☠When Hell Breaks Loose☠

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Hours passed. Hours. Not seconds, not minutes. Hours. She stayed there sitting on the stool waiting for him to waken. She didn't want to run out and tell Travis in fear he'd apply his 'solution.' The solution could be killing him... but how? He's already dead, he has a slit in his throat to prove it.

She would often jump up and pace back and forth in his room. There would be times she was tempted to leave. He didn't need her, at least that's what she wanted to think. He did need her, he just never wanted to acknowledge that fact. She sat herself back down on the stool and watched over the barber.

"Wake up," she whispered to herself. After about two hours passed, she went for the door. There was no more hope to put in him. All that hope had been lost. He wasn't going to wake up and why should she be here when he does... if he does.

Her hand grasped the handle and she pulled the door open.

"Where are you going? A mumbled voice spoke.

She cautiously turned around to find the former barber sitting up in bed with a pillow held tight in his fists.

"I don't even know why I came in 'ere, it's not like I can help you or anything," she whispered and continued her way.

"I never said leave," his voice spoke louder. It wasn't his usual dark tone. It actually sounded gentle. "So why were you in 'ere?" He shifted in his bed, it was obvious he was half-asleep-half-awake; barely knowing what's going on.

"But... you never like it when I'm around you," Lovett replied and walked back into the room after she picked the shopping bag from outside the door.

"When did I ever say that?"

"Mr. T... you ok?" She said; ignoring his question. This obviously wasn't his natural attitude towards her.

"I feel fine," he then forced a smile. A smile she knew not to trust. She knew that smile, it'd be the warm smile he'd greet his customers with. "Whats in the bag?"

"Oh, nothing really, just..."

"Just what?" He interrupted.

The way he acted was beginning to frighten her. Although she hated his usual dark and brooding, she'd rather that than the way he's acting now.

"... I went out... bought a few things, I even picked you up something," he mentioned as she began to lift the vest out of the bag.

It was at that moment when his face lit up even more. His eyes caught the vest and couldn't take them off of it. "What's that?" He asked, although knowing exactly what it was. The tone in his voice seemed like his normal self, but Lovett still wasn't going to trust it.

"A vest, a vest like your old one. Here," she replied and handed him the folded vest. "Reminded me of you... so I picked it up." She immediately regretted saying that last part. She shouldn't let him know that she still has a fondness for him.

He didn't reply but only ran his hands along the material. The stitching was off a bit but other than that it was identical.

"Mind answering my question," she interrupted as she walked over to the vanity and picked up the empty medicine bottle. Todd watched her actions and swallowed hard. "You ok?"

"I said I'm fine," he said again in that strange tone with the fake, devil smile.

"Care to explain about this?" She asked and raised the bottle for him to see. "Empty," she mentioned.

"I can see that," Todd murmured.

"Mr. Todd it's bloody empty!"

"I said I can see that," he repeated; sounding a bit irritated.

"Why?!" She cried and crossed her arms.

"Get out," Todd quickly replied, trying to keep calm.

"Oh so now you want me out," she scoffed. "Just tell me why you took all of them at once! You tell me and I won't speak a word of it to Mr. Travis."

"Like I care what that jackass has to say," Todd ridiculed.

"Fine, I will tell him, then he'll give you his little solution which I'm sure is something not nice," she replied and dropped the bag full of other clothing on the floor.

"I'm sure it can't be worse than living in this hell, now get out!" He said this time a bit louder and darker. Much darker.

Hearing the new tone in his voice actually made her relax. It sounded like his normal, dark, merciless self, but them again that wasn't a complete good thing.

"Well sorry I actually care about you," she scoffed and with that, she left. Why was she even there in the first place? Why? She knew that was a mistake. She slammed the door behind her and wanted to yell at him through the door, but knew there'd be no use for it. All she wants to do his help him, help him back up on his feet, but it's hard to do that when he's constantly pushing her away.

Instead of marching off to her room, she only slid her back down his door and fell to the ground. She held her head in her hands and cried softly. He'll be a goner in no time, she thought.

On the other side of the door, Todd was standing up from hours of sleeping in bed and glaring at the broken mirror.

"Look at yourself," he mumbled and slowly stepped up to the vanity. "You're fucked up in the head. You deserve to be fucking miserable." He thought he was the only one who could hear him talk, but he thought wrong. Lovett, on the outside of the room, heard every single word.

Now, he was standing dead straight in front of the broken mirror. His body was shaking all over, as if he were having some freak, anxiety attack. His scratched up pale hands grabbed a shard of glass and tightened his grip around it. It sent pain throughout his whole body, it made his palm trickle with blood, but he refused to show himself in pain.

"Just face it, Lucy's gone! Johanna's gone! Your whole fucking life is GONE!" His voice roared like thunder and cracked as his eyes watered up yet a tear didn't fall. Every word he said became louder and violent. The grip around the shard of glass became tighter and more blood shed.

He had reached a breaking point, a complete breaking point. Worse than his epiphany when he was alive. His hand that didn't hold the glass reached over and picked up the navy brush that was sat to the side of the vanity then immediately swung at the mirror. The glass that still hung in the frame from last time then finally let loose.

Todd then kicked at the vanity which sent it collapsing to the ground and out of the way. It was just him and the broken mirror stained with his blood.

"Just burn in hell already!" His voice crackled. He let out a horrid bloodcurdling scream and pounded the brush once against at the mirror. "Burn in hell! Burn in hell!" He screamed repeatedly. His grip around the brush loosened then it fell to the floor along with scattered shards of bloodstained glass. This time, he used his own fist and punched at remaining pieces in the mirror frame. His knuckles took no delay to cut and bleed.

Lovett had heard enough. She heard his horrifying cries and screams, his continuous cursing, the life threatening pounds against the wall. She jumped up with her heart racing as if it were to jump right out of her chest. She was too scared to even imagine what'd she find when she'd open the door. Everything then just felt as if time was going slow. Every movement made was slow and lengthy. Her hand grasped around the door handle and slowly twisted. Her breathing stopped, her heart that was racing stopped, time stop. The click of the doorknob opening was all that could be heard.

She pushed the door open as fast as possible, yet it seemed in slow motion.

Her eyes then met the demon barber curled up in ball with bleeding hands, surrounded by shards of sharp, bloodstained glass. He was whispering words to himself; his head buried in his broken hands. The room was a disaster, and so was he.







cliffhanger huh? and sorry for such a short chapter, I hate short chapters but the next will be crazy long. next chapter will be up in a few days and everything will turn to chaos. for more sweeney todd follow @demon.of.depp on instagram

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