Tease him back

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That was the first night she dreamt of Serkan Bolat. His smell and his voice resonated on her mind like a melody all night and even when she woke up, he still didn't leave her thoughts.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself Eda?"- she murmured as she woke up.

The intense feeling that she felt the day before was speaking notes very clearly, but her sober self couldn't quite put a name to it. Why? Because it couldn't be named. I mean what did she think? That Serkan Bolat had any other plans for her besides making her his object of pleasure, fucking her and then when he was done with her, throw her away like a piece of trash? Just like all the whores he'd been with?

"Uff ya Eda."- she cursed under her breath as Piril and Ceren entered her room.

"Gunaydin Eda"- Ceren said to her friend, not sure if she had forgiven her.

"What's with that face?"- Piril asked, making Eda recall the moments of yesterday.

"Serkan Bolat teased me and I can't seem to get that dickhead out of my mind"- Eda said in one breath, leaning her head against her knees to hide her embarrassment.

"Oh fuck. What did he do?"- Ceren asked and Eda explained it to them, making sure not to leave any detail out.

"Fuck. He really got you good"- Piril said with a smile on her face. "Eda, Serkan always gets his way."

"Yeah, not with Eda though. If there's one thing I know about her is that she never gives in"- Ceren said as she hugged her friend.

"Tease him back"- Piril suggested. "Yeah, tease him back. I bet my life on it that you're not leaving his mind either. He finds you attractive for some reason, I mean, isn't that why he chose to keep you around?"

"Do you really think so?"- Eda asked, knowing that Piril actually knew him since they were little.

"Yes Eda. We will find a way to tease him, don't worry. Come on, let's go have breakfast."- Piril said, dragging Eda out of the room with Ceren's help.

Their men had arranged breakfast for them on the balcony, but Eda barely touched it.

"So Eda, I heard you can fight. That was a little unexpected, to be honest"- Piril said to her.

"Yeah, my aunt made sure I could take care of myself. Though I never understood why it was needed."- Eda said as she lit a cigarette up.

"It's a good thing she did. Do you want to train?"- Piril asked. "In the basement, we go there to blow some steam off. Ceren will you come join us?"

"No girls I have to take a look at the database for the next shipment. But you have fun."- Ceren said as she headed out.

After they had breakfast, Eda and Piril changed into comfortable clothes and headed downstairs. There were two big rooms that were separated only by a big door. One was full of weapons where you could train with the guns and the other was pretty much a boxing gym that had a boxing ring and a few boxing bags in it.

"Perfect"- Eda murmured as she put the wraps on her hands.

"Gimme me your best shot Eda Yildiz"- Piril said after they both finished warming up. Three rounds later and Piril already called it quits after being put down three times.

"Already tired? I was just warming up"- Eda joked as she continued her training with a punching bag, only stopping when she noticed Serkan come in. Only he wasn't wearing his fancy suit, but something rather casual. 

"I don't understand how you could possibly have the strength of 10 men."- Piril said as she extended her hand for Serkan to take it so she could get up.

"You okay?"- Serkan asked Piril, seeing how she'd run completely out of breath.

"This is a tough one, I'm telling you"- she said to him as she got up ready to leave.

"Oh trust me, I know"- Serkan chuckled as he put his wraps on, inviting Eda to the boxing ring. "Come on Eda Yildiz. Show me what you're made of."

"Easy Serkan Bolat. You're playing with fire and you might just get burned"- Eda smirked at him as she got into the ring.

"We'll see who burns first then"- Serkan said, teasing her by throwing a punch near her, but not far enough to reach her and Eda did the same.

"Will we skip to the fun part?"- Eda said, done with the warm-up/teasing. She let her guard down for just a mere second and that was enough for Serkan to secure her hands and flip her so her back was brushing against his chest, pressing his hard-on against her ass in doing so.

"Is this what you call 'the fun part'?"- Serkan whispered in her earlobe, making her shiver at first and then in a swift move pulling him over her shoulder, making him fall on the ground.

"No, this is"- Eda said as she took his arm between her legs, pushing behind so he'd give up. What she didn't take into consideration was that Serkan's big muscular arms could take so much that her weight meant nothing.

"You rush so much"- Serkan chuckled as in a fast movement he got on top of Eda, securing her hands on both sides of her head. That was it. Their faces were a few inches apart and she could feel his breath under her skin.

There was no way she was going to let him win, so she hit him in the stomach and then flipped the both of them so she was on top, tangling his hands so he would not get out of her grip.

"You were saying?"

"I was saying that you act like you trust yourself way too much around me, yet you still let your guard down"- Serkan said, taking her by shock so he seized the opportunity to flip her over again, this time securing her hands together on top of her head.

"You give yourself way too much credit Serkan Bolat."- she said, struggling to get out of his grip, but not wanting to do so anyways. Now his erection was pressing right through her wet core, making her seek for friction but not daring to move to create it, because the moment she would have done it, she'd already have lost.

"Do I now?"- Serkan whispered down her neck, making her shiver as his breath hit her skin before dropping a soft kiss on it. He knew how to press her buttons and he barely knew her, but the gesture made Eda's body tremble with desire, but she quickly seized the opportunity herself to flip them over one more time.

"Who was the one to let his guard down again?"- Eda smiled at him and he was fucked. He'd never seen her smile up so close. Her dimples were a work of art and for one thing he was completely sure. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

"No, better question. Who was the one to give up control even though he's a control freak that accesses control and I emphasize control in every aspect of life?"- she winked at him, knowing that she'd already won. She'd done it, she had teased him back. The only thing left for her to do was that little gesture that made her legs tremble with desire whenever he did it to her. She leaned in and kissed him on his neck, feeling him shiver under her touch.

She knew there was no going back after having done something like that, but she didn't care. He wanted to play a game and she was keen on showing him how to play. Little did she know that the fire they were playing with would end up burning both of them.

"You don't do something like that and get away with it Eda Yildiz."

Author's note: Hey sorry for not posting but I was on a school trip and I just came back. I hope you're all doing well, I kinda almost died 10 times while hiking but I'm alive, barely lol, I have bruises all over my body bc there was snow and I tripped at least 10 times before breaking my ass by falling on a big ass stone with all of my weight. So as you can see, I can say that this has been an eventful weekend. Love you all and I hope you enjoyed the intensity of this chapter.

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