You Have One Last Chance

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Lovett had one arm wrapped around his shoulders as they both staggered into the main hall of the hospital.
That's when a doctor finally took notice of the two.
He noticed Todd's worn-out tire. His suspenders no longer strapped around his shoulders but hanging. His sleeves were rolled up and revealed his broken arm.
The doctor then took notice of Lovett, who looked worse. She looked completely out of reality.
The doctor quickly helped carry Lovett and escorted them to a vacant room.
It didn't take long for the doctor to realize the two had been up in the Living World.
Lovett was placed in the only bed in the room. Her pale ghost-like face was staring blankly at the ceiling.
Todd watched in horror and sat in a chair right at her bedside. He held her hand tight as his eyes suddenly watered up, but he refused to let a tear fall.
The pain of his throbbing arm was numb for the emotion of losing Lovett in some sort of fashion took over his mind. His pain didn't matter; it was irrelevant.
As he brushed back her auburn curls, unknowingly, the door flew open with not only the doctor, but Travis and a young nurse.
They rolled in some sort of device.
The devil machine, as Todd called it.
The second his eyes caught the sight, he bolted out of his seat.
"You're not using that," he declared. "Not on her. Use it on me a million times if you'd like, but not her." He couldn't believe he was truly defending her; usually it was the other way around.
"Mr Todd, I understand Margery used this against you, but we won't do that to her. She's clearly in a state of shock from the Living World and this machine helps," Travis explained while helping the other two prep it up.
"No!" Todd screamed and began pushing back Travis and the others. "I'm not losing another one! Not another one!" He screamed.
He was a vessel of rage. His ferocity was all over the room. It was madness.
His bloodcurdling shouts were heard all over and caught the attention of the guards who stood out not too far.
Todd's voice was all too familiar to them.
Two guards barged into the room; their shirts so tight if they were any larger they would rip apart.
Todd's eyes widened when he noticed the guards marching his way. He knew he couldn't fight them. Compared to the guards, Todd was a scrawny slip of a thing.
He backed up against the machine and then to the wall; trying to stay in the room and by Lovett's side for as long as possible.
"You're not taking me, bastards!" He screeched and looked down to Lovett, who was actually looking right back at him.
"I'll be alright," she managed the breathe.
Distracted by Lovett, the guards managed to grab a hold of Todd and drag him out of the room. They held him by his wrists and his legs were just dragging behind him.
He kept his eyes on her for as long as he could. He didn't blink, for a blink could be his last sight of her. The last he saw before being dragged down the hall and thrown into a hospital room of his own and Travis, the doctor, and a nurse beginning the session with the electroshock machine.
The second his vision of her was out of reach, he began screaming at the top of lungs like a child. The irrational fear of never seeing her again, never seeing the only woman to ever exist that never stayed away from him, began choking him. The fear was like a person who was straggling the sanity left in him. Fear's cold, deathly hands were placed upon his throat just squeezing.
Everything became a crazed blur.
He found himself restrained to the bed. His wrists and ankles tied up and the inability to move them.
His vision, for whatever reason, was fuzzy and dim.
He looked around the room. It looked different from the other hospital rooms. He was in there alone.
His eyes scanned his surroundings. There was a rather large mirror on the opposite wall of him. He looked at it peculiarly. None of the hospital rooms he's been in had mirrors like that.
Just as he was getting a vibe of the room, the door came open and in came Dr. Vincent.
Todd was actually relieved to see him rather than a stranger of a doctor.
"Ah you're atlas awake," Vincent smiled while setting his briefcase down on a desk.
"When was I out?" Todd questioned; not at all recalling when he wasn't awake.
"When they sedated you," Vincent answered. "You not remember?"
"It's kinda all a blur," Todd confessed and moved his wrists around the straps. His arm was still broken and out of a sling. Then it hit him that Lovett wasn't near him.
"Where's Eleanor?" He asked bluntly; trying to pull free from the restraints. "Where's Eleanor, where is she?" He asked louder and quicker.
