"Keep Your Sanity"

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The old bakery was dark and dusty. She looked around and sighed. The curtains were dirt filled and tattered. Barley any sunlight could peek through the curtains.
"I was too late," she muttered to herself. "I... waited too long," she whispered and placed her hands over her face. "I should of checked on him the night before! I should of!" She screamed; blaming herself for the things she had had barley any control over. "I should of kept a better eye on him!"
Lovett continued to pace back and forth; thinking what would Todd do in this sort of crisis.
Kill a person, that's what he would do.
She couldn't kill a person, she wasn't that type, that and she's already dead. She couldn't imagine continuing her dead life without even seeing a glimpse of him. No longer seeing his little smirks; hearing his low, dark tone.
She didn't want to go back to the Afterworld. She rather be damned onto earth for all of eternity than to continue on without him.
She took a seat in the booth by the windows and sighed. Her eyes were watered up and ruining her mascara. Her cheeks were red and puffy and she could of sworn her heart was racing even though it wasn't beating at all. She then peeked out the window at the cloudy skied London. She wiped a salty tear away and another and another. But she stopped when she heard a loud thud. Travis must be taking it hard, she thought. Another thud followed after the first and she rose to her feet. Travis must be pretty angered to lose yet another soul.
Another thud.
She couldn't manage to hear it again and paced back outside to the stairs to find Travis still up on the balcony.
"Why are you makin' all the noise?" She asked in a weary voice; pushing back yet another tear.
"I haven't made a sound, my dear," Travis replied and stiffened up.
Lovett arched her brow and walked back inside the old emporium.
Another thud.
She then could locate the racket. She found herself hovering over the cellar doors where faint echoing this filled the air. She slowly placed her hands on the latches and unlatched the cellar door and pried it open. There it led to a dark stairway. The air down there was icy cold, but she didn't mind. She looked behind herself to see Travis hadn't came down yet and so went on without him.
The fact that the room she was about to enter was the room murdered in hadn't hit her yet. Her curiosity over to loud banging distracted her. She took cautious steps down the stairs and the loud repeating thuds then stopped. She stopped in her tracks and listened closely. She was only about halfway down the stairs and she knew someone was in the bakehouse. Probably some stupid bleeder taking more things for their own greedy needs.
Lovett continued moving and found herself at the large, metal door. Locked, no surprise. She then closed her eyes and stepped right through the door.
Expecting to see a greedy man with her old belongings, she stood firm at the door; pushing back her tears. But a greedy vulture was not what she saw.
That broken, stubborn man sat on the ground right in front of the furnace. His back was facing her and she could hear a faint mumbling; almost like a singing mumble. She listened carefully and remained silent.
"...Lucy... I've come home... again," he softly choked out. She could hear him choke up and let out a grieving sob; she wanted to just run up to him and tell him everything will be ok, the other sane half of her wanted to slap him and tell him to move on.
"Lucy, what have done?" He added as he hung his head. His voice cracked in sadness. "Lucy, oh my god."
He then remained silent for a few minutes. He began to sway back and forth, that's when she took a step forward; remembering the time limit he was on. He may have mere seconds.
She stopped dead in her tracks when he continued to speak to himself.
"... I fucked up. I've done some pretty shitty things... but this... all of this... this is by far the worst," he muttered to himself. "I let it all blind me. Blind me from everything," he sighed. He then began to shake and shiver from the unbearable cold. He wrapped his arms around himself and sighed once more. His eyes watered up with salty tears that burned the eye.
"Who knew a person could be so destructive," he whispered. "Who knew a person could ruin so many lives in just a few days."
"You didn't ruin that many," she chimed in.
Todd's head shot up. He didn't turn his head around to see the voice. He knew that voice. He knew the face of that voice. He stayed facing forward and sighed.
There was no fire in the furnace; just a cold machine of metal. Every time he blinked in front of it he could see tiny bits of the horror that occurred in this very room. He could see the flames just consuming his once former accomplice.
"It all happened in this room. All of hell broke loose," he muttered.
She took a cautious step forward; keeping a sharp eye on the former barber. His figure was a bit faded; pale; colorless.
He closed his eyes and imagined the whole dreadful scene. The two of them; hand in hand as they danced quick around the bakehouse; nearing closer and closer to the untamed flames. His hand pulling back from hers and using all his strength to hurl her into the fire; toppling right on top of them and screaming her last breath. There he would slam the large door; muffling her screams of pain as he just watched her burn.
"That fire wasn't so fun now was it?" He whispered and turned his head to the side; barley seeing the baker. "That blade wasn't so fun either. In fact, it still stings."
"It still burns too," she quickly added and took another step closer to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder; he twitched a bit and faced forward; facing away from her.
