His Three Choices

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"You're going to have to tell him."
"Why me? You tell him."
"You've been in charge of him since he arrived!"
"You're his doctor!"
The two men argued back forth in the room with the large two way mirror. They discussed who to tell Todd that the Lost Souls Room may be his next destination. They both knew he'd blow up. They both knew he'd thrash around and curse at the top of his lungs.
They watched the madman through the window. He was just sitting at the end of the bed in handcuffs.
He knew they were watching him on the other side. He knew they were mocking him and laughing at him. He glared at them right through the two way mirror.
He fiddled around with his fingers; just waiting for the door to swing open and someone to deliver him bad news.
Then the door did swing open and Todd didn't even react. He was expecting it.
"Good morning, Mr. Todd," Vincent greeted as he walked by the side of Travis.
Todd didn't reply. He knew what they were going to say.
"Last night was something, huh?" Travis smiled; hoping to give Todd comfort and security.
"Where's Eleanor?" Todd asked bluntly. He asked in subtle yet dark voice. His eyes didn't blink; he continued to glare at them for as long as he could.
"She's in her room," Travis answered. "But don't worry about her."
"I'm not worried about her," Todd replied calmly. "I just ask of you two to bring her here." He held his hands together; so far doing an succeeding job at keeping calm.
"We understand you want to see her, but we can't allow it because-"
"I suggest you bring her in here right this second or you'll regret not doing so," Todd threatened in a louder tone. He sat at the edge of the bed; ready to act.
"Mr. Todd, it's not like you could do much. You're in handcuffs," Travis spoke with some sort of laughter.
"Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious," Todd scowled with sarcasm and a sick smile.
Vincent then suddenly pulled out a file. It was Todd's file.
"Mr. Todd, can you explain what happened last night?" He asked as he pulled up a chair close to the bed. Travis did the same and kept himself occupied by untying and retying his tie.
Todd exhaled and fell back into the bed. His eyes looked up at the blank ceiling as he tried to recall last night's misery. He didn't want to remember it, he wanted it stay some forgotten blur.
"Wouldn't you know what happened? You all were watching and laughing as you did so. I'm sure the event even recorded itself into my file. I know you have some diagnosis for the madness I've become." He spoke in a strange tranquil tone and then sat up straight up. "So please, enlighten me on what you think I've become."
Both Vincent and Travis sat back in shock. He wasn't as violent as they imagined him to be.
"Firstly, none of us laughed. Secondly, we want to hear in your own words how you would describe the night," Vincent explained with his familiar pen and notepad.
Todd just rolled his eyes and collapsed back into the bed. He then shot back up with a grimace smile.
"Is there still that possibility of the Lost Souls Room?" He quickly asked; hoping that they thought that's where he wanted to go. He could only hope if they knew he wanted to go there, they wouldn't allow it.
"We will speak of that later," Vincent answered. "Now stop avoiding my question: describe last night."
Todd sighed when realizing there was way out from answering this question.
"I mostly remember you bloody people taking me away from her," he hissed and remembered her fragile face. How beautiful it was.
"We had reasons to do so. You know what that reason is, so describe it in own words."
"This is bull shit," Todd spat. "You know why I'm here and it's something I shouldn't have to creatively describe. So I bludgeoned a man, so what?!"
Todd was reaching the violent stage they were prepared for.
Vincent then moved his head closer to Travis and whispered something in his ear. As acute as Todd's hearing was, he couldn't catch what Vincent said. Travis smiled back and got up from his seat.
"We'll be back since you're uncooperative," Vincent stated before they both vanished into the room.
"Bastards," Todd muttered under his breath. He then jumped off the bed. He couldn't help but laugh at how foolish They were to not lock him up on the bed. Shackles may of bounded his wrists and ankles, but he was still mobile. He paced over at the two way mirror and smiled at its reflection.
He knew the trick of when you're feeling no less than a pile of shit, just force a smile.
He then placed a finger upon the glass and noticed his finger made contact with the finger in the reflection.
Defiantly a two way mirror.
In normal mirror, if you touch your reflection, there's a space in between you and the reflection.
He wanted to smash the mirror into millions of pieces, but there was no use.
He wanted to see the people on the other side. He wanted to know who was studying him. His attention on the mirror was then interrupted by the door opening and slamming against the wall behind it.
Todd looked to see the return of Travis and Vincent, but it wasn't them.
One of the men was his parole officer. The other was the doctor whose throat was also slit and threatened Todd before he left the mental facility.
Todd then backed up and glared at the men approaching him.
"The hell do you two want? You both wanted me back in this room, now look you got what you wanted," Todd scowled.
"Not exactly," the doctor smirked.
Todd then watched as he pulled on something that was stationed in the hall.
"We heard you loved this very much," the parole officer laughed as he helped the doctor pull in the electroshock machine. They then quickly slammed and locked the door shut and placed a sheet from the bed over the two way mirror.
"Shit," Todd mumbled to himself. He knew he couldn't fight his way out of this, especially with his ankles and wrists bounded. "I'm pretty sure if either Travis or Vincent find you doing this, you'll find yourself in a room like this."