"She's recovering that's all, Mr Todd," Vincent replied while pulling papers out of his briefcase.
"Recovering? Did They hurt her?" He hissed; determined to break those who hurt her.
"They helped her," Vincent corrected. "And I'd be more concerned about yourself than her if I were you. She's doing quite fine."
"Then why can't I see her? Why am I restrained to a bloody bed! I'm suppose to be by her bedside like she was to me!" He hollered; trashing around in the bed.
"Do you not understand your circumstances?" Vincent queried while pulling up a seat next to Todd.
"What circumstances? That I'm tied to a bed against my will?!" He roared.
"Settle down," Vincent softly commanded in a croaky tone. "Do you not realize where you are?"
"The hospital," Todd simply answered. "I should be in her room. I was only protecting her. Where's the crime in that?"
"It's the way you were protecting her," Vincent acknowledged. "I understand your constantly in and out of jail, am I right?"
"...Yea, but it's nothin'," Todd answered; trying to shake off the topic.
"Well the Authorities can lose their patience," he spoke; stalling what he really was going to say. "We have... solutions and such and solve such things."
"Get to the point," Todd scowled; wondering if he was meaning the Lost Souls Room. For whatever reason, his desire to become nonexistent had deceased. The wish to leave had... vanished.
"Based on your recent actions, the Authorities all agreed to admit you to Our... mental facility," Vincent spoke in a modulated voice. He chose his words ever so carefully.
Todd just clenched his jaw and tightened his hands into fists. He'd rather the Lost Souls Room over the nut-house any day.
"Does she know?" He asked brittlely.
"I wouldn't believe so. I feared this would happen each time we had our sessions. Each time I heard you were in jail. You see that mirror over there?"
He then pointed over at the mirror Todd had noticed mere seconds ago.
"What about it?"
"It's a two-way mirror. We see our reflections. But on the other side of it, it's like a window. People can see in here," he explained; both men staring at the mirror.
"Are people looking now?"
"I believe so actually."
And with those words, Todd ever-so proudly flipped off the mirror; hoping whoever was on the other side got the message.
"So, whoever is looking inside probably thinks I'm a lunatic," Todd spoke with a fake laugh.
"Of course not. I believe there's doctors on the other side and they wouldn't make such assumptions."
"When can I leave?" He asked straight. Removing his eyes from the mirror and right at Vincent. Staring up at his gray, plain eyes.
Vincent was hesitant to answer.
"I'm hoping some time soon. Though I know They will put you on parole and watch almost your every move. I fear if you find yourself in trouble again, They'll admit you in here for as long as possible," Vincent explained slowly.
There was brief silence. Todd kept moving his sunken eyes from Vincent to the mirror; curious who was on the other side.
"I wanna see her," he abruptly stated. "Right now."
"Mr Todd, don't worry about her, she's doing fine," Vincent assured and wheeled his chair over to stack of papers he left out.
"No! Right now! She's always been on my side and the least I can do is be there for her! But no! Here I am in a bloody pointless asylum!" He yelled raucously.
"You really want to see Mrs Lovett?" Vincent asked; spinning in his chair to face Todd. His glasses on the end of his nose; almost falling off.
"Fucking yes!" He sighed.
"Alright. But there's only one way you're allowed out of here until you're discharged."
Within minutes, Todd was restrained to a wheelchair and pushed by Vincent.
"You know it's my arm that's broken, not my legs," Todd scolded whilst tapping on the arm handle with his fingers.
"Yes I understand. But the Authorities want you sort of restrained until your release. This was the only way I could convince Them to let you see Eleanor."
"I guess it's better than nothin," Todd mumbled and watched his surroundings carefully. The people here were crazy. He wasn't one of them, at least that's what he believed.
How could these bastards admit me here? I'm more sane than half the people here.
As Vincent continued to push Todd down the long hall, Todd played around with restraints tied tight around his ankles. He tried to keep his mind occupied from thinking about Thomas or how Lovett will react to him seeing him in this state.