"...Mr. T... we need to head back," she added. She then knelt down and moved his head to face her. His lip was still busted from the fight he threw the other day and there were a few scars on his cheek and around his eyes. The main, still red and sensitive scar was the one that danced across his bare throat. Her eyes were drawn to his death mark. She never saw his death; she never saw him take his last breath.
"Everyone was in this room," he spoke bluntly; ignoring her statement.
"Mr. T-"
"You... me, the beadle, the judge, and Lucy. Everyone was 'ere," he continued; his voice soft and long.
She wanted to just snatch his arm, pull him up on his feet and run, but his mind wasn't in reality; it was still reminiscing the past.
The room grew silent and even more cold. A harsh breeze hit both the dead Todd and Lovett. This was like a smack on the face to her; telling her to grab the barber and run.
"Mr. T... c'mon, love," she whispered and reached down and grabbed his wrist. He slowly stood up; nearly tripping and falling back down.
She acted fast and a caught him. That's when their eyes locked. Time froze as they were the only two in the room. Her hands were holding his wrists as he tried his best to stand his ground rather than falling back down.
He was looking down into her eyes and she was looking up into his eyes.
Lovett then remembered what she had told herself last night. She must get through to him now or never. She was willing to take the risk. The time was perfect and she took advantage of it.
She then leaned it and placed her lips upon his. Strangely, he didn't pull back, he didn't push her back. He just stood there and allowed the baker to do so. Her grip around his wrists tightened as she treasured a moment she never thought she'd get.
"Mrs. Lovett!" A voice called. Loud steps followed after the voice and the bakehouse's door flew open.
She then jumped back and turned to face Travis. Travis stayed at the doorway and smiled when his eyes fell upon the barber who stood behind her.
"Edward," she muttered under her breath. "His time isn't up!" She cheered and walked towards him; pulling Todd along with her.
Todd was completely zoned out of what was happening around him. He barely even realized Lovett just kissed him!
"Fantastic!" Travis then took a step up Todd. Todd was taller than Travis so he had to look up to the see him. "He's a bit pale and faint. We must hurry," Travis added and stepped to Todd's side. He then moved Todd's right arm around him and Lovett moved Todd's left arm around her. Together they helped the barber up the stairs; time not at all on their side.
The entire trip Lovett didn't take her eyes off him. The entire trip Todd didn't his eyes off her. They stared into each other's eyes. As Lovett did so, she got lost up in his mind.
Did he even know what was going on? Why would he even wander this far? Did he even realize that they had kissed moments ago?
His completion was pale; literally white as paper. His eyes lids were droopy as if he were sleepwalking. His grip on her left hand was strong; nearly bone breaking. This man has clearly seen better days.
If every step he took was slow and sluggish and he couldn't afford that. Both Lovett and Travis picked up their pace and Todd was forced to join them.
"It's alright, love, we're almost there," she assured him. She didn't know when he would just vanish into thin air. She then took her eyes off Todd and looked forward to find some mirror clinging to a brick wall. That must be the portal. When that sight in her eyes, her speed picked up; dragging Todd along with her; nearly tripping over his feet.
Travis also picked up speed as his eyes caught the mirror.
A moment later they all found themselves toppled over one another in a long, narrow, fog-filled room. Todd was sprawled out across the floor with Lovett fallen down on the left side of his chest. Travis had skidded across the slick floor and quickly stood back up. The mission was over. The mission was a success. But even though they fought and won against time, the barber still looked in horrible conditions.
He lied flat on his back; his chest heaving up and down. Lovett opened her eyes from the trip and found herself on top of Todd. She blushed and quickly stood up. She examined the barber sprawled out on the ground. A few bleeding cuts and bruises here and there. She held out her hand for him to hold onto the help pull him on.
Todd rubbed his eyes and finally took hold of her hand and staggered back up on his feet.
"You alright, love?" She asked him while patting off some of the dust and dirt off his shoulder.
He nodded and looked down the fog-filled room. The opening to the real world was dim and faded. The other side led to the fourth level of mirrors.
"You think you can walk?" She then asked while Travis quickly joined the two.
Todd again nodded; keeping quiet the entire time.
Travis took a quick glance at the zoned-out Todd, then back to Lovett. He then pulled Lovett aside and glanced back at Todd, then again back to Lovett.
"What's wrong? So he seems a bit out of it, he'll be fine," she assured Travis. "He's been like this before, it'll last an hour so then he'll be fine."
"I don't know..."
"Trust me," she assured.
"No... it's just. Usually when a soul wanders this far and stays in the living world for quite a long time... We have to take... necessary measures." He spoke with a stutter. The way someone would speak when delivering bad news.
