comment your opinions on the story and please vote!!
and as always, for more Sweeney Todd follow @demon.of.depp on Instagram and my personal @peyton__garrett

next chapter will be up in a few days.

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