"What exactly do I tell her?" Todd muttered; lifting his head back to look up at Vincent behind him. "She'll see me in this bloody wheelchair and 'ave a 'eart attack. I can't do that to her. She'll panic... she'll freak... I can't 'ave her constantly worried over me. After all, you said I'll be on parole soon and-"
"Do you not want to see her?" Vincent interrupted; coming to a stop in the middle of the hall.
"I dunno... she's already been worried about me since day one... I'd hate to give her another reason to worry." He sighed. "...Lets just go back. Hopefully They'll release me in time for her to not panic."
"Alright," Vincent agreed and turned the wheelchair back around.
"And don't mention all this to her. Don't mention the mental hospital... I know she's tired of worrying about me," he again sighed.
Upon arriving back to the room, Vincent stayed in the room and talked to Todd over random things; just to keep him company.
He was still forced to be tied to the bed in caution of him causing harm to himself or more specifically others.
He just stared up at the ceiling and lost himself in a world of thoughts.
"So I see you and Mrs Lovett have finally spared the rod," Vincent smiled while filling out paperwork.
"Sort of... I guess," Todd mumbled. "So what are you working on?"
"Paperwork," he stated with his eyes still lowered.
"What kind?"
Vincent looked over at Todd with an expression of why would you want to know?
"Cmon, I'm just bored," he hissed.
"It's actually your parole papers. I realize you've been here for only a few hours, but I know you really want to get out of here," Vincent answered. "At the speed I'm working at, you'll be out tomorrow morning."
"I have to stay 'ere over night?! If They're so concerned about me, why are you the only doctor I've seen?"
"I told you, They're watching through the mirror. They're taking notes and such."
"Notes? I've done nothin but been in this bed. And for what? Sharing my opinion that the bloody machine they use is disastrous? Some show They run 'ere," he scoffed.
"They only try and make it a better place." Vincent removed his glasses and sat up from his chair. He then began digging through a case of medical tools. "I think you've had quite the day, Mr. Todd. Racing into the Living World, anxious about Eleanor, depressed by the loss of Thomas. Perhaps some sleep will do ya good."
Todd watched carefully at Vincent who snaked out a small needle from the kit.
"This'll knock ya out until morning, in which I know you're waiting anxiously for," he commented; approaching Todd's bedside.
"But I'm tired," Todd hissed.
"You will." That was last think Todd heard before the needle was plunged into Todd's arm and the medicine was injected in him and racing through his body.
His vision faded to black and his whole body went numb.
"Alright, Mrs Lovett, you're good to go," a nurse kindly told the baker.
"Just one question."
"And what's that, ma'am? Lovett asked while gathering her things.
"I know what happened to that poor kid, but would you risk yourself and try and find him?"
"He was just a kid worth risking," Lovett smiled and headed her way out the door.
She had easily recovered from the electroshock machine and back in reality. The only thing that puzzled her mind was Todd's whereabouts. She knew he often wandered off and kept to himself, but this was different.
He wanted to be by her side and protect her, but he didn't wander off like other times. He was dragged out.
Yesterday was all a blur and the sadness of knowing Thomas was out of reach still lingered.
She desired company and all she had was Sweeney Todd. Her first guess, as usual, was that he locked himself in his room and took Thomas's absence rather hard. She couldn't blame him for doing that, she wanted to do the same.
She patiently walked down the hall where the doors that led to other souls' rooms lined the walls. Her heels clicked against the ground; adding sound to the drained out conversations of other people.
She couldn't wait to tell Todd that the electroshock machine worked perfectly. She knew he dreaded the thing and she was excited to cheer him up.
Happy to see the man, she gleefully skipped down the hall like a child until reaching his door.
"Mr T!" She cheerfully called. "I know ya in there, can I come in?"
For the first time, she was actually was expecting a response from him. Though with no reply, she opened the door.
The room, yet again, lacked his soul.
"Again?" She sighed and leaned against the doorframe. "Why can't he stay outta trouble," she hissed and marched back the way she came. She knew if he wasn't in his room, there was only one other place he could be: jail.
