~Pills and the Bakery~

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The day continued and finally met evening, at least that's what it seemed. There were no clocks throughout the entire world, and not even a window to see where the sun settled in the sky. The demon barber reached his room and immediately emptied the bottle of pills into the toilet. There was no way he was going to take them. The man was furious with the whole system. Bloody pills to help him feel better, it was damn waste.

He locked his door and took his candlesnuffer to put out every, single candle in his room. Once every candle was out, his room was pitch black, just the way he liked it. Dark, depressing rings formed under his eyes. His completion grew a weak, ghost-white pale color. Todd collapsed onto his bed and pulled the thick covers over his head, hoping all this is was just one bloody, tortuous nightmare. He buried his face into his pillow and moaned countless grieving sighs.

Why did being dead have to turn into this? Why did it have to turn into a pit of hell with the woman who betrayed him living in the room across his. Why couldn't he just exist no more; why couldn't he get away from the pain? The pain was an endless. There was no cure to the madness. His life felt like it was some endless black hole and he continued falling with no one to help him back up.

The black covers made the barber vanish from the room. He made sure he was facing the solid, cement wall with his back facing the open room. He just wanted to be alone, basically forever. Fuck the whole Afterlife crap; their rules; their employees; every. single. thing.

His dark, unforgiving mind went back to the time where every thing was perfect. His beautiful wife by his side and his precious bundle of joy in his arms. How she looked just as beautiful as her mother. Everyday he could wake up with the sun shining on his face and birds chirping just outside the house. Everyday he could hold his Lucy and Johanna who meant the world to him. Then those days crumpled down to the hell. Todd's pleasant dreams of the days of Benjamin Barker then tarnished and transformed into raging nightmares. Nightmares were the only thing that raced in his mind. Unpleasant thoughts, a burning pit from hell, a tortuous nightmare just brewing in his godforsaken mind.


It was at this time the Authorities called it nighttime and best if the younger souls and recently deceases head into their rooms. Eleanor Lovett was already in her room; anticipating the time for her to establish another bakery. She'd need several ingredients before opening, several decorations to make her shop live and vibrant.

Just as the baker was about to head to bed she remembered her little job Edward gave to her. Check on Todd to see if he took his medicine. It was something she would never want to do in a thousand years. She could care less if the little bastard was depressed and curled up in a dark corner. But when she thought of that sight, it shook her a bit. The barber rocking back and forth in corner facing the wall. It was as if she could just hear him crying out in pain for someone to save him. She then rushed out her door, but when the thought vanished, her care for him did the same.

He used her; ignored her; burned her. She shouldn't have to retrieve the knife in her back and throw that knife away. If for anything, she should be taking the knife he stabbed her with and stab it into him. But instead of that, she quietly knocked on his door. Three little taps. She knew for a fact she'd get no response.

"Mr. Todd?" She spoke and knocked on the door a little louder. No response. She wanted to just barge into the room, ask if he took the medicine and leave right away, but she knew better.

"Mr. T, are you in there?" She spoke louder and tried at the door handle. Locked, just as she expected. "Mr. T answer your damn door!" She shouted and pounded on the door. She then heard a muffled voice. She couldn't exactly make out the words, but she knew she heard a voice. "Mr. Todd, I know you're in there!"

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