Dream Turned to Nightmare

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The cookies were finished and this time they weren't burnt. Todd and Lovett sat within the vacant bakery, simply talking and waiting for the time to get in a proper attire.
That time soon came and both of them rushed to their rooms.
Before they dressed, Lovett gently wrapped up Todd's arm.
"You sure it's feeling alright?" She asked while finishing the job.
"100% sure," he smiled. "Now stop worrying bout me."
She then wore a forced smile. All she could ever do was worry about him.
"Ok, I'll be back real soon," she replied before placing her lips upon his cheek really quick and scurrying out the door.
Todd let out a sigh and only hoped the other Todd didn't appear. He watched her disappear into her room, then he disappeared into his own.
He carefully laid out the firm tux across his bed and prepped himself for dressing.
So far, the room was quiet and only hoped it stayed that way. He kept himself distracted on the thought of looking sharp and his best.
He started with the underneath shirt. He slipped off the shirt he was wearing and buttoned up the other one. He cuffed the sleeves to the black shirt; twitching every time he pressed too hard on his right arm.
He then pulled up the pants that matched the color of the tuxedo. He clipped the black suspenders to the  waist of the pants and strapped them over his shoulders and creating an X figure on his back.
After that he pulled on the last piece of fabric and checked himself the mirror.
"Not bad," he spoke, but it was the other Todd he often saw. He knew it was a figment of his imagination, but it truly looked like a solid figure and his voice was clear for anyone to hear. "Too bad no one'll see you wearing it."
"Why not?" Todd asked while carelessly stuffing the turquoise handkerchief in the pocket of the tux.
"You know why. You're not going," he hissed while pacing back and forth behind Todd. "Not to mention that pathetic mishap you made. What are you, a sap?" He spat. "Seeing Turpin threw you off, so what? You didn't have to go and beat that stranger."
"Shut up," Todd mumbled and straightened his attire.
"Imbecile, you are mad. Seeing shit and all. Your mind's not wire correctly. You'd be better off staying in this room not having to see her or Turpin. Maybe Vincent should lock you up. It'd be good for her sake. You don't wanna accidentally hurt Eleanor, do you?"
"No," Todd sighed.
"Then here is how you prevent that: stay the hell away from her."
Todd then forcefully blinked and that eyesore of an illusion vanished. He sighed of relief and continued to groom himself. He brushed his hair the best he could and washed his face with a wet cloth.
After a failed attempt of tying the bow tie around his collar, he just waited for Lovett to be finished to help him. He then sat at the side of his bed; just looking around his room and waiting. His hand were clasped together and resting on his lap when his eyes fell upon the wall where all the Lost Souls Room papers were pinned.
He forgot all about that whole shrine. All the papers were tacked to the wall just mocking him. He quickly looked away; looking at the door and waiting for it to open.
Across the hall and into the other room, Lovett resided. She donned the dress she had picked up earlier that day. It made her a thin little thing in the torso and then the dress went broad. Majority of the fabric consisted of a grayish-white with a turquoise lace trim. The sleeves ended just after her elbows and the dress reached down to her feet. She had her hair pinned up in bouncy curls that kept springing around when she moved.
She was now stationed in front of the mirror above the vanity putting on her makeup. She painted her lips a lovely dark red color. She did her massacre with black eye liner and dark brown eye shadow. She caked on a little blush on her cheeks, trying her best to not make it too noticeable.
After proudly finishing up, she slipped on a pair of simple black shoes and raced out the door. She clutched the ends of her dress so she wouldn't trip and rushed into Todd's room with the most content smile.
Upon entering the room, she found Todd over by the wall to her right with shreds of paper everywhere.
Her smile faded and stood frozen at the doorway. She watched as Todd was destroying the wall of papers and plans. Some of the papers fell to the ground while others were either still pinned or in his hands.
She then knocked on the door to grab Todd's attention, in which it did. Todd quickly turned around to face Lovett at door all dolled up and beautiful as ever.
He dropped the crumpled papers to the floor and shoved his hands in his pockets. He quickly placed an innocent smile on his face.
"What are you doing?" She questioned as she advanced in the room. Her eyes surveyed the mess Todd created. None of the papers were capable of reading.
