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Eleanor Lovett had dropped off her clothes in her room, changed into the beautiful purple and black dress, and held the bag that held the barber's identical clothes.

Should she give him the bag? If she did it'd be more than obvious that she still loves him, even though he did kill her. She let out a grieving sigh; already knowing she'll regret her next actions.

She took the bag and slowly walked out of her room.

Her eyes glanced up at the door that stood before her. What was behind that door? A demon, that's what was behind it. A psychotic man who deserves no forgiveness, no second chances... but she was about to give him that second chance.

There she stood, at his door, hesitant to knock. Her eyes drifted upwards at the new plaque hanging over the original.

Sweeney Todd

It said. It was barley nailed on, as if there was no attempt into putting it there. As she was thinking and looking at the new plaque, she didn't even notice her own hand raising and knocking at the door.

Three simple knocks against the wood. She didn't call his name or say anything, the three knocks was all she did. Her stomach filled with butterflies, but why? She wanted to admit her love once again, but look where that got her last time.

As always, the door didn't immediately open, so she waited. A good two minutes then passed, and she knocked again. No reply. Her hand then clutched the doorknob, expecting it to be unlocked like last time, but no, the doorknob didn't budge. It didn't turn to the left, nor to the right. Locked.

Lovett sighed and set the small bag of clothes by the door.

"I'll see you later, Mr. T," she softly whispered and vanished the scene. She really wanted him to open the door. So she left the bag and scurried off the second level to start her first day of business.

~Six Hours into the Day~

Business was booming like no day on Fleet Street. The expansion of the shop came in handy for there were people seriously everywhere. People from all over the world and all from different time periods gathered up in Mrs. Lovett's Bakery for treats and everything sweet.

But something was missing from all the joy and fun. There just wasn't that same spark of running a bakery like on Fleet Street. The spark couldn't of been being able to cut up human remains and hide them in meat pies, no that wasn't the spark. The spark was being able to serve her customers and look up at Todd's balcony porch to see him with a razor in hand sending her a devious smile while she winked at him. That was the spark. It wasn't the same to run a bakery without a barber shop above. It wasn't the same to run a shop alongside with Toby.

Oh Toby, the poor dear.

Lovett had been running around all day. Baking pies, cookies, pastries, and all other treats; pouring glasses with ale, gin, and water; taking up good ole money and watching customers smiling. Her weak bones were ready drop and she was forced to close up shop.

The shop was empty and dried out of supplies. Flour and cream smeared over her new dress. Her once clean bun was now hanging down with threads of hair dangling down by her ears. Her eyes makeup was somewhat smeary, but not too terrible. She sat herself at a booth as she counted up the money in a weary voice. Once down, she decided it was time to head back to her room to rest up.

She locked up her shop and as she did so, with the key still jiggling in the lock, someone tapped on her shoulder.

Lovett quickly turned around, strangely expecting it to be the barber, but no, it was only Edward Travis.

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