One more wish, one last wish

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"She's going to be fine Serkan."- Piril said as she patted his shoulder. He couldn't bring himself to utter any words so he simply nodded. The wait, the worry, the fear had drained him almost completely and he was holding onto hope that when those doors in front of him opened, they would bear only good news.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the doors in front of him opened, a known face coming out of them, Fifi. They all gathered around her, demanding to know Eda's state.

"How is Eda? How is..."- Serkan asked, praying once more that she was fine.

"She was extremely dehydrated and malnourished but that is being taken care of by the IV fluids. She was excessively bleeding when she was brought in, but now both her and the baby are fine. They will be moved to a room right now. Gecmis olsun"- the doctor said.

Serkan closed his eyes and finally let a breath he didn't know he was holding out, thanking God for listening to his nonending prayers. The tension on his chest finally loosened, his heartbeat slowly started to return to normal.

"They're both okay"- he kept repeating to himself to actually start believing it. He almost lost them. But now that he knew that they were fine, he was going to make it up to both of them for the rest of their life.

Life. What he used to call miserable. Life. It had given him the best gift ever, a family. A woman he loved deeply and a child, whom he'd love more than anything in the world. Life had its own mysterious ways that he'd never quite understand, but for the moment, he was grateful. And that meant having to take an important step if that meant that his family was safe.

It had been a few minutes that Eda was moved to a room that they let Serkan in to see her. And as he stepped inside the door, his heart broke. She was sleeping so peacefully, her hair all around the pillow she'd leaned her head on, her eyes closed. There was some bruising across her jaw and a few stitches on the left side of her forehead.

She was indeed a fighter, they both were. He'd underestimated her strength and he was yet once again reminded of it. It was what made him fall in love with her in the first place. He leaned and pressed his lips gently to her forehead, then to her lips, pecking them so softly as a tear escaped from his face recalling all the events that led to this.

"I'm going to make it up to you baby. I promise. Just wake up, my love."- he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers, hoping she'd hear him.

Due to the fact that her body was weak, it would take her longer to wake up. Serkan never left her side, he held her hand and whispered things to her for hours.

A nurse came in to change her IV fluid bag. "This is the last one. She's going to be fine. You know, here at the hospital, we all adore her. Her power, her strength and determination. She pushes us to do better and be better."

"Yeah, I know."- Serkan smiled genuinely as he held Eda's hand. "She does that to me too."

"You should be careful. This period is the hardest and the riskiest for her. She needs a lot of rest, food, love and to stay away from anything that makes her stressed. Especially after what she's been through."- the nurse recommended and Serkan listened to her with increased interest.

"What does it mean that this period is the hardest and riskiest?"- He asked concerned.

"Well, miscarriages usually happen in the first trimester. That's why I'm saying no to stress. Just make her happy and take care of her and you should be fine. Also, a lot of symptoms during the first trimester will begin to fade during the second one. You know the morning sickness, the dizziness, mood swings and so."- the nurse explained.

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