She longed for Todd to quit this for she knew the consequence would be something he'd regret. She could only hope being around him more often would change his perspective on this world. She also knew with the lack of Thomas, it only strengthen his chance to lash out and get banished.
Lovett picked up her pace; hoping things weren't too out of hand.
As she began to worry about him, something he dreads her doing, he had waken from being sedated in the Afterlife mental facility.
To his surprise, Vincent wasn't the only doctor in the room. There were two others that walked about in the room.
One was going over the parole papers with Vincent and the other kindly released Todd from his restraints.
He sat on the side of the bed; his legs dangling off it and kicking about.
"Can I leave?" He hissed while watching Vincent sign a few papers.
"In a moment, Mr. Barker," the doctor who helped him out of his restraints.
Todd only gave the doctor a look when hearing his deceased name.
"So lemme get this straight. You're gonna assign me some bloody parole officer to keep an eye on me?" Todd spat as the other doctor began bandaging his broken arm.
"In a way," Vincent replied. He then finished his work and passed the papers to the doctor who helped him.
Then that doctor approached Todd.
"Listen Barker," the doctor spoke in a gravelly tone. "You make another screw up around here and I'll be sure they torture you in this mental hospital. And after that you can have a nice visit to the Lost Souls Room. And trust me, I know that you know that."
Todd furrowed his brow and leaned in closer. "Do we have fucking problem?"
"Don't remember my face, do you?" The doctor scolded before walking out of the room.
Todd only smiled to himself; knowing it was yet another pissed off victim.
"Another satisfied customer," he smirked to himself.
"Don't worry about him, Mr Todd," Vincent assured while helping him off the bed. "But if you do find yourself in trouble, don't be shocked to find yourself in here again. And I know both of us don't want to see that, neither does dear Eleanor. In fact, stay out of trouble, for her sake. You told me yesterday you loathe when she worries about you. Do her favor and make her not worry."
Todd agreed with his words. For Lovett's sake. He then nodded as he made his way for the door.
"And if you find yourself with an urge to do something you'll regret, just think of her."
Todd nodded again and ran out of the room in search of Lovett.
After she searched the jail cells for him, she had no clue where he could be.
Todd went ahead and sneaked up to her bakery and had no plans to mention where he was before.
Lovett soon came up to open her bakery and there she saw Todd waiting by the door. His arm was once again bandaged and his suspenders hung to his side.
A breeze of relief hit her as she skipped towards him with the bakery key jingling in her hands.
"Mr T!" She cheered.
He turned his head to see her jumping his way. A grin formed on his face as he stuff his hand in his pocket.
"Eleanor," he greeted; completely forgetting he talks to her formally.
She was taken by him calling her by her first name, but she didn't mention it.
She then unlocked the bakery and scurried inside with Todd following.
"So where were ya?" She asked while setting supplies from the cabinets to the counters.
"...I was... I was in my room," he answered deceitfully.
She then placed her hands upon her hips. "No you weren't. I came by your room afta' they discharged me."
"Then I was probably already on my way up 'ere," he lied smoothly while tossing a jar in the air and catching it; hoping she'd change the topic.
"Why were you in your room? I thought you was gonna stay in the room with me," she added while walking to the door and flipping the sign to 'open.'
"I was," he mumbled; putting all his attention in playing with the jar.
"Then what happened? Please don't tell me they threw you in jail. Please don't tell me you started some fight," she griped while taking the jar from him.
"...Yea, I was there for the night," he answered; hoping she'd believe him. "Apparently being worried about you is a crime," he mumbled. He then snatched a small package of sugar and began tossing that in the air.
"In all fairness, you all did throw a tantrum," she admitted.
"You remembered?" He breathed; holding the package of sugar tight in his hands.
"Yes, I mean yea it was all fuzzy, but I remember. Also, that little devil machine you feared, it's harmless," she laughed.