She glanced to Todd. He just stood there. His head facing the room of mirrors; a confused face he held. She turned back to Travis and sighed.
"What kind of necessary measures?"
They all vanished from the fourth level; soon entering the empty ball rooms of the third level. Lovett had a strong grip on the barber; in fear of losing him again and him wandering off back into trouble. The three then exited out of the third level and entered the busy second level. They quickly slipped through the crowds of people and managed to rush down the stairs to the first level. Straight the the hospital.
Her anxiety was raising. She didn't know all of this would lead to the hospital. Todd still was a bit unaware of what the hell was happening around him.
"You told me nothing about the hospital!" She hissed at Travis; snatching onto his wrist and twisting it. "Surely we can just send him off to bed and he'll be fine in the morning."
"Sleep isn't always the cure." That was all Travis said before vanishing into a room; leaving Todd and Lovett in a slightly empty hallway.
"...Where are we?" Todd softly asked; looking up and down the hall. He saw a few people wearing all white; some wearing all black.
"The hospital. Don't you remember? You were 'ere a few days ago," she answered brushed a black curly lock out of his face. He flinched when she did so. "We've only been 'ere for a few days and you've been up in almost every trouble possible."
"And how 'ave you not? I don't understand. How come you don't see the pain and torture in this world? How can you forget the past that haunts like a nightmare. A nightmare that leaves you screaming and crying in your sleep. A nightmare you can't awake from no matter how hard you try."
"I keep my sanity."
Todd then immediately lost it. Sanity wasn't, and never will be apart of him. Her words stung; they were bitter and harsh to him. His eyes widened in rage. His head shook like a ratter in anger. He then fast as possible advanced to the baker; taking a strong, merciless grip around her throat. He gritted his teeth and hoisted her up against the wall by her throat. She tried to cry out for help, but his grip was too tight.
"Keep your sanity?!" He screamed.
She could see the bloodlust in his eyes. How terrifying the sight was. This was his true monster side. A side of him that was vicious, malevolent. His eyes were almost a sharp red. A mixture feeling of insanity, anger, and just a nervous breakdown raged throughout his body.
"KEEP YOUR SANITY?!" He repeated. His voice boomed like some bomb explosion. Out of all the horror and terror she's seen in her life, this was by far the most terrifying.
"KEEP YOUR FUCKING SANITY?!" His bloodcurdling screams echoed down the hall for everyone to hear.
She closed her eyes tight and wore a panic expression. She didn't know what to do; she didn't know what she could do. The man overpowered her by a lot; his grip continuing to gain strength.
It was at that moment when the door Travis vanished into, flew open and out came a stampede of men.
The second Travis saw Todd pinning the baker up against the wall he jumped back in fear.
"Let her go!" A man ordered in a barking voice. "Now!"
Todd zoned out the voices and continued to crush Lovett. Travis knew he needed to act and act now.
"Mr. Barker! Let her go!" He commanded and stepped forward in attempt to pull him back. In his violent stage, he used his free arm, that wasn't clutched around the baker, and shoved Travis down on his feet.
Todd then lifted the baker higher off the ground; his eyes locked on hers.
"You know fucking nothing of sanity!" He hissed. That's when the group of men who worked in the Authorities have had enough. They all charged towards the madman and pulled him down to his feet. His grip around her throat loosened and she dropped to the floor.
The men were all sprawled on top of Todd; one of them able to handcuff Todd's hands behind his back. Travis quickly went to Lovett's aid and helped her up.
Neither of them could believe what just happened. He was once just quiet and zoned out of reality; a moment later he snaps and begins screaming his head off. They looked at each other; both puzzled in expression.
"That's why we brought him to the hospital. It was only a matter of time before he snapped," Travis explained under his breath.
Lovett was now more terrified than ever. There was something about the way he acted that was more violent than the time he ended her life. Perhaps returning to the living world was too much for his damned soul.
The next thing they all both saw was Todd being dragged away in handcuffs. He kicked, he screamed, he cursed.
Lovett just stood at the end of the hall; watching him being dragged down the hall by a few men. His eyes were locked on hers and hers were locked on his. Great, here comes more therapy sessions, medicine, and the possible 'solution.'
What the hell just happened?

I really am sorry this update took almost a month. I know this chapter is short but I needed to update.
Some fun things are about to happen in the next chapter and that one might also take a while to update.
Please leave comments on how you like the story or would like the story to change.
And if your concerned the story's ending soon, no need to panic. I still have plenty of ideas to throw in so there's gonna be a lot of chapters!
And as always, thank you so much for reading and for more Sweeney Todd follow my instagram @demon.of.depp

Thank You

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