There's something you should know before...

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2 weeks went by in a blink of an eye. Eda had already got used to her new routine and Serkan had noticed that she looked more tired than usual, even though she had tried to hide it. He figured it was because of her job, being face to face with death on a daily basis.

Although he kept constantly telling her that she didn't have or need to work, Eda didn't listen to him. It was her dream, her life and somehow what made her feel normal. 

Serkan's relationship with Defne had improved a little, but he was still having second thoughts about it. He was still having difficulties telling whether she was putting up an act to manipulate him or she really regretted the things she'd done.

"Everything will turn out fine if we don't do anything out of our original plan"- Defne stated, but Balca was a little skeptical about it.

"What if it backfires on us?"

"It won't. It's not my first time doing this. Besides, why are you worrying so much, I'm doing all the deadlift here"- Defne insisted. "I'm going to torture the living shit out of Eda, just like I did with her mother. She will suffer the same fate as her, but then again, the apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?"

"May I ask why you hate her so much? What has she done to you?"- Balca asked. She wanted to get rid of her for good so Serkan could finally be hers, but she doubted that was the way to achieve her goal. It was too risky and if they got caught, they'd both be done for good.

"You ask too many questions canim. You want to get rid of Eda? So do I. It's a win-win. Enough with the chit chat."- Defne said already having executed the plan in her mind. She was going to make Serkan pay for what he did to Anton and since she couldn't kill him, she was keen on making him suffer. And what better way to do that than by torturing the woman he loved? Wouldn't be the first time.

Balca was just a stupid psycho that would help her along the way. Defne benefited from Balca's blind feelings towards Serkan that getting her to help was the easy part. 

"Let's go through the plan again."- Balca insisted.

"At precisely 3 AM, the security footage cameras are going to go off for 3 minutes. That's all I need to escape. We're going to meet at the end of the road and drive straight to the hospital. The rest is the easy part."- Defne explained.

"Defne, if you don't make it in three minutes, the alarm is going to set off."- Balca warned.

"Don't worry, I will."

Serkan was having a hard time letting Eda go to work this late. They needed her help in the ER and he hated her blind devotion to work. 

"Babe, please, let me go. I promise it's only for today. Efe wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important. They need me there"- Eda pleaded, but he had hugged her so tightly and wouldn't let her go. It took some persistence to finally give in because hey, it was Eda Yildiz. Was he ever able to say no to her? No. Would he ever be? Probably not.

"I'm going to drive you and then pick you up myself."- Serkan exclaimed finally letting go of her.

"Okay, my love. I'll text you as soon as I'm done. Come on now, let's go"- Eda said, giving him a last peck in the lips before finally fully convincing him to head down to his car.

"I'm going to have a talk with our precious Efe that makes my fiancé work this late at night"- Serkan stated, annoyed at the fact that she was working late.

"Serkan, don't interfere with my job. I'm used to this. I've worked for this my whole life. So instead of complaining, try to be a little supportive"

"Tamam, tamam. Don't get angry."

She arrived in the hospital 15 minutes later and to say that the ER was a mess was considerate. There had been a huge accident at a construction site and a lot of people were hurt badly. She had to head straight into surgery as her patient was bleeding from his splenic artery and had lost way too much blood. Had he been brought 5 minutes later, he'd already be dead.

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