"I'm glad ta hear that," he smiled. "I'm sorry I wasn't by your side," he sighed and walked on the other side of the island; directly across from her.
"It's alright, love," she beamed. "So how's ya arm?"
"Still broken," he retorted.
"Do you think perhaps you could help around the shop?" She bluntly asked while finishing unloaded ingredients. "Its just... with Thomas-" She couldn't finish her sentence; she choked up and tears began streaming down her face.
At first, Todd just stood there awkwardly; unsure how to react. Then common sense kicked in and and walked around the island and wrapped his good arm around her.
"I know," he whispered whilst lying his jaw on top of her head. It was like a puzzle piece that fit perfectly. "And I don't mind helpin ya around 'ere. I'd love to," he committed.
She then wiped away her tears; embarrassed to break apart like that in front of him.
"I'm sorry, love," she snuffled.
"For what?"
"For crying," she whispered.
"C'mon, get your mind off that sore subject. How bout we fix up two cups of coffee," he stated while flipping the open sign back to closed. "And just talk."
She forced a smile; astonished as his compassion. She helped Todd brew the coffee and pour the pot into two small mugs. She drank hers with a few bags of sugar while he drank his black.
They sat at the booth they sat in yesterday.
At first it was silent, except for the spoon in her mug as she kept clanking it against the glass; making sure the sugar dissolved in the coffee.
"It still can't believe he's actually gone," she spoke; putting the spoon to the side and taking a sip of the coffee.
"Me neither," he murmured and looked out the window and spied at the people who walked by. "And the last time I saw him, we were arguing."
"It's not your fault," she assured.
"It's not his either," he spat. "I shouldn't of looked through his fucking file. None of this would of happen."
"I still don't understand why we couldn't find him," she pouted. "When I looking for you, it was quick and easy."
"Because we died in the same house," Todd stated before taking a swig of his coffee. "Thomas died on the outskirts of Belgium. So I'm assuming when he went through to that godforsaken world he ended up in Belgium... and didn't know how to get out. By now, he's damned to that shit hole," he grunted; frustrated with himself for causing all this damage.
"Calm down," she warned. "You even said to get our minds off the sore subject."
"Yea," he whispered and locked his eyes out the window. He watched all the content people; it still made him sick. "...So... the whole electroshock... didn't hurt?"
"Well, yea the first few times, but I got use to it. Then again you have to remember that little slut of a bitch took advantage of it on you."
Todd smirked at her broad vocabulary.
"Or maybe you can just handle pain better than I can," he smiled.
She smiled at his statement and followed where his eyes were drawn.
She too watched the herd of people roaming the second level. How they carried on their ways and acted as the past never occurred.
"Quick question, Mr T," she interrupted and lost her focus on the people outside the window. Todd also lost his focus and placed his attention on Lovett.
"You're not... still planning your whole leaving this place... are you?" She choked out; worried he'd snap like usual and barge out the door.
Todd then immediately lowered his eyes to his coffee. She waited patiently for an answer.
"I dunno what I'm planning," he mumbled; his voice nearly cracking.
"What do ya mean? You must know, love," she again forced a smile.
"Well I don't!" He shouted; shooting up from his seat; spilling the coffee all over the table and seat. He breathed heavily and loudly. He then furrowed his brow when his realization kicked in that he freaked out yet again.
"I'm sorry," he whispered and walked over to the counter and grabbed a rag to clean the mess.
She just sat there and collected the broken mug carefully.
"Sorry I asked," she mumbled.
"Don't be," he replied; his eyes still lowered and all focus castes down to the mess he made. "I'm just... frustrated, that's all," he sighed.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
He only nodded and finished cleaning.
He took back his seat and folded his arms on the table and lied his head on top of them. He let out a long breath and hummed to himself; distracting himself from reality.
"Cmon, tell me," she insisted.
He just sat there and continued to hum. He knew he started one more act of violence, They won't spare the rod. He knew the Authorities grew exhausted of his senseless crimes and if he started one more, he's gone. He just knew if he spoke a word of it to her, she'd have a panic attack.