"...rearranging the room?" He lied with a laugh and smile. "No... there's just no need in that bloody thing."
He sighed and shifted over to the vanity. He glanced at the lone bow tie that sat upon the wood, then at Lovett.
"Wow," he muttered; speechless. His eyes gently caressed her body as he was just simply amazed. "...I dunno what else to say... ya look amazing."
She wore a genuine smile and scanned Todd's attire. It was sharp and it fit his body perfectly. She then noticed the absence of the turquoise bow tie.
"Where's your bow tie?" She asked while gesturing to her neck; implying the bow tie.
"Oh... Needed help with it," he answered with a helpless smile. She then snatched the bow tie off of the vanity and tied it around his collar.
"You excited, dear? I know I am," she started while getting the bow tie to look perfect.
"I suppose so," he muttered and watched himself in the mirror. It was in the mirror when he saw the other Todd standing behind him and near the bed.
He knew he wasn't really there. He knew he really didn't exist, but it looked real; authentic.
He forcefully moved his eyes from the man and looked down at Lovett. She finally finished and smiled to herself.
"Alrighty, I told that one friend of mine I mentioned earlier to meet us at the bakery and then we'd head on up to the party. Sound good?" She explained as she wiped at a small smudge of make up.
He only nodded and followed her out the door. Their hands locked in the other, but Todd didn't really notice that. Before he closed the door behind him, he just saw the other Todd standing in the center of the room with crossed arms. Neither of them said anything, and so he left.
The two began walking down hall all dressed up. Todd was extra careful to not step on the ends of her dress.
"If you don't wanna dance at the party, you don't have to," she started while looking up at him. "I know you enjoy keeping to yourself and all."
"I'll dance on one condition."
"And what's that?"
"It's with you," he smirked.
She couldn't help but blush and squeeze his hand harder. They soon came upon the stairs to the second level where'd they meet the other pair they were intending to go with. Todd kindly helped her lift the ends her dress so she wouldn't trip.
Upon reaching the second level, they set off for the bakery. Quite a few people crowded the walkways; doing last minute shopping. Todd's acute eyes kept him alert when he saw someone. The sudden fear of seeing Turpin, or worse a trick-of-the-brain Turpin snuck into his mind.
The strength he had around her hand tightened, but Lovett didn't say anything to stop him.
They came across the bakery and started their way up the stairs to the third level.
The other couple were simple little things. The woman wore a dress similar to Lovett's except the colors consisted of a pale pink and yellow. She had long luscious light brown hair that flowed a little past her shoulders. The second they met Lovett did her usual rambling; talking about nonsense Todd didn't understand.
The man wore black tux with a navy tie. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and walked way too casual. He seemed like a cocky man, but Todd paid no mind. He had short blonde hair with brown eyes.
As the two women carried on a conversation, the two men who followed in the back kept quiet.
"So you're the fellow Eleanor talks about in the bakery?" The other man started as he examined Todd.
"I suppose so," Todd mumbled while doing his best to avoid eye contact.
"Every time the wife and I are in her shop, she always weasels your name into the conversation."
"Really?" Todd laughed; trying to act interested in the conversation. He did however ponder what Lovett spoke about him. What words did she choose? How did she describe him?
"Oh yes. You once ran a barbershop, am I correct?"
"Yea," he answered. "It was fun while it lasted."
"I was a well respected factory owner. Sure paid well, it did," the man boasted. "A nice house and everything."
Todd couldn't help but role his eyes. It was obvious the kind of man he was would end up in this hell.
Lovett then quickly turned around to face the two men.
"Oh my manners must of been left behind. Sweeney, this Rebecca and Zachary Cullen. Rebecca, as you can assume this is Sweeney," Lovett smiled while everyone greeted.
Todd forced himself to wear the most fake smile a human could ever wear.
After greeting the rich and snobby, they made their way up the stairs.
Todd remembered the many times he and Thomas would race up the steps to exit the crowded world. How they would vanish into one of the large ball rooms and just plot and plan ideas to piss people off.
Lovett then took hold of his hand and squeezed tighter with every step they took.
