The Court Session

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The courtroom was silent until the judge began to speak. His voice seemed a bit emotionless, probably because he's done this so many times and showing emotion just was meaningless. He said what the case number was which was a long number Todd didn't bother to remember. He then stated Todd's name along with Vincent's and Travis's. He then stated the plaintiff's prosecutors' name and the plaintiff's. Todd soon realized the plaintiff was a man whom him beat. He didn't remember what he did to this man, for he had beat several and forgot over the many times. But this man sported a slit, must of been a previous past victim. Todd could tell this man was going to speak out for all the people Todd hurt.
The judge mentioned Todd's parole officer was present, but Todd didn't bother to find him.
He then announced the session would begin followed by him banging his gavel. Todd jumped at the gavel's thud and the judge noticed it.
The plaintiff's attorney didn't hesitate to pull Todd to the witness box. Todd wasn't much of a fan of the box being son close to Turpin, but he had no choice. He could feel Turpin's eyes just watching him, but Todd knew Turpin couldn't touch him.
"Now, Mr. Sweeney Todd, am I correct that you just arrived here quite a few months ago, almost a year?" The attorney started with. Todd knew he'd start with the basic, simple questions. It was funny. In the Old Bailey, there was no prosecutor or any of this real court malarkey. Then, Todd was just ultimately found guilty and within a second sent away.
With this in his mind, the man had to repeat his question.
Vincent could already see things going weary. If Todd kept hesitating to answer, the jury wouldn't find him just a little bit innocent.
Todd's eyes were now looking amongst the spectator pews. He never would of imagined all these people would want to come. Why would they want to watch the fate of this man unfold? Todd just wanted to curse out that they were all rubberneckers, but that wouldn't be pretty.
"Mr. Todd, you're under oath to answer all my questions, you can't just keep quiet," he spoke sternly. The plaintiff's attorney's name was Frank Manson. He was a rather large man and seemed a bit intimidating, but didn't intimidate Todd. Whenever he grew just a tad fearful, he'd look at Lovett who wore her assurance smile.
Manson repeated his question louder and firmly with an angry look in his eyes. Todd dismissed his appearance; thinking the man was trying to look frightening.
"I suppose so... I don't keep up with time," he mumbled.
Vincent noticed Todd was acting too relaxed, and didn't suit his professional look. He only wished he went over what to say and how to say stuff before they stepped into the room, but that idea slipped his mind at the time.
"Speak up," the judge snapped.
Todd arched his brow at the judge; a look he regret giving the judge. He knew that'd only get him in more trouble.
"I said I don't keep up with the time," Todd spoke louder and hinting to Manson that he was annoyed with his tone.
"I've read your file when hearing there would be a court case and I might add that you do have quite the list of... ailments. Would you agree?"
Todd didn't like that question. He flashed Vincent a concerned look and that's when Vincent stood up.
"Your honor, I object. He hasn't a right to ask," Vincent interrupted.
"I'll allow it," the judge replied. "Continue, Mr. Manson."
Vincent only sat down with crossed arms and furious look, but he managed to keep his cool.
"Thank you, your honor. Now, would you agree with what I just stated?" He asked; leaning at the witness box with his arm resting on the ledge. Todd really just wanted to shove his arm off the ledge and get him away from his personal bubble.
"I- I guess so," Todd answered; not sure if his answer was acceptable.
"Your honor, may I go through the list in his file so the jury has a better understanding?" Manson said this with a smirk as if only Todd caught.
"You may proceed."
Vincent wanted to object to this again, but he knew the judge would only decline him again.
Manson then picked up a single paper from the table. He already had several papers laid out and ready to go.
As he lifted the paper in his hand he began to pace back and forth in the space between the judge's bench and the two tables.
"PTSD from being taken away from his family-"
The second that rolled off his tongue, Todd wanted to leap across the box and tackle Manson to the ground. He despised when people mentioned his family, he wasn't even fond of it when Lovett mentioned it. But instead of tackling the man to the floor, he only glanced at Turpin who wasn't far from the witness box. Turpin wore a smug look. Todd then ran his index finger across his throat; symbolizing a slit and then Turpin's lost his smug look.
"-manic depression, obsessive compulsion disorder, severe anxiety disorder, schizoaffective. The list goes on. Clearly anyone can see this man is not fit to live amongst us. We've all seen the crimes he'd committed here and heard of the ones in the Living World. He should be consistently treated in Our mental institution and never allowed out."
Todd found it to be some miracle that he didn't jump out of the witness box and strangle the man. He managed to stay collective. He kept his gaze on Lovett. The simple sight of her relaxed him, but only a little.
Vincent was furious as well. To shout such statements at Todd was like pleading for a beating. However, he was impressed Todd didn't lose his shit.
"And I do have several victims to his heinous, cruel crimes."