"Mr T," she called and tapped her fingers impatiently against the table.
Todd succumbed and lifted his head to look in her eyes. He forced a little grin and again glanced out the window.
"Just to put it plain and simple, I don't wanna lose another person," he mumbled and played with the short red curtains that lied against the window.
"And you won't, dear. Why are you worried 'bout that?"
"Haven't you noticed the more I lose, the more I lose myself?!" He hissed in a raising voice. "For crying out loud, I lost love, my place in society, and even my goddamn identity. Lucy and Johanna were taken from me... drove me insane, and now Thomas is outta the picture." His voice was quivering; nearly breaking her heart.
These irrelevant ideas came bubbling in his mind like a storm. All that he's been working up in his mind was finally unleashed.
"Love, look where you are," she grinned. "You have nothing more to lose."
He then took in a deep breath and exhaled greatly. "That's where you're wrong."
"Excuse me?"
"I've already been in too many fights. If I get in one more, I'm screwed," he admitted. "They warned me when I was leaving... jail." He almost said the mental facility, but quickly caught himself.
"You started those fights on purpose. You knew what the outcome was," she protested.
"I know," he snapped. "It was an escape route from this dreaded place. Then you kinda came along... and now I do have something lose."
Both their hearts sunk at his words.
"Why do you suppose I was so distant around you back home? I knew if I allowed myself to move on with you, that love would soon fall apart and I'd be a worse outcome than I am now. Anything I get close to, it always leaves at some point. I wasn't ready to lose yet another person I loved... I'm still not ready."
After his speech, Todd lied his head back down the table and released a grieving sigh.
Lovett then reached across the table and took hold of his hand. It was boney and icy cold.
"Trust me, They won't take ya away," she assured and squeezed his hand tight.
Todd couldn't help but imagine himself causing more trouble and being thrown back in the funny farm. The idea sent chills down his spine. He also knew Lovett would have a horrid panic attack knowing he'd be in that place. He couldn't bare to see her in anymore pain, not again.
"I wish I could believe you," he simpered and stood up from his seat. He took her empty mug and sat next to a small pile of dirty dishes.
She too got up and flipped the closed sign back to open. The second she did, she skipped over to start baking pastries and other treats.
Todd just stood next to the island; leaning against and watching the baker move about. He wasn't much of a cook. The last time he could think of himself cooking was for his Lucy and Johanna, and that was on rare occasions. Other times, Lucy cooked the food. In prison, the old bats would serve the inmates a pile of grits, a small piece of bread, and even sometimes small portions of meat to keep the men strong. And when he returned from Botany Bay, Lovett was kind enough to make all his meals, though he hardly ate.
"You just gonna stand there?" She pointed out while setting a tray of apple pies in the oven.
"I dunno really how to cook," he mumbled and stepped over towards her way.
"Well I suppose it's time to learn," she laughed and sat out a bag of flour and sugar. "Bake some cookies."
"I just told ya I dunno how to cook," he protested in a laugh.
"C'mon, you're a clever man," she replied; Todd smiling at her words.
"Don't I need eggs? Water?"
"Find em."
"I didn't sign up for scavenger hunt," he ridiculed.
She only gave him a challenging look. A challenge Todd gladly accepted. He easily got a cup of water from the faucet, but the eggs' whereabouts were a mystery.
He then began rummaging through the cabinets and atlas found a brown bowl with a few eggs lying within it.
He set all his ingredients out on the counter and looked at it all in a puzzling expression.
"You know ya need to mix it all," she interrupted in a chuckled, while pulling her tray of pies out of the oven.
"I know," he muttered; still staring at all the ingredients.
He then hesitantly began dumping almost the entire bag of flour in the mixing bowl, until Lovett stopped him.
After doing so, he poured in some sugar, and of course with Lovett telling him there was enough.
After the flour and sugar, he began cracking eggs carelessly. Bits of the white shell would fall into the mixing bowl, but Todd didn't seem to notice nor care.