There were several other couples walking the stairs; all dressed and dolled up. Todd ignored everyone around him. To him, the only people to ever exist were just him and Lovett, and he liked that.
They reached the final step where their eyes were exposed to beauty.
"Look at it all!" Lovett cheered as she began dragging him around.
"I'm looking," Todd laughed and looked around. A genuine smile formed on his face as he saw how content she was. He saw all the decorations and heard the cheery music, and it actually made him delighted.
As his eyes continued to scan the area, he saw a few guards leaning against the walls. Todd swallowed hard and looked away. It seemed like they were all watching him. Their eyes glued to him and breathing down his back.
He focused his attention on Lovett and continued to follow her into the main ball room. Todd had never seen a crowded ball room. Every time he was there it was vacant and dead silent. Now the room was jam full with people and their muffled conversations bouncing off the walls.
Lovett rushed over to get a nice table close to the stage where a small band was playing. It was all instrumental and no one was singing.
They sat across from Rebecca and Zachary who were just as amazed as they were. Todd began fiddling with the white lace table cloth as he looked around the room.
"Well, Zach and I are gonna catch this dance," Rebeca chimed in as she pulled Zachary off his seat. They then were devoured by the mob of people on the dance floor. How they were all laughing smiling sickened Todd.
"You wanna join em?" Lovett asked; pulling Todd's attention back to her.
"...can we wait for a slower one?" He asked in a nervous mumble.
"Of course."
And so the two just sat at the table observing the ball room. Guards surrounded the entire area. They all batted an eye over at Todd every now and then, which pissed him off.
As Todd continued to look around, his eyes caught that same annoying man.
His parole officer.
He was seated at table far away along with a few others incorporated with the Authorities. They all made him sick. Every single one of them.
Todd examined his parole officer. He dressed in a casual brown suit and topped his head with a hat. The type of hat you'd see a suspicious person wearing, oh the irony. His eyes were completely locked on Todd. It even seemed like he didn't blink. The officer would occasionally open his mouth as if he were speaking to the other people, but Todd couldn't hear him over the countless conversations and loud music. Todd could tell that the officer knew of what happened earlier that day. He could tell that the officer was just waiting for the perfect moment to snatch him. Todd could feel the restraints already. He could already feel lying in that flat small bed with that mirror full of mocking people.
"Mistah T," her voice interrupted as she tapped on his shoulder.
Todd jumped suddenly in his seat, only to realize it was just Lovett.
"You alright? You kinda zoned out again," she mentioned while studying the expression on his face. "I was gonna go over and pick up a slice of cake... you want one?"
Todd looked over from her to the officer, then back to her.
"I'll go get em," he offered as he rose from his chair. "It's the gentleman's job anyways," he joked as he motioned over to the many tables where piles of food resided.
As he slipped through the herds of people, his eyes cautiously watched the officer. The officer was now looking away from Todd and now at the front doors.
Todd followed his line of vision and found what the officer was focused on.
He immediately froze up and swallowed hard.
He's not really there. Your mind is deceiving you. Look away, dammit.
Todd obeyed his thoughts and carried on his way to the tables of foods. He kept his head lowered and avoided all eye contact to anyone.
If the officer was looking at him, he must be real. Eleanor even said she saw him earlier. Ok, so it's not some bloody hallucination. He's solid and real.
Todd took a deep breath in and found the table where the cake was located. There already cut slices placed on thin white plates. Todd carefully picked two of them up and turned back around to return to Lovett.
Don't look at him. Don't even glance at him. He doesn't know you're here... at least I think so.
He still had his head lowered as he had to again weasel through the crowd. When ever he did lift his head, he saw only Lovett. She was playing around with the silverware like a child.
He reached the table and set the plates down.
"How come you're allowed to play with the utensils and I'm not?" He smirked as he took his seat.
She laughed in response and began picking at the small slice of cake.
"Isn't all of this crazy?" She asked while again looking around the large room.
"Yes," he replied while mangling the cake and making a mess.
"Ya seem like something's wrong," she added while watching him. "If it's your bloody parole officer, just ignore him. He can't do anything to you."