"Bring one up to the witness stand," the judge ordered.
Todd then slipped out of the witness box and trudged back to the table. As he passed Manson, he only shot him an icy cold stare. But Manson seemed confidence in his work.
After a few minutes of people shuffling around, a man stepped up to the witness stand. His skin was rather pale and hair balding. And a slit traced his throat like a tight necklace.
Todd smirked to himself and leaned back in his chair.
"Mr. Brady, do you recall seeing Mr. Sweeney Todd before the Afterlife?" Manson started using a soft and gentle manner.
"Yes. He even caused this!" The man scoffed whilst pointing to the slit.
Todd couldn't help but smirk more.
"Alright, just proving that to the jury." Manson then paced to the left side of the judge; near Todd's table. "And after just a few weeks of remaining in this world, Mr. Todd came along in a rather unstable state. Not to mention, this shouldn't have been overlooked like it did. Anyways, upon a few days of him arriving, you soon found yourself restrained to a bed with Mr. Todd near a machine. Describe what this machine looked like, if you can, Mr. Brady."
Brady looked from Manson to Todd, then back to Manson to answer the question.
"It was a... strange thing.... nothing I've seen before. It looked like-"
"It was a bloody electroshock machine, you ignorant hick!" Todd blurted out; annoyed with the man constantly pausing to describe the machine.
"Keep your client silent, Mr. Vincent," the judge snapped.
Vincent nodded, but didn't say anything Todd
"Thank you, your honor," Mr. Brady replied; flashing Todd a rather rude look. "Anyways, the device didn't look pleasant nor did it feel pleasant."
"Stop there, Mr. Brady," Manson interjected. "Now. For those who don't know, the electroshock machine is used when a soul is out of reality, mostly when they wander over to the other side. It sends volts through the body by using electrodes placed on the temples of the head. If used correctly, the machine does its job. If used by deranged criminals... the device can cause harm."
Todd could feel those electrodes on his temples and surging pain exemplified by them. He twitched in his seat that caught Manson's attention.
"Did Mr. Todd use this device against you?"
"Hell yes he did. If not being murdered by him wasn't enough. I still see that psychotic smile he wore as he did it. That man is not fit for living! The institution is too good for him!" Brady hissed whilst pointing a finger at Todd.
Manson smiled; knowing he was getting the jury on his side. He had all evidence against Todd.
"Language, Mr. Brady," the judge warned.
Brady didn't care for his language. To him, he wanted Todd banished and he'd say anything in the court that got the jury to take his opinion.
Brady was soon dismissed and Manson kept ranting on about how Sweeney Todd should be institutionalized. Todd couldn't do anything but listen to Manson exaggerate and mock him.
Vincent kept quiet as well as he waited for his turn to share his side and win the jury over. He had a plan, but the plan could go good or bad.
Manson later called up on a the stranger Todd had beat when he could of sworn it was Turpin.
The man was thin and couldn't keep his eyes off Todd. Todd tried not to return the look, but it was challenging.
Manson started with the basic questions; questions Todd intentionally ignored. Then the questions pulled in his interest and he paid attention.
"What were you doing around the time he attacked you? Manson while glancing back at Todd. It was at that moment Todd wanted to just rip Manson's eyes right out of their sockets so he couldn't look at him anymore.
"I was just walking around the second level. Shopping here and there and he was accusing me of ruining his life and all. He was just yelling, making accusations and beating me. He must of been drunk or on drugs, or something."
With that said, Todd couldn't remember the last time he got drunk. He sort of stopped drinking heavily when him and Lovett were more together. And never did drugs, he always found them foul and didn't even know where to get any in this world. He immediately knew the man was speaking of one of Todd's episode. Todd didn't want to listen anymore. He didn't want to remember something he could barley recall or something that labeled psycho.
"It is true he could have been drunk, he has a history with it," Manson commented.
Todd opened his mouth to argued, but Vincent stopped him before he could make a sound.
"But maybe the man wasn't drunk. Perhaps it was another psychotic episode of his. I did my research and found some of Dr. Vincent's file on Sweeney Todd, giving me proof that it was an episode."
Vincent shot out of his seat and declared a loud objection.
The judge however was interested in what Manson had to say and allowed Manson to proceed.
Vincent returned to his seat and placed his head in his hands. Todd did the same for he knew whatever Manson was about to say was going to clearly declare Todd's fate.
Manson cleared his throat rather loudly and picked up another paper from his organized table. He skimmed over the words with a twisted smirk and began his rant.
"Now, when Mr. Sweeney Todd arrived here in the After World, he was already in bitter shock from what happened in the Living World. He had murdered his beloved wife, not even knowing it was her until moments later. He died soon after the incidents and the Authorities knew he was disturbed, but did nothing. And their actions led to destruction and disrupted the order here. We need to come to our sense and act."

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