2.13 - Emotionally Compromised

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The Enterprise continued on its course to meet up with the fleet. Cali had continued working at his station, trying to keep his mind off of Jim and the unknown of his fate. He knew that if he let himself worry, he'd not be able to stop. He was somewhat thankful when Spock's father, Ambassador Sarek had come onto the bridge again and Spock had stepped away from the Captain's chair to speak with him. Keeping an eye on Spock, to make sure he was okay and keep his previous promise to the Vulcan, was an even better distraction than work.

Then Chekov spoke up, catching his attention as he called to the Captain. "Captain Spock, detecting unauthorized access to water turbine control board."

"Bring up the video." Spock ordered as he moved away from his father and towards the front of the bridge, coming to a stop next to the young Russian.

Cali turned around so that he could see, wondering what could be happening during all of this. He was shocked to see his partner on screen for a few seconds before he ran from frame. "Jim..." Cali called to him quietly without realising. The utter relief in his voice was almost heart-breaking.

Though Spock was almost overwhelmed with anger and frustration at seeing Jim back on his ship, he couldn't shake the warmth in his heart at hearing how relieved Cali was at the man's presence. Spock knew that Cali obviously felt worried for his partner, but Cali hadn't truly expressed how much it affected him, focusing on putting on a smile for his own sake. Spock had forgotten how good Cali could be at masking his feelings. Trying to shake off his thoughts of the cadet, he tapped the communicator. "Security, seal the engineering deck. We have intruders in turbine section three. Set phasers to stun."


As soon as Jim was escorted onto the bridge, he was suddenly stumbling back as Cali practically jumped on him, almost knocking him over since he was not prepared for the assault. Cali didn't care, in that moment, that what he was doing was completely unprofessional. He didn't care that everyone was looking, some giving judging looks. He was just too overwhelmingly relieved to see Jim safe that he just didn't care.

"Woah!" Jim gasped as he studied himself and looked at the body that had thrown himself at him. "Cali?" He questioned, though he of course knew the familiar silver hair and warm embrace belonged to his boyfriend. Though, he was still, of course, confused by the arms tightly wrapped around him as if trying to make sure he as real.

"You idiot..." Cali mumbled into Jim's shoulder, eyes closed as he tried to fight back tears. He hated crying. Why did Jim make him so emotional all the time? "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Hey, it's okay." Jim mumbled back in reassurance, easily able to hear the tearful relief.

In that moment, watching the emotional exchange, Spock didn't know what to feel. He was not used to feeling so many emotions, let along so many mixed and powerful emotions.

He still had barely let himself process let alone feel the complete overwhelming grief from losing so much. His planet. The lives of so many of his species. His mother. Then suddenly he felt so warm from the support, presence, and love of Caliaire. He still didn't know how to control the internal need to smile whenever Cali did. Then, of course, there was Kirk. His brain was trying to fight with the second-hand relief at seeing him safe from Cali and the anger he felt for the man for constantly trying to argue with him like he knew so much better. Then there was the feeling for Jim that Spock couldn't identify. An ugly feeling deep in his stomach as he watched him with Cali in his arms that fed his anger exponentially.

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