Next he dumped a cup of water in the bowl and slowly began stirring. He moved the wooden spoon in circles. After he proudly got the hang of it, he stirred faster and faster.
The dough began flying out onto the counter and the walls, but he didn't seem to mind. All his frustrations just poured into the aggressive stirring.
"Mr T, slow it down!" Lovett shrieked as she quickly yanked the spoon out of his hand. "I'm pretty sure it's good to put on a pan now." She then looked around the area and laughed. "There's more dough on the walls than in he bowl."
Todd also laughed, but quietly and began splattering blobs of dough onto a pan.
Lovett took a moment from her cooking and just watched Todd. How he looked as if he never cooked a day in his life.
Todd could feel her eyes on her and quickly turned to face her. "Am I doin' something wrong?"
"Are all the cookies just gonna be giant blobs?" She snickered. "I have cookie cutters in the cabinets."
"... I knew that," he murmured and again dug through the many cabinets until he came upon a bag of metal cookie cutters.
He pulled out the first one and revealed the shape of a man.
Boring, he thought.
Then he pulled out the next one and the next. He came upon hearts, stars, triangles, and flowers. All so boring, but he knew Lovett would like the hearts and flowers. So he cut the dough with the heart and flower shaped cutters very carefully; hoping it turned out perfect.
Then he pulled out a cutter in the shape of a skull and he smirked to himself. He made as many as he could with that specific cutter.
"Done!" He announced proudly.
"Not yet. Put em in the oven," she instructed.
Todd only grunted and quickly placed the batch in the oven.
"Now what?"
"You wait."
After his accomplishment, Todd went and sat at his own table with a glass of gin. He couldn't actually remember the last time alcohol touched his lips. With all the chaos he's been in, he's had no time to relax and drink.
As he enjoyed the peace and quiet, his eyes wandered out the window. The people continued to pass and create a new life. But something new and strange caught his eye.
In between two shops that left a space for a narrow walkway, stood a shady man. He wore a dark suit and just leaned against the wall. His eyes were just watching Todd.
The man didn't look like anyone Todd knew. As Todd continued to watch, he saw the figure pull out a notepad and a pen and began scribbling notes.
Todd frowned and stood up; leaving his glass on the table. He began marching towards the door; determined to inspect and figure out the man.
"Mr T, where ya going?" Lovett called, but he was already out the door.
He slipped through the small crowds of people; his vision focused on the stranger.
The stranger quickly placed his pen and notepad inside his jacket and smiled to Todd.
"Mr. Barker," the stranger greeted with his right arm out; knowing Todd's right arm was in a sling and incapable of shaking the stranger's.
"The hell you staring at me for and marking notes?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm your parole officer," the man explained. "Also another man who trusted you with a razor."
Todd's eyes then lowered from the man's dark green eyes to the slit that danced across his throat.
Todd smirked. Another victim.
"It's pretty pathetic of Them to make you my officer," Todd commented in a scowling tone.
"Not really," the man gleamed. "But let's just say, I'd be careful if I were you. Wouldn't want to start any fights," he spoke in a threatening tone. It seemed like the man wanted Todd to screw up and find himself back in the mental facility or the Lost Souls Room.
Todd only glared at the man and began to slowly back away.
"You just keep your distance," Todd scowled. He almost spoke about how he didn't want Lovett to know, but he knew this strange man would take that statement to his advantage.
"Oh I will," the man again smiled.
There was something fake behind the smile. The type of smile Todd would beam at his customers before slashing their throats open.

so there's another long chapter.
As you can probably tell, shits about to go down!
I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I will update as soon as possible.
Please leave reviews on how you think the story's going. I love reading my readers' opinions.
As always, thank you very much for reading and for more Sweeney Todd please follow my Instagram
@/demon.of.depp and my iFunny
oh and special shoutout to Sseeneyheaney24 for commenting on all the chapters and being crazy supportive. I truly appreciate it and thank you!
Everyone else, please follow them and read their amazing Sweeney Todd fanfictions!

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