"He probably knows what happened earlier today and is just waiting to take me," he mumbled. He had to fight the urge to turn around and glance at the officer.
"Dr. Vincent said that won't happen, now just calm down," she soothed. She then bounced out of her chair and held out her hand.
Todd looked up at her with a puzzled expression. "What?"
"It's a slow song, you idiot, and you promised," she hissed jokingly and tried to pull him up.
Todd took her hand and followed her onto the dance floor. About every second someone would bump into him, but Todd tried to just let it pass.
The music was soft and slow.
It was like the two glided across the dance floor to find a spot for themselves and found themselves slowly dancing with one another. They had their hands together with Todd's left hand around her waist and her right hand on his shoulder.
She looked up at him and he looked down at her. It all felt like some lucid dream. They both swayed to the tempo of the music as they felt like the only ones in the room.
The thoughts of the mental facility or the Lost Souls Room had melted away and deceased. All that ever mattered in his mind was her; only her.
After a few seconds of just swaying and listening the slow beat of the music, Lovett rested her head on Todd's chest. She's imagined this to happen for years. Now that it was happening, it didn't seem real, more like a dream.
She inhaled and took in the scent of what smelt of cologne. She would never of thought he wore cologne. It was musky, strong scent, but she liked it.
She squeezed him tighter and would of never fathomed to let him go.
It was like the two were just exchanging conversations except their movements were doing all the talking.
They were both silence for they already knew what each other were thinking.
There was love that was igniting between the two; strong love.
Todd then gently placed his chin upon her head where his jawline fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.
He held her tight in his arms. He wouldn't allow the world to harm her. If the Authorities ever came to pry his arms from her, he wouldn't go without a fight. He didn't want this song to end. He wanted it to last for all of eternity, because he knew when that song ended, his chances with her might as well.
"What would you do if They took me away?" He whispered; still not letting go of her.
"Stay by your side like I always have," she answered and looked up at him. He could see trust and comfort in her eyes. It was a sight he could only see through her.
"But They won't, trust me," she assured and placed her head back in position. She wanted to hear the beat of his heart, but couldn't due to the fact he was dead. But dead or alive, she'd always love him no matter what troubles it caused.
They continued to sway to the music and remain silent. Todd would often close his eyes where he blocked out the reality. He would drift into a world where the chances of being away from her didn't exist. He drifted into a world where he and Lovett were still breathing; still with beating hearts and pumping blood. In that world the two would live happily until they both died. Even though they'd probably still end up in this After Life, they would of avoided of all the chaos that has happened ever since they arrived.
When he did open his eyes, reality crawled back and the constant fear came alive. As his eyes surveyed the dance floor, he could of swore he saw Judge Turpin near, but he closed his eyes and didn't take a second look.
The music was beginning to fade and so was the dance, but Todd nor Lovett wanted it to end.
But the band on the stage did end the song and started a more up beat song.
Lovett was the first to lean off. She looked up at Todd and smiled brightly.
Todd looked down at her and smiled back.
Then a hand from behind Lovett tapped lightly on her shoulder. Todd looked over at whom the hand belonged to and something in his mind went off. There standing behind Lovett with his hand out in hopes to take Lovett's stood the devil himself.
"May I have this dance, Eleanor," the man smiled with his sickly colored teeth. He glanced from Todd to Lovett and almost took hold of her hand.
The adrenaline in Todd increased and just within a second, he planted a nice, clean punch across Turpin's face.
Turpin collapsed to the ground; taking the punch unexpectedly.
He fell to the ground; while pushing the other people near him.
Todd almost jumped on top of him to finish the job, but Lovett's cried caught him.
"Sweeney?! The hell are you doing?!" She shrieked and tried to pull him off of the man.
Todd quickly looked from her and to the crippled man on the floor. Taking the second look, what he saw before wasn't there. That wasn't Judge Turpin lying on the floor.
There lying on his back and clutching his bruised, bleeding cheek was Zachary.
Todd staggered back in disbelief; bumping into the other people. His heart sunk and his eyes wouldn't pull away from the crime he committed.
"No... I didn't do that," he mumbled while stilling backing away.
The band suddenly stopped and almost all the attention in the room was focused on him.

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