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"I fucking knew it"- Piril said to Eda with a smile on her face.

"Would you mind keeping your voice down Piril?"- Eda flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, come on. How was it? You know what, never mind, I can tell by the way you struggle to sit down"- Piril said as Eda pinched her arm.

"Tamam ya, yeter. Help me pack some clothes"- Eda said to Piril and stopped for a moment. "Did you know?"

"Know what?"- Piril asked.

"My history, my parents, the fact that I'm supposed to be a mafia princess and these type of shit"- Eda asked her friend.

"I didn't. Engin told me yesterday and to be honest, I wasn't surprised. You have inherited the gene, I mean look at you, you're tough as hell"- Piril smiled at her. "I'm glad Serkan told you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to bottle it in."

"He didn't actually"- Eda looked down. "I found out myself and he had no other choice but to tell me."

"Why did he keep it from you then?"- Piril asked.

"He said he did it to protect me and I understand that, but that doesn't mean I agree with it. I hate it when people lie to me. I might have fucked him but that doesn't mean I fully trust him"- Eda said as she finally packed her bags.

"Makes sense. Trust takes time to build, but one thing is for sure. Both of you are attracted to each other, no matter how much you both try to fight it"- Piril said.

"And that's what this is ever going to be. We can never be together, we might come from the same world but we grew up on different ones. All I know is that this isn't going anywhere and what sucks even more is that I can't leave."

"Yeah, it didn't take much for Serkan to figure out who you are either. And since you're both being hunted, you're stuck here"- Piril sighed. "But the real question is, are you ready? To introduce yourself to this world? Because once you do there's no coming back."

"There's only one thing that I know and that is no matter how much I want it, my life can't go back to normal and I'm still getting used to that. But once I do introduce myself, even the slightest chance I have at a normal life disappears into thin air."

"That is your choice, but remember, this is your legacy, it's in your blood whether you're ready to accept that or not. But it'd be safer for you if you and Serkan presented a united front. After all, it's both of you they're after"- Piril said and it made Eda think for a long time.

They were going to set off anytime now and Serkan noticed that Eda seemed more distant than usual.

"She's acting so distant. What if she regrets it?"- Serkan whispered to Engin.

"Why do you care?"- Engin provoked him.

"What do you mean why do I care? I don't care"- Serkan said and Engin hummed with a smile in response.

"I don't think it's you. Maybe everything you told her last night has finally settled in and she's still coming to terms with it. But since, and I emphasize, since you don't care, go ahead and ask yenge what's wrong, you know, not because you care or anything"- Engin chuckled and Serkan rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

"Eda"- Serkan said as he hugged her from behind, inhaling the intoxicating flowery scent of her hair. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go"- Eda said as they headed to the private jet.

"Everything alright?"- Serkan asked as Eda nodded in approval, but little did he know she was fighting her inner demons. After the night before, all her efforts to stay away from him had gone for nothing. He was slowly becoming a drug she was addicted to, and even though how toxic that might have seemed, she couldn't help it.

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