☠Lost in Demented Darkness☠

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Sweeney Todd had not budged all day, except for the time he opened the door for Edward and when he must use the lavatory. He stayed in his bed with covers and blankets wrapped around his head; nearly suffocating him, but it's not like he could die. He'd only open his eyes to see his pitch black room, it was a beautiful sight. He saw nothing that scared him, nothing that reminded him of pain, he saw nothing.

The darkness within him consumed him whole. The man felt more than dead. There had to of been some other kind of level after death. He then shifted in his bed from facing the open room, to the cement wall. He couldn't sleep. He wanted to sleep, but perhaps he slept himself out for the day. The room then echoed with his loud, grieving sighing. He wanted someone to kill him and end the misery, but he's already dead.

Just as his mind began to drift away... a knock pounded at his door. He ignored it at first, hoping whoever it was would leave. Clearly Edward should know by now not to bother him.

The knocking continue.

"Go away," Todd ordered; the covers and blankets muffling his command.

"Mr. Todd open up," a voice from the other side replied. There's only one person in this godforsaken world who calls him by that name and it's the devil's wife.

The barber turned in his bed and faced the door. He looked underneath the door to see a sliver of light and a set of feet.

"Mrs. Lovett go to fucking hell," he said louder and pulled the covers far past his head. Why would she want to come back to him? Hasn't she learned yet, or is she still too goddamn stubborn.

"Just open the door, it's not like I chose to be 'ere... I was forced. Now open the door," the voice hollered and banged harder and louder on the door. "You and me both know we don't like each others' company, but I just need a word with you then I'll leave."

"I don't fucking care if you were forced! Leave me the hell alone!" He yelled at the top of his lungs; his voice cracked in pain at the last word. Doesn't that witch know when to stop? Doesn't she know she already crossed the line and doesn't need to cross it any further?

"... Just open the door... please," she replied in a soft, steady voice. She stopped pounding on the door and just stood there. "Please."

The barber then sat up in bed and glared at the door. He stared at it for a while before slowly trudging towards the door. He didn't bother to light any candles and went straight for the door. He cautiously twisted the handle and pulled the door open a little, only to see the other side wall of the hall and Lovett.

"What do you want?" He mumbled; keeping the door open just a few inches.

"... Mr. Travis sent me and..."

"What the hell does he want?!" Todd barked and drifted from the door. He wandered in his room; finally lighting a few candles to brighten up the door. As he did so, he glanced at himself in the mirror. He wore quite the bed head, rings circled his eyes darker than normal, and completion paler than normal. "Look I didn't take the pills! I'm not gonna take the pills! I threw them out! End of the fucking story!" He then fell to his bed and pulled the blankets over him.

Lovett stood at the doorway and watched the demon. He looked more miserable than he did living. The sight of the insanity brewing inside him startled her. She's seen him in many stages, but not one quite like this. She examined the slit in his throat; assuming the man committed suicide. Her stomach twisted in knots, her dead heart actually felt something. The poor soul, lost in his own damn darkness. No, what was she thinking? That was her murderer, he deserved to be miserable. Lovett forced herself to move onto different thoughts and cautiously took a few steps into the room.

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