Who am I?

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The kiss explained itself pretty well, even though it might have looked like it was due to pure lust, behind it a mixture of feelings of want, need and desire were deeply hidden. But they both felt it, both gave a part of their soul to the kiss as their souls combined into one.

Serkan finally released her bottom lip and stopped his sweet attack only to take a look at her and drink in her beauty, her lips swollen from the kiss and her eyes lightly shut, enjoying every bit of it.

What just happened?

"Took you long enough"- Eda smirked as she wiped the smudged lipstick from his face.

"Somebody was playing hard to get."- Serkan smiled, leaning in again to peck her lips for one last time.

"I hate you"- Eda murmured, cursing herself for not being able to resist him, but not blaming herself though. Who could resist him? As much as a pain in the ass he might have been, it made sense why all women basically threw themselves at him.

But he knew how to kiss like there was no tomorrow, and it made her legs tremble with desire. The desire for him, to have him with her, around her, in her. But if it was so wrong, why did it feel so damn good?

"No, you don't"- Serkan smirked at her and she swore, when he did that, heat rushed down her legs. He was sculpted to perfection by the gods themselves. Their eye-fuck was interrupted by Engin. Again. She'd never met anyone in her life with such bad timing as Engin.

"Abi... Uh oh, yenge, I'm interrupting again am I not?"- Engin smiled uncomfortably

"Engin"- Serkan whined in annoyance. "I seriously wonder sometimes how I haven't put a bullet in between your eyes yet."

Eda chuckled upon seeing Serkan's reaction. He loved her smile, every time she laughed, her adorable dimples showed up, and he had to resist the urge to kiss them because if he did, he knew he wouldn't have been able to stop and take her right there right then.

"I'm afraid this can't wait. We need to be careful about the next shipment and we need to up the security so they don't sabotage it again"- Engin said as he took a seat next to Serkan while Piril approached him. Balca followed them shortly after.

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, but work calls us"- Piril winked at Eda, smiled at Serkan and took a seat next to Engin. She made sure Balca was listening.

"Ne demek"- Eda winked back at her, cleaning her smudged lipstick with the back of her index finger and Serkan couldn't help but smirk.

"I'm going to get a drink"- Eda said as she headed to the bar, ordering a glass of scotch whiskey and then heading back to the table to see that Balca had already taken her seat.

"Şimdi göreceksin sen"- Eda murmured to herself as she threw a death gaze to Balca then to Serkan, who simply smirked and looked at her impatiently to see what she was going to do.

"Yenge, come sit here"- Engin said sensing the tension that had set in the table. He was 100% on Eda's side, but he didn't want her to make a scene.

"Thank you Engin, but I have my seat right there"- Eda said as she sat in Serkan's lap, throwing a hand behind his neck so she was facing everyone.

Serkan was taken aback by the action. Damn, she was impulsive and hella territorial. Piril could have sworn Balca's eyes were literally going out of her head.

"Easy love."- Serkan whispered in her ear as she settled on his lap while the others discussed the date and time for the shipment that was supposed to go to Europe. "What's with the jealousy?"

"I don't get jealous Serkan Bolat. I just don't like people starring at what I have my eyes on"- she said as she lit up a cigarette, inhaling its smoke in and then breathing it out as if filled her lungs, realizing what she'd just said a few seconds later.

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