~To the Hospital~

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The second she opened the door, time then raced by. Time flew as if it never happened. Within that time-lapse, she had rushed to the former barber's aid with tears streaming down her blushed cheeks. Why was she crying? She shouldn't have to cry for him, but she did and couldn't help it. The former barber was quiet the second she stepped in the room. He didn't fight her, or yell at her, or even mumble a word. He only looked at her as she tried to help him. She tried her best to lift his almost mangled body up on his feet then wrapped his left arm around her shoulder for support. Even then, he didn't fight her.

Blood trickled down from his hands and arms as they slowly exited the room, hoping to find someone in the Authorities to help. Lovett couldn't believe he was actually allowing her to help him. She only looked into his eyes. He looked as if he was completely detached from reality, it was a horrifying sight. She kept telling him everything will be ok, but she wasn't sure if everything actually was. She couldn't help but actually think Travis will put forth his 'solution.' It's not like the Authorities can kill him... can they?

He limped in the large hall; his breathing nearly silent and slow; the blood dripped down like a fountain running out of water. They walked for quite awhile until a member from the Authorities found them. It was a woman with short dark brown hair. She was young and beautiful, yet when she saw Todd bleeding and looking like disaster of a monster, she looked horrified and who could blame her?

The young woman rushed to the two and helped Lovett support the barber. Lovett forced herself to stop crying, but it wasn't as easy as she thought it would be.

"What's his name?" The woman asked as she picked up her pace and looked at Lovett. She was gasping for air as if she'd never ran a day in her life.

"Ben," he answered in the softest of voices.

Lovett's eyes widened. He answered with his true name, never would she of thought she'd see the day to hear him say that. He actually spoke, but that single word didn't sound like his voice. The voice sounded scared and frightened. It sounded helpless and lost.

~Two Hours Later~

The former baker was pacing outside of a room in a hall. She was in some department where the Authorities kept all the paperwork and records. The set up of the area seemed like some labyrinth hospital. Violent thoughts raced through her mind as she didn't what to think of Sweeney Todd.

The room she was pacing in front of was a small medical room which the barber resided in. The young woman put him there, and left him there, and strictly told Lovett not the enter the room. Lovett was given no more information. All she knew was he probably had some freak attack and smashed his fists in the mirror causing him to bleed. She didn't even know what she waiting on. A person to tell her he's ok? A person to tell her he's going to receive the 'solution?' She wasn't even sure if she even suppose to be waiting for someone.

The door had no window so she couldn't see into the room. She didn't know his complete condition and the suspicion was killing her.

"He'll be ok," Lovett whispered to herself as paced back and forth. "You shouldn't even have to be worrying about him. Hell, you don't even have to be here to see if he's ok. It's bad enough you helped him over 'ere, you don't need to make it any worse by staying for him." Though her conscious was basically yelling at her leave, she ignored that voice in her head and stayed.

The man may be a monster who deserves nothing, but she knew, she just knew he deserved another chance even beyond death.

"He's just screwed up in the head," she explained to herself. "He'll be out of that room in no time and back to his stubborn usual self. Then again it's his usual self that got him 'ere."

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