"I highly doubt they'll find out. They're oblivious. We just wanna make sure we have our fun before they throw you in the Lost Souls Room, cause that's where's you're going real soon," the doctor smirked while he began prepping the machine.
Todd looked around for some exit, some escape, but there was none. The door was locked and the mirror into the other room was unbreakable.
Then a grimace smile sprawled across his face. He smirked to himself.
"To make a less pain to you, just get on the bed and allow us to restrain you," the officer smiled brightly.
Then without hesitation, Todd quickly placed himself behind the officer and wrapped his arms around his throat. With the cuffs bounding his wrists, he used that to strangle the officer.
The cold metal of the cuffs rubbed against the slit in the man's throat; causing more pain. It was like bonus.
The man gripped at Todd's wrists; fighting for release.
The doctor took notice of the attack and tried to pull Todd back. Todd only turned quick enough that he elbowed the doctor across the face unintentionally.
The man tripped to the floor and nearly pushed the electroshock machine with him. Todd managed to slam the officer next to the doctor. They were now both a little groggy as they looked at Todd with his hands painted in blood.
Todd stood above them with a grimace look upon his face.
"Ha, you're just having another one of your hallucination episodes," the officer laughed as he clutched his throbbing throat in pain.
Todd frowned. "No I'm not," he spoke firmly.
"Are too, it's like every time you thought you were fighting your pal, Turpin. It's real easy to manipulate your mind," he snarled as he wiped at some blood across his cheek.
Todd shook his head. He knew this wasn't some episode. This was real, not a mind trick.
The two then helped each other, but they stayed close to the wall behind them. "Don't be surprised when you find yourself at the door of the Lost Souls Room."
And with that last statement, the two exited the room.
Even though he was a little confused at what happened, he knew what he saw and what he did was real. There was even real blood upon his hands, it was proof.
He sat himself on the side of the bed with his legs dangling off it.
A few minutes passed and the door reopened. Vincent had returned leaving the door opened behind him.
The first thing he saw was the piercing blood that stained Todd's hands. He then followed the blood that led up Todd's nose; it was gushing blood.
"The hell did you do?" Vincent spoke, his own words surprising him. He quickly grabbed a cloth that had been lying on his desk across the room.
"Those two bastards came in, threatened with that bloody electroshock machine," Todd explained in a sickened and annoyed tone.
Vincent arched his brow as he dabbed at the blood; trying to clean up the man.
"What men?"
"My parole officer and that other doctor with the slit across his throat. That's whose blood is on my hands," he said as he waved his bloodied hands in front of Vincent.
"Mr. Todd, that's your own blood," Vincent stated. "Did you not realize your nose is bleeding?"
Todd then arched his brow in bitter confusion.
"No, no. Explain the sheet over the mirror..." As he looked over at the two way mirror where the two men had hung a sheet to cover it, there was no sheet there.
"What sheet?" Vincent asked as he finished his job.
Todd looked down to his somewhat clean hands and back to the mirror.
What the bloody hell happened?
Vincent put the puzzle pieces together to come with the conclusion that Todd was imagining things once again. He sighed in frustration and looked back to the open door.
"You may come in," he called as he walked to the door.
And in through the door came Eleanor Lovett. Todd's heart then lightened as she was the sign of relief. He grinned immediately and she did the same, but in a bit uneasy way.
"I'll leave you two to talk," Vincent said before he walked out and closed the door.
Lovett sat next to him on the bed and noticed the faint blood on his hands. She knew what had happened, she saw what had happened, but didn't know how to explain to him.
Todd just sat there in bitter confusion.
"You alright?" She started while taking a hold of his hand.
"Yea," he spoke. "Sorry bout last night," he sighed and glanced over at the two way mirror; he knew there mocking eyes were watching.
"Don't apologize, love," she replied and examined the faded blood that was painted his upper lip.
"How long were you watching through the mirror?" He bluntly asked.
The question caught her off guard. How'd he know she was in there? She didn't bother ask how he knew, but instead simply answered his question.
"Few minutes," she stated. "Sweeney, those two men didn't come in like you said."
Todd tried to reimagine the short incident but without the men, but it just didn't add up. He remained silent; just processing he was losing what's left of his mind.
"Sweeney, you were beating yourself up," she admitted. She quickly felt his hand tense up as he sat there frozen like a statue.
He didn't want to believe what he didn't witness. He witnessed the men threatening him and mocking him and he then beating them senseless.
"I'm terrified They'll put you away for good. I don't want that to happened," she whimpered and buried her head on his lap. He remained stationary; not allowing her words to get through him.
"It won't happened," was all he could choke out, but he could knew it was a lie.
The two remained sitting on the bed for quite some time in silence. They were both thinking this could be their last moments together and didn't want it to end.
Lovett couldn't get the vision of watching Todd through the two way mirror senselessly beating himself up. She couldn't shake away his tortured voice screaming "I don't wanna go!"
The way his voice yelped in agony was like no other sound.

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